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Advanced Computer
What is a database?
Database Basics
Database Components
Data Models
Database Design
What is a Database?
A database stores large amounts of information
to be retrieved or compared through a series
of queries and relationships.
Databases can retrieve information very
quickly. They can even be used to
synthesize new data from information that is
stored; a process called data mining.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Basics
Database Management is an important part of
working with a database. This is usually
done through a Database Management
System (DBMS). A DBMS is software that
guides the creation and maintenance of a
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Basics
Most common tasks with a database are called
transactions or queries. A transaction or
query can be placement, retrieval or
modification of data within the database.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Basics
Other database management tasks are:
 Creating an organized structure for the data
 Creating a simple to use interface for the data
 Setting up reporting for inquires and response
 Creating backup copies of the database
 Recovering data from a backup
 Manage security on the database
 Provide a language for searching the database
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Components
An entity is a person, place, thing or event that
can be modeled in a data base.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Components
A field is an attribute of an entity, such as a
name, address, cost, or quantity in stock.
Fields are defined with three properties:
 Data type such as a String, number or date
 Identifier -- a name to classify the data
 Size usually in characters -- how large the data
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Components
A record is a collection of related fields. For
example, a person’s name, address and
phone number might be a complete record
for a contacts database.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Components
A table is a collection of records of the same
type -- a collection of names and addresses
as in a contacts list, for example.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Components
A key is a field or attribute used to identify
information in a database. Keys are typically
used to store and retrieve information in the
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Components
Primary Key
The key to an entity that is usually the most
important piece of information about the
entity. The primary key needs to be as
unique as possible. Names, for example, are
very poor keys while ID numbers, account
numbers or work order numbers are better.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Data Models
There are several types of Data Models that
can be used to store information in a
 Flat file
 Relational
 Object Oriented
 Multimedia
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Data Models
A Flat File database is a basic database
model that simply stores information without
taking into account any other concerns.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Data Models
A Relational database stores relationships
between different data items and can be used
to retrieve and store information based on
those relationships.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Data Models
Object Oriented databases (OO) are based
on object models used in computer
programs. An OO database is typically used
to store complete software objects.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Data Models
A Multimedia database is specifically
designed to hold videos and music files as
well as other types of multimedia.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Data Models
In addition, there are functional models:
Operational databases are designed to allow
interactive transactions such as inventory
Data Warehouse databases store static
information intended for lookup and data
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Normalization is a process which removes
redundancy from a database and helps
remove inconsistencies.
Normalization is done in a series of forms
where information is grouped into evernarrowing categories.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases
Database Design
Steps to Database Design:
1. Requirements analysis
2. Create fields necessary to store data
3. Create tables and normalize them
4. Define data Relationships
5. Evaluate performance and determine if the
database meets the client’s needs
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
IT: Advanced Computer Programming – Databases