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King Abdulaziz University
Faculty of Science & Arts
Department of Biological Sciences
Date: Nov. l6th, 2009
Time: 90min
1st Periodical Exam of General Biology (Bio l00)
1st Semester 1430/1431
Select the most correct answer:
1) Which of the following is a type of connective tissue?
A) plasma
B) muscle tissue
D) epithelial tissue
E) adipose tissue
2) Organic compounds
A) always contain carbon
C) always contain nitrogen
E) always contain oxygen.
C) spinal fluid
B) are synthesized only by animal cells
D) can be synthesized only in a laboratory.
3) As ice melts,
A) heat is released.
C) the water becomes less dense.
E) hydrogen bonds are broken.
B) water molecules become less tightly packed.
D) covalent bonds form.
4) Which of the following statements best describes a compound?
A) A compound is a pure element.
B) A compound is a solution.
C) A compound is less common than a pure element.
D) A compound contains two or more different elements in a fixed ratio.
E) A compound is exemplified by sodium.
5) Life is organized in a hierarchical fashion. Which of the following sequences correctly
lists mat hierarchy as it increases in complexity?
A) ecosystem, population, organ system, cell, community, molecule, organ, organism, tissue
B) cell, molecule, organ system, organ, population, tissue, organism, ecosystem, community
C) molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem
D) organism, organ system, tissue, population, organ, community, cell, ecosystem,
E) ecosystem, molecule, cell, tissue, organism, organ system, organ, community
6) What is the general function of enzymes within a cell?
A) to promote the synthesis of monomers
B) to induce chemical reactions
C) to speed up chemical reactions
D) to stop chemical reactions
E) to reverse the direction of chemical reactions
7) The storage form of carbohydrates is…… in animals and…… _____ in plants.
A) starch . . . glycogen
B) chitin .. . glycogen
C) cellulose .. . glycogen
D) glycogen.. . cellulose
E) glycogen . . . starch
8) Fatty acids with double bonds between some of their carbons are said to be
A) triglycerides.
B) saturated.
C) completely hydrogenated.
D) unsaturated.
E) monoglycerides.
9) Which of the following substances is a lipid?
D) enzymes
10) Peptide bonds
A) are used to form amino acids.
C) are formed by a hydrolysis reaction.
E) bind monosaccharides.
B) glucose
E) steroids
C) cellulose
B) link ammo acids..
D) form between fatty acids
11) Explain what hold together the atoms in a crystal of table salt (NaCI)
A) Covalent bond
B) Ionic bond
C) Weak bond
D) Hydrogen bond
E) Salt bond
12) Why dose a denatured protein no longer function normally?
A) Because the protein return to its primary structure
B) Because of absence of the optimal temperature
C) Because of loss of the original shape of the protein molecule
D) Because of absence of the optimal pH
E) Because the protein return to its tertiary structure
13) Describe the structure of a biological membrane.
A) A protein bilayer associated with phospholipids
B) A carbohydrate bilayer associated with phospholipids
C) A protein bilayer associated with carbohydrates
D) A phospholipid bilayer associated with protein
E) A carbohydrate bilayer associated with necleotides
14) Which animal cell junction is analogous (similar in function) to a plasmodesma?
A) Gap junction
B) Tight junction
C) Anchoring junction
D) Integrin protein
E) Collagen fibers
15) Organisms that are prokaryotes are in the domains
A) Fungi and Bacteria.
B) Plantae and Animalia.
D) Archaea and Plantae.
E) Bacteria and Archaea.
16) To be scientifically valid, a hypothesis must be
A) phrased as a question.
B) testable and falsifiable.
D) reasonable.
E) based on faith.
C) Eukarya and Archaea.
C) controlled.
17) The four most common elements in living organisms are
A) C, H, O, Fe.
B) C, H, O, Na.
D) C, H, O, N.
E) Fe, N, O, Ca.
C) C, N, O, Na.
18) A solution with a pH of 7 is
A) neutral.
D) weakly basic.
C) strongly acidic.
B) weakly acidic.
E) strongly basic.
19) Lactose intolerance is the inability to
A) produce milk proteins.
B) produce lactose.
D) digest lactose.
E) digest milk fats.
20) The function of chloroplasts is
A) photosynthesis.
D) intracellular digestion.
C) digest cellulose.
B) cellular respiration.
C) lipid synthesis.
E) intracellular transport of proteins.
21) DNA differs from RNA because DNA
A) consists of a single rather than a double polynucleotide strand.
B) contains the sugar ribose rather than the sugar deoxyribose.
C) contains phosphate groups not found in RNA
D) is always double-stranded, while RNA is never double-stranded.
E) contains thymine in place of uracil.
22) The main function of muscle tissue is
A) sensation.
B) contraction.
D) covering surfaces.
E) absorption.
C) support.
23) Photosynthesis occurs in which type of organelle:
A) mitochondrion
B) Golgi bodies
D) Cristae
E) Chloroplast
C) Epidermal tissue
24) Light microscopes
A) can generally magnify objects about 10,000 times without blurring.
B) use light and glass lenses to magnify an image.
C) typically provide more resolution than an electron microscope.
D) work by reflecting electrons off the surface of an object being studied.
E) are generally not used to view bacteria.
25) Which of the following statements about lysosomes is false?
A) Lysosomes help to digest worn-out or damaged organelles.
B) Lysosomes fuse with food vacuoles to expose nutrients to lysosomal enzymes.
C) Lysosomes synthesize proteins from the recycled amino acids.
D) Lysosomes destroy harmful bacteria engulfed by white blood cells.
E) Lysosomes recycle materials within the cell.
26) Which of the following structures is found in both plant and animal cells?
A) chloroplast
B) Middle lamella
C) mitochondria
D) a large centralvacuole containing fluid. E) cell wall surrounding the plasma membrane
27) To transport any secretory product from cell will e carried in to:
A) lysosome
B) acid form
C) vesicle
D) enzyme
E) vacuole
28)Which of the following epithelial tissue is found in the respiratory track?
A) simple squamous
B) cuboidal
C) columnar
D) stratified
E) pseudostratified
29) After reading the following paragraph, answer the question below.
The skin is the body's largest organ. It's made up of many different types of cells. Oils, produced
by the sebaceous glands, prevent the skin from drying and splitting. The protein melanin, produced by
melanocytes in the epidermis, protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Sweat,
released through ducts to the skin surface, helps to cool the body. The types of cells that produce these
compounds have different numbers of specific organelles, depending on their function.
The oil from the sebaceous glands is
produced by which of the following cell
A) ribosomes
B) rough endoplasmic reticulum
C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D) cell membrane E) central vacuole
30) What type of epithelial tissue is found in the esophagus:
A) cuboidal
B) ciliated epithelium
D) columnar epithelium
E) simple squamous
C) stratified epithelium