Download ENV.2011.1.2.2-2 Exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMF)

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Environment Infoday FP7-ENV-2011
July 13, 2009
The Team
• Laboratory of Cell Biology,
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology,
University of Latvia
• Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnologies,
• Centre of Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety,
Riga Technical University
Topic: ENV.2011.1.2.2-2
Exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMF): investigations of
mechanisms to support risk assessment and reduce
Proposal from Latvia
Yeast cells will be used as a model of human organism cells.
• Yeast cells will be cultivated in the conditions of extremely low
frequency magnetic fields and then will be subjected to
physiological, cytological, biochemical, biophysical tests and
physical nano scale measurements.
• Irradiation of yeast cells will be provided in the room that is
screened from external electromagnetic radiation.
• Different state-of-the-art biological and biophysical equipment
including transmission and scanning electron microscopes, atom
force microscopes, RT PCR and others will be used in the study.
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Institute of Microbiology and
Biotechnology, University of Latvia
Expertise and Experience
- Cytology and physiology of microorganisms
- Yeast biology
- Investigations of extreme treatments upon microorganisms
- Аnhydrobiosis (anabiosis) of microorganisms
- Dehydration (conservation) of microorganisms
- Immobilization of microorganisms
- Sorption activity of yeast cells
- Environmental Protection and Remediation
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and
Nanotechnologies, Riga Technical University
 Research is directed to characterization of the micro
and nano objects by means of weak energy
prethreshold electron spectroscopy.
 Participated and coordinated several international
and European projects.
Centre of Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety,
Riga Technical University
Expertise on generation and measurement of weak
electromagnetic radiation.
Equipped with electromagnetic radiation generators
electromagnetic radiation sources.
Thank you for your attention!
Prof. Alexander Rapoport
Laboratory of Cell Biology,
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology,
University of Latvia
[email protected]