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1750 CE - 1900
Here's what this period looks like cartographically:
One of the major topics of this period is the Political Revolutions that took place. They
really changed the layout of the planet. This is the first period where we've had major
revolutionary changes to government systems. That being said, these revolutions didn't
happen overnight. They have roots in the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment.
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The Scientific Revolution actually began in the last era. Most textbooks like to look at it
along with the Enlightenment.
The Enlightenment takes the logical approach to government. It’s where all of the
revolutions got their ideas. It’s America. It’s Venezuela. It’s the National Assembly in
See the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment link on Scott’s page for an overview.
This era, the Modern Period, truly breaks down into 4 big ideas:
To make things easier, let’s go chronologically and start with the Revolutions.
5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform:
There are four major revolutions.
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Here’s a page on the American Revolution-
Here is a page on the French Revolution-
Here is a page on the Haitian Revolution-
Here is a page on the Latin American Revolutions-
Not all revolutions are enlightened. To be honest, a lot of them aren’t even
revolutionary. Everyone know George Washington and Maximilien Robespierre… But,
Wovoka? Hong? Let’s look at some other ‘movements’ that weren’t so successful…
5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform
Spend most of your time in 5.3 on the Revolutions we went over a few days ago. But,
here are some other attempts (some successful, some not) that took place in this era.
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Let’s start with the successes:
point slavery/serfdom had been omnipresent in most civilizations around the world. But,
through the work of the British Navy and women’s groups (among others) around the
world, this scourge on humanity was erased from the earth. Most notably by war in
America, Tsarist Decree in Russia, and laws passed around the world. The last large one
was Brazil in 1888.
SLAVE RESISTANCE: Who doesn’t like a good revenge story? Well, the ultimate one
took place in Haiti where Maroon Societies (escaped slaves living in the hinterland)
succeeded in overthrowing Napoleon. Sadly, this is the ONLY time this worked. Most
often they were defeated by their former slave owners :(
SUFFRAGE: LADIES!!!!! You did it. This is the era where women showed that they
were equal (somewhat) to men. At least in the field of suffrage (VOTING RIGHTS),
women began to gain voting privilege in this era. However, most women do not receive
the right to vote until the beginning of the next era. The roots of women’s suffrage took
hold at the end of the 19th Century.
REFORM MOVEMENTS: This could go in either category. Some were somewhat
successful (Tanzimat reforms) others were not (Self-strengthening movement). You take
the good… You take the bad… Here are some that didn’t work out:
CHALLENGES TO CENTRALIZED STATES: Not all states just conquered and
succeeded everywhere. In fact, all major empires that succeeded in expanding
throughout their geographic region step forward… NOT SO FAST MUGHALS! The
Mughals actually lost an expansionary war (Deccan Wars) to the Murathas. It was a 27
year war where Aurangzeb’s goal of Mughal control of the subcontinent was forever
ANTI-COLONIALISM: Nobody likes an outsider moving into your territory and
bossing you around, making you feel like a second class citizen. Well, that’s exactly how
Africa and Asia felt. However, if you attempt to fight back against an Industrialized
power, you’re gonna have a bad time. The AP gives two examples:
1. SEPOY REBELLION: Indian soldiers in the British East India Trading Company
were forced to use a gun that required them to ingest animal fat to open the protective
packaging. This led to a rebellion that was squashed by the British in 1857.
However, it was a big enough rebellion to cause Great Britain to take over for the
British East India Co. (meet the new boss… same as the old boss)
2. BOXER REBELLION: The Chinese peasants (along with the spirits of their
ancestors) decided to fight back against foreign/Christian incursions into China. They
were successful for a minute before being crushed by an international coalition of
forces, including both Japan and the United States.
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MILLENARIANISM: Technically, it MILLENARIANISM means a belief that the
world will end on years ending in 1000; in this case it refers to a mystical belief that the
world will end or a major change will occur due to an upcoming prophecy.
The banner should tip you off to the THESIS of this era. It’s the Industrial Revolution,
stupid! (Sorry, you’re not stupid… You’re a unique intellectual star. It’s a famous quote
popularized by President Clinton in the 90s as to how to win elections, “It’s the economy,
Yeah, it’s that big of a deal. It changed everything. And, when I say everything, I
MEAN UHHRTHANG. If I had 10 seconds to sum up human history to aliens, I would
say, “People left Africa, farmed, Columbus, Industrial Revolution, Moon landing,
Zelda.” This is gonna take a couple days to cover, so… Industrial Revolution: DAY
5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism
The Industrial Revolution is the answer to a lot of questions. Here are some:
What started in England and spread to Europe and America?
The Industrial Revolution. Europe was uniquely positioned for global domination
following the Columbian Exchange. Plus, the Atlantic System was the perfect highway
system to funnel precious raw materials (I’m looking at you cotton) back to the
What was totally fueled by timber, coal, and iron?
The Industrial Revolution. Your little spinning wheel in your house was made out of a
tree that fell on your property a few years back. Its powered by your feet. That’s not
revolutionary. One spinning wheel isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion spinning
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And that kind of production can’t happen in Mongolia or Mali. It can’t happen in
Arizona or Arabia. It requires Raw Materials. It’s no longer GOD GOLD & GLORY the
Europeans want… It’s Raw Materials…
When did European population growth go through the roof?
The Industrial Revolution. I’m not talking about, “Hey, did you hear the Andersons had
another kid?” I’m talking about the entire population of Europe doubling in one
century… Doubling. From 100 million to 200 million.
Cities sure are big these days… When did that start happening?
The Industrial Revolution. Improvements in farming (Scientific Farming) and increases
in population led people to the cities in search of work in the new factories. Take a look
at the two charts above. Not a ton of European Cities on the left, but on the Right? It’s
only cities that developed during the increase in Urbanization in this era.
If the first Agricultural Revolution was the introduction of farming, when does the
next Agricultural Revolution take place?
The Industrial Revolution. Scientific Farming put agriculture under the microscope. Crop
rotation, selective breeding, etc. led to greater yields. More food with less workers=more
calories, more unemployed. Luckily, there’s always those city jobs you can take in the
big city.
All those rivers and canals in England/Europe… What could those help out with?
The Industrial Revolution. How do you move product? Water. It’s cheap and easy. It
fuels steam engines. In England (where it all began) you can pretty much get anywhere
within a few days. Compare that to the United States or Russia…
Next, we look at the machinery all of this was built on. Word.
We built this revolution. We built this revolution on advanced machinery.
5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism:
The AP wants you to know two examples of machinery that led to all of the things we
looked at yesterday. And, its not just them; the Industrial Revolution was built on the
backs of two power sources:
1. The Steam Engine (Improved by James Watt)
Prior to Watt’s invention, most factory’s still held close to rivers and used waterwheels as
the key power source. But, rivers freeze, overflow, etc. There has to be a better way?
James Watt, the Scottish inventor, developed what you see above. Using the same small
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source of water, water is heated via burning coal that creates pressure that moves a piston
and creates force. Boom. That’s it. That allows factories to be moved closer to ports and
coal sources. Also, you take this bad boy and strap it to a train or a boat; and you have a
nice little energy source.
2. The Internal Combustion Engine
Most of you don’t have steam engines that get you from Point A to Point B. What you
probably use more is the internal combustion engine (above). I’m no engineer but
burning fuels (gas) directly in the engine creates more force than heated water (steam)
can provide. All I know is that if you crank up your car and hear a sound coming from
under the hood, its one of these. This may be the only thing on the AP test that you have
in your possession… unless you have the plague… Then, sorry about that…
Next, what does it all mean? We’ve got Industrialization built on Steam and Gas…
Where does it go from here?
A: Global. Europe leaves the friendly confines and heads around the world for Markets
for these industrial goods, and Materials (raw) for their factories.
We looked at the Industrial Revolution and how it worked. But, what are the effects of
this thing?
5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism
Here are some things that arose from the Industrial Revolution;
FACTORY SYSTEM: People doing work away from their homes? Sounds so 19th
century. But, when factory owners streamlined labor into one building around advanced
machines, productivity grew.
SPREAD: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. England couldn’t keep their industrial secret
for long. America, Russia, and the rest of Europe all quickly learned their methods and
implemented them back at home.
SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: It’s hard to draw a hard line between IR 1.0
& IR 2.0 but it is essentially the second wave of inventions/innovations that expedited
progress. Best examples are Bessemer’s Steel and Automobiles.
GLOBAL ECONOMY: We’ll focus here in a few days, but the Industrialists sought out
Materials and Markets around the world to sell their stuff and get materials to make more
DECLINE OF OLD ECONOMIES: If you lived in a non-Industrial region, you simply
could not keep up with the Industrial strength of the West. So, your economy is going to
have a bad time. Example: Textile Industry in India suffered terribly as they were overrun
with British textiles.
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obvious but with the Industrial revolution comes improvements like Railroads,
Telegraphs, steamships, and Canals (most notably the Suez)
SOCIAL CLASSES: A new group emerged: THE MIDDLE CLASS. This was a group
that filled in between the Peasants and Nobility. Almost like the “Bourgeoisie”, they
were often educated people who held skilled positions. Also, there was the
INDUSTRIAL WORKING CLASS; this is basically anyone who went to work in the
new factories.
UNSANITARY CONDITIONS: Coal is gross. It burns dirty. It made everything
gross. Also, living conditions in the new cities were not regulated and often amounted to
nothing more than a shanty town. Later regulations led to improvements, but initial
industrial cities were gross.
EDUCATION: Kids were initially working in the factories (cheap labor). But, unions
pushed to get the kids out of the factory (so they could get those jobs). But, what do we
do with them? A: Book Learnin. Kids went to school and created an educated
workforce/voting population. States could instill nationalism (did you say the Pledge of
Allegiance yet today?).
Let’s focus on the economics behind the Industrial Revolution. AKA Capitalism,
Classical Liberalism, Marxism, Utopian Socialism, and Anarchism
5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism:
This massive change in how things are produced and sold will reshape the way the global
economy works. Say goodbye to your precious Mercantilism and hello to some new
CAPITALISM: Get rid of that old Mercantilist way of doing things. Adam Smith
pioneered Capitalism in his work Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations (or justWealth of
Nations). Instead of government control of markets, individuals control the means of
production and invest to make profits. They then take those profits and reinvest. The
best products, ideas, services, etc. will succeed as the Invisible Hand pushes the market in
the correct direction. It is also known as Free Market capitalism or Laissez Faire due to
the fact that the government does not get directly involved and the market decides on its
CLASSICAL LIBERALISM: This is the movement that Capitalism flourished
under. It is the belief that during the Industrial Revolution, the new economy that
emerged required a free market. It required government to keep it’s hands-off (laissezfaire). Think of it as the Tea Party Movement… The government needs to get its hands
out of my ___________ (money, economy, rights, etc.)
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MARXISM: The evil capitalists who control the means of production will grow so large
and corrupt under the above that the people will rise up and take the means of production
for themselves. Then, they will share equally in the rewards. In theory, the government
will not even be needed as people will work for the sake of the community. This sounds
nice; but always ends with the deaths of tens of millions (Stalin, Mao). It has never been
fully implemented, but that’s because it’s an economic theory that can only exist in a
perfect state/vacuum.
UTOPIAN SOCIALISM: Think of Utopian Socialism as the ideal under the early stages
of Marxism. Wealth is redistributed from rich to poor to provide equal opportunity for
all. This is most closely seen in Scandinavia today.
ANARCHISM: Some people just want to watch the world burn. Anarchy is a state of no
government. Every man for himself. It’s Rick, Darryl, and Michonne fending for
themselves in a post-Apocalyptic Zombie-hellscape. Ok. Everything but the Zombies.
Enough Industry. Let’s turn to the biggest political effect of the Industrial Revolution;
the incursion of Industrial nations into non-Industrialized
5.2 Imperialism & Nation-State Formation
States that industrialized went from having colonies, to having an Empire. Empires have
existed before (Rome, Arabic, Spanish), but these new Empires were backed by industrial
strength (machine guns, medicine, food, railroads, steam engines, etc.)
There are two new players in the empire-building game; AMERICA & JAPAN. As they
Industrialized, they spread. Japan started later, but it will not stop them from building
one of earth’s largest empires (albeit in the next era). AMERICA’s empire primarily took
the form of MANIFEST DESTINY (westward expansion), but there were some
acquisitions from Spain (Philippines). RUSSIA was an old world power, but their
expansion was also on the scale of Eastward expansion akin to Manifest Destiny.
The BIG European Imperial powers were:
British, Dutch, German, Russian, French
Now that you’ve got the idea of how it worked, we’ll see the consequences… (and it’s
not pretty…)
Industrialized European powers sought new markets and raw materials for their
economies. Well, here are some consequences of that:
5.2 Imperialism & Nation-State Formation
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The intro sentence above is the main idea; but there are some offshoots the AP would like
you to focus in on:
METHODS: Both Warfare and Diplomacy were used. I’m thinking the “diplomacy”
piece is dealing with the Berlin Conference, where the major European powers met to
divide Africa amongst themselves.
SETTLER COLONIES: These have happened before (New World) but they take on a
greater significance in this era. It’s just a colony where there are far fewer colonists
(white people or Japanese people) than the natives. Best example is probably India, but
also Algeria (French) and New Zealand (British).
ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM: The US was the king of this in Latin America (along
with the British). This is where a state dominates another state via their economy. You
don’t conquer them. You don’t indoctrinate them. You just make them dependent on your
economy for survival. Another great example is the British making the Chinese
dependent on Opium.
MEIJI JAPAN: They deserve their own subsection here. Japan (after some internal
debate/warfare and some passive aggressive coaxing from the US) began to rapidly
modernize in the late 19th Century. This will play a huge role in the 20th Century, but
even at the end of THIS era; Japan has won a war against China and received some
concession territory in China. Japan is the exception! Not the Mongols… Think of Japan
as another Imperial power.
LAND EMPIRES TOO! Don’t forget that Russia and the US expanded primarily over
land. Look at a map. Russia is blanking HUGE! The US and Russia both grew to their
current sizes during this period.
OTTOMAN FAIL: The Ottomans have been around since 1452 (and before). But, as
other states expanded their borders, the Ottomans contracted theirs. They lose Egypt to
the British, Balkans to independence, and North Africa to French and Italians. The
Ottomans do not make it very far into the 20th Century, but there were signs of decay
even this early…
NATIONALISM: Nationalism plays a huge role everywhere in this period. Nationalism
is either the pride one has in their existing nation OR the aspirations of having your own
nation; for us here, it is the latter. It begins with Napoleon’s romp around Europe, but
wherever the Europeans went in this era, they took this with them. It then was used
against the Europeans as a force for Independence.
SOCIAL DARWINISM: This was a favorite excuse of the Imperialists. Remember
how the Dodo bird died because it was inferior. It was not the fittest. Well, societies are
the same way (according to this theory). Your way of life will die out because it will be
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replaced by a superior one. So, when the Europeans are mocking your culture, or
destroying your history… It’s not their fault… It’s science! (this is a totally
racist/horrible excuse. Your culture is not better than any other culture… Proof).
There’s only one thing left to know for this era… and that is:
5.4 Global Migrations
Good News: This section had its own essay a few years
back. So, HERE (
a8a5ee4b02ea0ed36acd9/1414171230862/Key+Concept+5.4+IN+REVIEW.pdf) is a
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