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State estimation for gene networks with
intrinsic and extrinsic noise:
Models and approaches on a case study
Eugenio Cinquemani
HYCON2-AD3 Workshop on Biological and Medical Systems
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Introduction : Stochastic models of gene networks, single-cell data, etc
Case study : arabinose uptake dynamics in E.coli
Stochastic modelling : CME model and CLE approximation
State estimation : problem, comparison of CME and CLE-based methods
Pure intrinsic noise, intrinsic & extrinsic noise
Analysis in-silico : simulation results on the case study
With Alfonso Carta (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), ECC 2013, accepted.
Intrinsic and extrinsic noise
Elowitz et al., Science 2002 :Yellow and Cyan
reporters under control of same promoter enable
isolation of random transcription/translation
dynamics (intrinsic noise) from other physiological
or environmental fluctuations (extrinsic noise)
Stochastic modelling of biochemical networks
Different sources of noise well captured by stochastic models
Markov Chain models : n species react via m probabilistic reactions
Xi number of molecules of species i, state X=(X1,...,Xn)
p(Z,t) = Prob{X(t)=Z} evolves according to the Chemical Master Equation
Mixed-effects models : parametric models of cell dynamics where parameters
take different values across individuals according to a known population prior
Best suited to capture extrinsic noise
Inference methods for both model classes exist (won't discuss here)
Case study: Arabinose uptake in E.coli
(Inspired by Megerle et al,
Biophys. J. 2008 )
A Markov Chain (CME) model
We model transcription, translation, uptake, whereas lump AraC-ara complex formation
For x=(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)=(ara, mUpt, Upt, mGFP, GFP) we have :
We take this CME model as the reference model ( «true » system )
Random parameters will account for extrinsic noise :
State estimation
Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy (gene expression time profiles for individual
cells) + stochastic modelling of gene expression allow for real-time estimation of
unobserved cell states
For analysis, for use in identification, or for real-time model-based control
Problem formulation : Given gene expression time samples for N cells
, with
in real time
The problem splits: At every new measurement, update
(Hence we drop
from now on.)
Particle filter approach : The bootstrap filter
Randomized filtering approach based on N particles (candidate state values)
Initialization : At time k=0, draw N particles Xi(0) according to p(X,0) ●
Iterates k=0,1,2... : Given the new measurement yk,
(Measurement update) Compute
Form estimate
(Bootstrap resampling) Resample with replacement the N particles according
to probability distribution (w1,... wN)
(Time update) Propagare every new particle from tk to tk+1 by simulation of the
random system dynamics
Good results for large N (e.g. 1000). But heavy : requires N simulations at all k
Approx : Chemical Langevin Equation
If most species occur in large numbers with large probability, the CLE is a known viable
approximation of the CME :
Stochastic differential equation (in concentrations domain) determined by the CME
How good is the approximation ?
We compared CME and CLE in simulation
for parameter values fixed from literature
Comparison: CME and CLE simulations
System is assumed to start from steadystate prior to exhausion of glucose
no internal arabinose
abundance of external arabinose
CLE accumulates bias from small initial molecule numbers
After mean equalization, CME and CLE distributions differ only in small states
Promising approximation for state estimation (will feedback compensate for bias?)
CLE-based filtering
CLE approximation allows one to put in place nonlinear extensions of Kalman filtering
We consider a Square-Root (continuous-time) version of the Unscented Kalman Filter
Initialization : At time k=0, we are given a priori state statistics x[0|-1] and P[0|-1]
Iterates k=0,1,2,... : Given the new measurement yk,
(Measurement update) : Get x[k|k], P[k|k] from x[k|k-1], P[k|k-1] by Kalman update
(Choice of particles) : 2n+1 particles are computed from x[k|k] and factorization of P[k|k]
(Time update) : Propagate particles from tk to tk+1 via the nonlinear system dynamics,
then compute x[k+1|k], P[k+1|k] from these particles
Square-root version propagates factorization of P directly for numerical stability
Requires (Euler) integration of system dynamics, but for only 2n+1 particles
Limited to (conditional) 2nd order moments, but applicable to non-Gaussian distributions
State estimation on a case study
Arabinose uptake used as a case study for studying real-time state estimation (with
real-time control applications in mind). We :
Consider single-cell fluorescence microscopy profiles (tracking)
Assume a nominal Chemical Master Equation (CME) single-cell stochastic gene
expression model (« reasonable » equations and parameter values )
Address the problem of estimating unobserved abundances of mRNAs, proteins,
and internal arabinose from the (noisy) fluorescence readouts
We study the problem in-silico :
We Gillespie-simulate the nominal model to generate data from many cells
For data from identical individuals, we compare performance of estimation
algorithms based on the nominal CME model and on a more tractable Langevin
For data from non-identical individuals, we study the performance gain obtained by
including extrinsic noise in the model by a ME approach
Estimation results (identical individuals)
From previous result, CME and CLE
differ for species in small copy
numbers by a small bias
We wish to see if a CLE-based state
estimator is able to compensate for
the model mismatch (recall CME is the
« true » system)
In a case where initial state knowledge
is not perfect (arabinose uptake
started before expected) we show that
the estimator is able to improve
the state knowledge, and
it performs as good as a heavy
estimator (particle filter) based on
the CME
Estimation in presence of extrinsic noise
To account for random parameters in filtering, we take a state-augmentation approach :
and adapt both the SR-UKF and the PF accordingly.
In simulation, we consider only some plausible sources of extrinsic noise
Extrinsic noise on Ku
(Ku depends on unmodelled AraC concentration that may change across
Extrinsic noise on v4
(mGFP synthesis rate proportional to variable plasmid copy number)
Simulation results
We build the SR-UKF assuming that a ME
extrinsic noise model is known.
We consider two cases :
Extrinsic noise on Ku (left)
Extrinsic noise on v4
(mGFP synthesis rate proportional to
variable plasmid copy number)
We run the augmented version of the SRUKF on data generated from the ME model
In both cases, state estimation explicitly
accounting for extrinsic noise improves :
the knowledge of the individual
parameters, and
State estimates
with respect to state estimators assuming
identical parameters across individuals
State estimation from single fluorescence output can improve knowledge of the
internal state
Use of stochastic model approximations to simplify estimation problem does not spoil
Modelling extrinsic noise (without knowing the actual individual parameter values!) is
important to improve knowledge of the internal state
Testing & applications to real data on this and other systems
... Thank you !
[email protected]