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Dietary Supplement and Herb Chart
SCI 201
Dietary Supplement and Herb Chart
Complete the following table using information from sources other than your text.
Name of
Therapeutic Use
Scientific Studies That
Cautions and Warnings
Show Efficacy for Any
or Side Effects
of the Therapeutic Uses
Glucosamine A healthy cartilage
An arthritis which occurs It is the lobster’s shell,
contains a compound
when there is breakage
or that of the shrimps or
called “glucosamine”
of the cartilage is called
crab that is used to cure
which is commonly
“osteoarthritis”. It can
allergies over seafood.
used to treat
occur due to an injury or
However, there are also
even by the simple
some side effects which
especially on the
everyday tasks. Studies
should be noted and
joints found in the
reveal that it slows the
reminded by the doctor
knees. Glucosamine
development of certain
to its patient. Studies
sulfate is mostly
illnesses. However, this
show that the side
beneficial to the
does not mean that the
effects are not serious,
strengthening of
cartilage will be cured.
such as bloating,
joints in relation to
There is a need to have
stomach ache, gas,
the synovial fluid
more in-depth studies to
nausea, indigestion, and
(mayo clinic, 2012). A verify it. It is believed
diarrhea. Glucosamine
series of tests have
that when glucosamine is contains high sodium
been conducted and
taken together with
revealed that their
supplements, the effect is high blood pressure
uses are really
more effective. This is
should be cautious about
because the glucosamine
and consult their
particularly in the
cannot be found in food,
doctors for. Those who
development of the
only through
have problems with
blood sugar and
which those who has a
diabetes should also do
the same. Otherwise,
their recovery might
even slow down instead
of immediate results.
Echinacea has been
Echinacea, an herbal
There are a number of
mainly used in
supplement, will help in
side effects that have
preventing certain
preventing colds and
been reported. Among
may even lessen the
these are nausea,
particularly colds as
number of days it will be
stomach ache, fever,
well as numerous
experienced, particularly
vomiting, dry mouth,
only by 1.4 days of colds
unpleasant taste,
problems. It may be
based on studies
diarrhea, dizziness,
taken once the
headache numbness of
symptoms of colds
The University of
the tongue, joint and
are felt so as to not
Connecticut conducted a
muscle pains, insomnia,
push it through, and
research with the use of
and disorientation.
it may also be used
14 people to examine the
when the colds are
effects of Echinacea in
already present. This
preventing colds.
is the correct way of
using Echinacea.
Studies show that
Echinacea has the
capacity to help ease
the symptoms of
colds but not in
preventing it.
The herb is considered
to be safe to children
within the ages 2-11 but
A number of the turnouts only up to 10 days.
are negative but it also
However, some may
revealed that Echinacea
have a rash after taking
still was beneficial when
combined with other
There may also be
certain allergic reactions
In using the said herb,
studies revealed that
there is over 58% less
chances of having colds
once it is used on its
own, but 86%effective
when used together with
vitamin C.
upon taking Echinacea,
particularly to those
who have allergies to
marigolds, ragweed,
daisies, or mums. There
should be some
precautionary measures
to be taken before using
The application of this
may also experience
rashes, redness, or
However, there has been
no proof that Echinacea
id unsafe when taken by
pregnant women.
Garlic is a very
Some studies conducted
Those who are under the
common herb which
by the National Institute
anticoagulant drug shall
is used mostly as
of Health in the years
take precautionary
seasoning. However,
1980 to 1990 revealed
measures in taking
it also has a number
that garlic has the
garlic as an alternative
of curing capacity,
capacity to lower a
medicine. This also goes
particularly as an
person’s blood pressure
with aspirins,
anticoagulant and
and cholesterol (NIH,
antihypertensive, and
2000). The study also
showed that although it
medications as it has the
failed to lower the HDL,
capacity to have another
it was effective in
chemical reaction
lowering the LDL.
contrary to the intended
Another result was that
positive effects
the garlic therapy within
(Fontaine, 2006)
Fontaine (2006)
stated that an
effective cholesterollowing substance is
actually garlic, as
well as in lowering
the blood pressure
and antiseptic as well
as an antifungal
three months was at its
most effective, but upon
continuous use for
another 6 months would
wear off its effects (NIH,
2000). Another study
was also conducted by
the Mayo Clinic, giving
garlic as a B rate which
represents that garlic
has a short-term
lowering effect to the
cholesterol, particularly
about 4-12 weeks (Mayo
Clinic, 2005)
Ginger is a root herb
Life Extension Magazine
There may be an
which is usually used
conducted a study with
increased effect of the
as an ingredient in
pregnant women who
anticoagulant, but a
cooking. However, it
suffered from nausea, as
lesser effect as to the
has also been found
their subject. They were
medications taken for
that it has the
handed a placebo, and
seizures when taking
capacity to be a
the others have ginger
ginger with it (Fontaine,
curative substance
extracts which they were
most especially in the advised to take four
increase of
times for four
temperature of the
continuous days, 125 mg.
body, stimulation of
Those who did the latter
the digestive system,
reported lowered effects
insulin enhancer,
of nausea. Results also
treating nausea, and
showed that there was
as a pain reliever
reduced pain due to
(Fontaine, 2006)
osteoarthritis which they
felt for over three
months already. The
study revealed that there
was a significant bracket
in the effect of the ginger
roots as compared to the
Ginkgo biloba comes
Ginkgo Biloba has been
A number of the known
from what is called as famously known as a
side-effects are the
a Ginkgo Tree, which
type of anti-oxidant
following: stomach ache,
is among the trees in
which has the capacity to dizziness, skin reactions,
existence for a very
naturalize what is known and headache. A person
long time. There
as a free radical, which
should consult his/her
were a lot of studies
causes damage to the
doctor before taking
conducted to its
cells. Chinese natives
this, as goes other drugs.
leaves as compared
have been using this
Extra precautionary
to other trees these
since the ancient times.
measures should be
days (mayo Clinic
There are about 40 kinds
taken especially by
2011). It has also
of Ginkgo Biloba wherein epileptic people, as it
been revealed that
two of them were proved may trigger seizures.
Gignko Biloba was in
to be medically helpful:
Mothers who are breast
demand most
Terpenoids and
feeding should also
especially in
flavonoids. The latter
prevent from taking
Germany as well as I
helps in protecting the
Ginkgo. Otherwise, both
n France, which was
heart muscles from
instances would have a
then mainly used in
being damaged, as well
negative reaction.
treating illnesses
as the blood vessels and
The doctor should be
related to blood. It
the nerves. The former,
fully informed of all the
was also said to be a
on the other hand, has
medications taken by
memory enhancer,
the capacity to improve
the patient so as to be
and was found to be
the flow of blood with
advised of the
an effective
the use of opening the
combinations that are
treatment for
blood vessels, which in
not allowed to prevent a
dementia and
prevents the platelets to
negative chemical
Alzheimer’s disease.
stick with each other.
reaction between them.
It also revealed that
However, there are still
This will also reduce
Ginkgo Biloba
some known side-effects
side effects.
improves blood
which Gingko Biloba has.
circulation, which in
turn reduces the
sticking of the blood
Kava is famously
7 studies were
O side effects were
known as a
conducted by
found in the use of Kava,
medication which, in
researchers who found
as long as it is used
particular, helps in
out that a kava extract
moderately. However,
easing depression,
which was standardized
when it is taken in too
insomnia, and
was at its most effective
much dosage, it causes
anxiety. This is easily
as compared to a
dry and irritated skin,
accessible to the
placebo, in relation to
hard breathing, and
people, which
anxiety. It has also been
breaking down of the
professionals use to
found to contribute
immune system.
gain focus towards
effectiveness within only
their work. This is
a week. There are also
also effective to
other studies conducted
children to ease their
where it was proved that
hyper activeness, as
kava is equally as
much as it is effective
effective in comparison
to adults.
with other drugs
available in the market.
It was also proved in a
study that diazepam,
also known as Valium,
and kava, gives the same
effect in the brain waves,
which suggests that it
calms the mind.
Studies conducted with
the use of Kava to
treating anxiety and
decrease the toxic levels
on the liver. In a 2004
study, it was proven that
300mg of kava will cause
an improvement unto
the overall mood and
cognitive performance.
As compared to other
drugs, like
benzodiazepines such as
Xanax, Valium or
Alprazolam, these
aforementioned lessens
the cognitive functions.
Also known as Ester
Although lavender is
The oil extract of
Oil, lavender may be
most commonly used as
lavender and others
used to treat spasms,
a fragrance for
must be thoroughly
fungus, and as a
shampoos, perfumes,
diluted. If otherwise, it
calming agent. It may
and soaps, it has also
will irritate the skin.
also be a treatment
been found out that
for sleeping and as an lavender helps in
treating insomnia,
depression, anxiety, and
fatigue. It was found to
be soothing once
smelled, and contributes
seduction. It is extracted
from the flower to serve
as a medical aid
(University of Maryland
Medical Center 2011). A
study revealed that the
aroma therapy calms the
mind most especially
when used with other
kinds of CAM, for
example acupuncture,
massages, and
chiropractic therapy.
St. John’s
St. John’s Wort was
There were a number of
It is not advised to be
said to be an effective
studies conducted which
taken together with
agent easing various
showed that it is placebo
other kinds of anti-
is not as effective as St
depressants because of
problems, such as
John’s Wort, especially in
the risk of unwanted
being bi-polar,
being a tricyclic
chemical reactions.
depressed, anxious,
antidepressant drug to
There may be an
and the like. It also
treat short-term mild to
experience of dizziness,
helps in improving
moderate level of
fatigue, nausea, dry
the sleeping habits of
depression ("St. John's
mouth, fatigue, and
a person.
Wort", 2012).
sensitivity to light.
Omega, a fatty acid
Studies with the use of
Those who use fish oil
which is good for the
test tubes revealed that
are advised to take it in
heart, is found in fish
Omega 3 helped in
not more than 3 grams
oil. It strengthens the
reducing enzyme activity
in a day as when it
which is responsible or
exceeds, it could be a
Fish oil
health, being a
destroying the cartilage.
cause of bleeding and
protection to prevent
It also soothes cramps
eventually, blood
heart attack as well
experienced when
clotting. It can also
as stroke from
having a period, and
lower the immunity of
occurring. T also
back and neck pains.
the body and contains
lowers blood
mercury which has the
pressure and
capacity to be a
cholesterol. Omega 3
poisonous substance.
contains strong antiinflammatory effects
which has the
capacity to lessen the
pain in the joints and
tenderness in it as
Chang, L. (2007). Webmd. Retrieved from
Fish oil (2012). Retrived from
Gettleman, R. (2011, March). Super foods ginger: good for what ails you. Life Extension
Magazine, 17(3), 1-4.
Kava dot com. (n.d.). Retrieved from
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2010, July). St. John’s Wort.
Retrieved from
St. John's Wort. (2012). Retrieved from
University of Maryland Medical Center. (2011). Retrieved from
University of maryland medical center; lavender medicinal uses and
indications. (2011). Retrieved from
Which fish oil benefits do you want to learn about?; 8 fish oil benefits proven by
research. (2012). Retrieved from