Download Worksheet 5 Name: Protein Electrophoresis Lab Time: 25 points

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Worksheet 5
Protein Electrophoresis
25 points
Lab Time:
Date Turned in:
1. (2 pts) Explain the relationship between a protein’s size and its migration
2. (3 pts) View the gel on the last page. Place a mark in the appropriate column.
a. all proteins at #1 (reading across) must be the same protein
b. all proteins at #3 (reading across) must be the same weight
c. all proteins at #7 (reading across) must be the same charge
d. all proteins at #9 (reading across) must have the same
migration distance
Materials and Methods:
3. (2 pts) Why did we use proteins of known size in this lab?
4. (2 pts) Why did we add tracking dye to our protein samples?
5. (2 pts) Attach a picture of your agarose gel. In the space below, write a properly
formatted figure legend.
6. (5 points). Using Prism, construct a standard curve with a linear regression line
using the known protein sizes and migration distances from your gel. Properly
format the graph and include a figure legend. Include the slope and y-intercept on
your graph.
7. (1 pts) Provide the data requested from your group.
a. Migration distances for all bands in lane _________
b. Slope of the line:
(get from instructor):
8. (3 pts). Calculated size of the LARGEST protein in lane _________
instructor). Use correct units!.
log10 answer=
(get from
non-log10 answer =
9. (3 pts) Transformin is a protein of 25, 200 daltons. Use the data below and the
formula y=mx+b to calculate how far it should migrate on a gel. Hint: you will
need to transform the molecular weight to log10.
m = -30.42
b = 155.9
expected migration distance =
10. (2 pts) Analyze your gel. Are any of the samples on your gel from closely
related individuals? Provide evidence for your answer.