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The Changing Energy
Por Albert Thumann, PE, CEM . Executive Director. Association of Energy Engineers
In September 1977 I founded the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) as a non-profit professional
society. During our 38 year history AEE has grown to over 19,000 members in 90 countries.
There are many factors that
still keep energy engineering and
management a priority.
Climate Change
Developing countries are using
Sustainability in food and
more energy than ever before.
water is essential as world
Carbon dioxide from the burning
population grows. Sustainable
of fossil fuels contributes to
high performance buildings are a
climate change. The United
must. The world market recognizes
States has established targets
the need for a more efficient
for reducing greenhouses which
infrastructure. The recent UK and
Ireland Energy Efficient Directives
� Energy management technologies
qualified professionals to perform
s a professional mechanical
to meet the needs of this new
installed in over 350,000 government
engineer with degrees in
profession.AEE developed technical
owned or leased buildings
electrical and industrial
journals and conferences which
� Financing energy management
engineering I realized there was a need
helped the industry grow and
projects by using Energy Service
to develop a new professional “Energy
Companies and performance
Engineer”. An integrated approach
to electrical, mechanical and process
recognize the need for highly
Mr. Albert Thumann, PE, CEM
Junta Directiva de AEE Spain Chapter.
Subjects such as energy
Energy Efficient
Technologies Are
Cost Effective
The cost of new energy efficient
� Mandating Renewable Energy
technologies continues to be more
systems was required along with skills
independence and high cost of oil
instead of burning fossil fuels
cost effective than ever before.
in engineering economic analysis and
and natural gas were addressed
� More efficient transportation
For example at the World Energy
management methods.
during those pioneering days.
Engineering Congress, date, place
Today the US is a net exporter of
� More efficient building codes
and link LED lightingmanufacturers
fuels and the price of oil and gas as
� Establishing benchmarks for
demonstrate the latest LED lighting
energy use in buildings
systems and controls.
In the beginning AEE developed
training and certification programs
There was a need to develop a new
professional “Energy Engineer”. An integrated
approach to electrical, mechanical and
process systems was required along with
skills in engineering economic analysis and
management methods. 43