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Identification points
1. Uterus:
a. Endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium seen.
b. Uterine glands lined by columnar cells seen in the
2. Fallopian tube:
a. Lining mucosa shows branching folds and is lined by
ciliated columnar cells.
b. The tube has a mucosa, lamina propria, a muscular wall
and is surrounded by broad ligament peritoneum.
3. Ovary:
a. Outer cortex has primordial, primary, secondary, tertiary
and graffian follicle. Ovarian stroma also shows corpus
b. Inner medulla has blood vessels.
4. Placenta: full term
a. Chorionic villi are seen in a pool of maternal blood.
b. The villi have a layer of syntitiotrophoblast. The
cytotrophoblast disappears and hence is not seen in term
5. Cornea :
a. Anterior corneal epithelium is made up of stratified
squamous non keratinized epithelium.
b. Deep to it lie four layers- bowmans membrane, corneal
stroma, descemets membrane and a layer of cuboidal
6. Retina:
a. The retina has ten layers.
b. Pigment cell layer, rods and cones, inner and outer
nuclear layers, internal and external limiting membranes,
inner and outer plexiform layers, ganglion cell layer and
layer of optic nerve fiber.
7. Cerebrum:
a. It has six layers in cortex and deep to it is white matter.
b. Outer molecular layer, outer and inner pyramidal layers,
outer and inner granular layers and multiform layer.
8. Cerebellum:
a. It has three layers in cortex and deep to it is white matter.
b. Outer molecular layer, purkinje cell layer and granular
9. Thyroid and parathyroid:
a. Thyroid follicles are seen filled with colloid and lined by
cuboidal cells.
b. Parathyroid gland seen with chief cells and oxyphil cells.
Suprarenal gland:
a. A cortex with cells in three zones: zona glomerulosa,
zona fasciculata and zona reticularis.
b. A medulla with chromaffin cells and sympathetic
ganglion gells.
a. Pars anterior with acidophils, basophils and
b. Pars intermedia with colloid filled follicles and pars
posterior with nerve fibres and pitiucytes.
Pancreas :
a. Serous acini seen with centoacinar cells and interlobular
and intralobular ducts.
b. Islets of langerhans seen with alpha cells, beta cells and
delta cells.
Umbilical cord:
a. Two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein (left) is
b. These are surrounded by Whartons jelly.
Spinal cord:
a. Spinal cord has inner grey matter and outer white matter.
b. A central canal, anterior median fissure and posterior
median septum are seen.
a. The surface mucosa shows conical filiform papillae and
rounded fungiform papillae.
b. The mucosa is lined by stratified squamous non
keratinized epithelium and deep to it is the lamina
propria followed by skeletal muscle bundles running in
different directions.