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AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), 698
Absent-mindedness, forgetting and, 376
Absolute thresholds, 199
Abu Ghraib prison, 728, 729
during childhood, 158—159
repressed or constructed memories of,
Acceptance, 610, 689
Accommodation, 148, 149
of eye, 205
Accreditation, A—4
Acetyicholine (ACh), 58
Achievement motivation, 504
Achievement tests, 444—445
Acoustic encoding, 356—357
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 190
stress and, 558—559
Acquisition, 318—319
Acronyms, 360
Action potential, 55
Activation-synthesis theory, of dreaming,
Active listening, 689
Acuity, visual, 206
learning and, 323
perceptual, 256—257
Adaptation-level phenomenon, 542-543
Addiction, misconceptions about, 297—298
Additive color mixing, 212
Adenosine, circadian rhythm and, 276
ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disor
der), 640, 641
Adolescence, 164—175
cognitive development in, 167-170
physical development in, 165—167
sexuality in, 485—493
social development in, 170—173
Adoption studies, 100-101
Adrenal glands, 66
Adrenaline, 66
Adulthood, 175 —191
ages and stages of~ 185—186
cognitive development during, 181—185
commitments in, 186—189
emerging, 173—174
physical development in, 175 —181
social development during, 18 5—191
Aerobic exercise, stress management and,
568 —570
Afterimages, 213
Aggression, 749—756. See also Violence
biology of, 749-750
gender and, 127
psychology of, 751—754
video games and, 754—756
biopsychosocial perspective on, 190
intelligence and, 183 —185
memory and, 181—183
physical changes and, 177—181
Agonists, 59
Agoraphobia, 650
AIDS, 190
stress and, 558—559
Alarm reaction, 552
Alcohol, 298-300
aggression and, 750
contraception and, 486
prenatal development and, 142
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 698
Algorithms, 397—398
All-or-none response, 56
Alternative medicine, 580—581
Altruism, 764—767
bystander intervention and, 765—766
norms for helping and, 766—767
Alzheimer’s disease, 180—181
American Psychological Association, 8
American Sign Language (ASL), 220
Amnesia, 367
infantile, 388
source, 384
Amphetamines, 300
Amygdala, 72-73
anxiety disorders and, 655
emotion and, 522
Analytical intelligence, 435
Anger, 535—537
limbic system and, 72
Angular gyrus, 81
same-sex attraction in, 489
thinking by, 422-424
The Animal Mind (Washburn), 6
Animal research, 46—47
ethics and, 47—48
naturalistic observation in, 29
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 164
Anorexia nervosa, 478-480
Antagonists, 59—60
Antianxiety drugs, 712
Antidepressant drugs, 713—715
Antipsychotic drugs, 711—712
Antisocial personality disorder, 677—679
Anvil (bone), 217
Anxiety, stranger, 155
Anxiety disorders, 649—658
biological perspective on, 654—65 5
dissociative identity disorder, 656—657
drug therapy for, 712
generalized, 649—650
learning perspective on, 654
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 651—652
panic disorder, 650
phobias, 650—651
posttraumatic stress disorder, 652—653
Aphasia, 80—81
Applied research, 13
Aptitude tests, 444-44 5, 446
optimum, 471—472
performance and, 517
ASL (American Sign Language), 220
Asperger syndrome, 152
Assessment. See also Intelligence tests; Test(s)
of self, 610—611
Assimilation, 148, 149
Assistive listening technologies, 263
Association areas, 79—80
Associative learning, 314. See also Classical
conditioning; Conditioning; Operant
Astrology, 616—617
deprivation of, 158—161
differences in, 156—158
disruption of, 159-160
origins of, 155—156
Attention, selective, 237—240
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), 640, 641
Attitudes, 726—730
effect of actions on, 728—730
effect on actions, 726—728
scientific, 23—24
Attraction, 758—764
psychology of, 758—762
romantic love and, 762—764
Attributional style, 627—629
Attribution theory, 724-726
Audition, 215. See also Hearing
Authoritarian parents, 162
Authoritative parents, 162
Autism, 152
Automatic processing, encoding and,
Autonomic nervous system, 62
emotion and, 516-517
personality and, 615
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage, 170
Availability heuristic, 402—403
Aversive conditioning, 692—693
Aversive events, aggression and, 751
Avoidant personality disorder, 677
Axons, 55
Babbling stage, 412
Bachelor’s degrees, A—1—A—2
Barbiturates, 300
Bar graphs, 40
Barnum effect, 617
Basal metabolic rate, 476
Basic research, 12, 13
Basic trust, 158
assessing in situations, 629—630
cultural influences on, 45—46
gender and, 46
inappropriate, in schizophrenia, 670—671
Behavioral medicine, 549
Behavioral perspective, 11
Behavior genetics, 95, 96—107
adoption studies and, 100-101
gene-environment interaction and, 104
genes and. See Gene(s)
heritability and, 102—104
molecular genetics and, 105—106
temperament studies and, 102
twin studies and, 97-100
Behavior genetics perspective, 11
Behaviorism, 7, 271, 316
Behavior rating scales, for performance
appraisal, 503
Behavior therapy, 690- 694
classical conditioning techniques in,
690- 693
operant conditioning techniques in,
693—6 94
Belief bias, 406—409
Belief perseverance, 407
Belonging, need for, 495—498
belief, 406—409
confirmation, 399
hindsight, 20—21
ingroup, 746—747
in intelligence testing, 464—466
memory and, 376
self-serving, 633—636
Biased samples, 42
Big Five personality factors, 618—619
Bioelectromagnetic applications, 581
Biofeedback, stress management and, 570
Biological influences, 10, 46, 54. See also
Behavior genetics; Biopsychosocial
perspective; Evolutionary psychology;
Gene(s); Genetic influences; levels
of analysis; Levels of analysis; Naturenurture debate; specific biological
on aggression, 749—750
on anxiety disorders, 654—655
on drug use, 305—306, 306
on emotion, 516-523
in fear, 534—535
on hunger, 480
on hypnosis, 295
on learning, 321—323
medical model and, 642— 643
on memory, 390
on mood disorders, 662— 663, 662—665
on pain, 226—228
on perception, 261
on personality, 615, 624
psychological influences related to, 53—54
response to stress and, 551—553
on sexual activity, 483
on sexual orientation, 489—493
Biological predispositions
classical conditioning and, 321—323
operant conditioning and, 335—336
Biological psychology, 12, 54
Biological rhythms, 274—275
Biological sex, 126
gender and, 129—130
Biomedical therapy, 686, 711—719
alternative medicine, 580—581
brain stimulation, 715—717
pharmacologic, 711—715
psychosurgical, 717—718
Biopsychosocial approach, 10. See also
Biological influences; Psychological
influences; Social-cultural influences;
specific factors
to aggression, 756
to aging, 190
to antisocial personality disorder, 679
to depression, 665
to development, 134—135
to drug use, 306
to gender, 129
to health, 561. See also Health entries;
to hunger, 480
to hypnosis, 295
interaction of components of, 54
to memory, 390
nature-nurture debate and. See Naturenurture debate
to pain, 226—228
to perception, 261
to personality, 623, 624
to preventing psychological disorders,
719 —720
to psychological disorders, 561, 643
to sexual activity, 483
to stress. See Stress
to therapy, 686, 720
therapy and, 720
Bipolar cells, retinal, 206
Bipolar disorder, 659—660
Birth control, 485-486
change, 239
choice, 239
choice-blindness, 239
inattentional, 238
restored vision and, 255—256
Blindsight, 211
Blind spot, 206, 207
Blocking, forgetting and, 376
Blood-brain barrier, 60
B lymphocytes, 557
Body contact, attachment and, 155—156
Body position sense, 233-234
Body weight. See Obesity
Borderline personality disorder, 677
Bottom-up processing, 197, 198
Botulin, 59
Brain, 67—92
aging and, 179—180
Alzheimer’s disease and, 180—181
anxiety disorders and, 655
cerebral cortex of. See Cerebral cortex
circadian rhythm and, 275—276
clinical observation of, 68
development of. See Brain development
dreaming and, 287—288
early experience and, 114—115, 116
electrical activity of, recording, 68
emotion and, 522
fissures in, 76
hemispheric specialization of. See
Hemispheric specialization
hunger and, 475
intelligence and, 439—441
lesioning, 68
lobes of, 76, 77, 80, 81
mood disorders and, 664—66 5
neural networks and, 64—65
older structures of, 70—74
personality and, 615
plasticity of, 82—83
in schizophrenia, 79, 672—674
sexual behavior and, 484—485
sexual orientation and, 489—490
sleep and, 282—283
split-brain research and, 83—86
stimulation of, in research, 68
stimulation of, therapeutic, 715—717
storage in, 363—369
study methods for, 68-70
synaptic changes in, 365—366
Brain development
in adolescence, 166—167
early experiences and, 114—115, 116
in infancy and childhood, 144—145
Brain lateralization. See Hemispheric
Brainstem, 71
Brave New World (Huxley), 106
Brightness constancy, 253
Broca’s area, 81
Bulimia nervosa, 478—480
Bystander effect, 765 —766
Cancer, stress and, 5 59—560
Cannon-Bard theory, 514
Careers in psychology, A—1—A—9
graduate study and, A—8 —A—9
preparing for, A—1—A—4
subfields and, A-4—A-8
Case study, 26-27
Catastrophes, stress and, 553—554
Catatonic schizophrenia, 671
Categorization, 747—748
Catharsis, 536, 537
Catharsis hypothesis, 756
Causation, correlation and, 32—3 3
Central executive, 352—353
Central nervous system (CNS), 61, 63—65.
See also Brain; Spinal cord
Central tendency measures, 41
Cerebellum, 72
memory and, 369
Cerebral cortex, 74—82
functions of, 77—80
language and, 80—82
structure of, 75—76
Chameleon effect, 731
Chance encounters, 186
Change blindness, 239
Change deafness, 239
Checklists, for performance appraisal, 503
Child rearing
aggression and, 752
culture and, 124, 161
gender identity and, 132—13 3
parenting styles and, 161—163
abuse of, 158—159
cognitive development of, 147—154
egocentrism in, 150—151
eyewitness recall of, 386—387
parental influence on development of,
116 —117
physical development of, 145-146
self-concept development in, 161
social development of, 160—163
Choice blindness, 239
Choice-blindness blindness, 239
Chromosomes, 96, 97
sex, 129—130
Chunking, 359-360
Cingulate cortex, anterior, anxiety disorders
and, 655
Circadian rhythm, 275—276
Clairvoyance, 265
Clarity, relative, as monocular cue, 247
Classical conditioning, 314, 315—326
applications of, 324
in behavior therapy, 690—693
biological predispositions and, 321—323
cognitive processes and, 321
operant conditioning contrasted with, 339
Pavlov’s experiments on, 316—320
trauma as, 325
Client-centered therapy, 689—690
Clinical psychology, ‘13, A-4
Clinical trials, randomized, 703
Closure, 244, 253
CNS (central nervous system), 61, 63—6 5.
See also Brain; Spinal cord
Cocaine, 301—302
Cochlea, 217
Cochlear implants, 221—222
Cocktail party effect, 238
Cognition, 148, 149, 395—410. See also
Social-cognitive perspective; Thinking
belief bias and, 406—40 9
concepts and, 396—397
decision making and, 401—403
emotion and, 520—523
Judgment formation and, 401-406
prejudice and, 747—748
problem solving and, 397—400
Cognitive-behavior therapy, 697
Cognitive development
in adolescence, 167—170
in adulthood, 181—185
of children, 147—154
dreaming and, 288—289
Piaget’s theory of, 148—154
Cognitive dissonance theory, 728—730
Cognitive maps, 334
Cognitive neuroscience, 7
Cognitive perspective, 11, 12
Cognitive processes. See also Thinking
in classical conditioning, 321
in operant conditioning, 334—335
Cognitive psychology, 7, 12, 395, A—6
Cognitive revolution, 7, 694
Cognitive therapy, 694—697
for depression, 69 5—697
Collective unconscious, 601
Collectivism, 121, 122—124
Color constancy, 213—214, 253
Color vision, 212-214
Common sense, limits of, 19—22
neural, 54—61
nonverbal, 524-526
peacemaking and, 769
Community psychology, A-6
Companionate love, 763—764
Competence vs. inferiority stage, 170
Complementary and alternative medicine,
580— 581
Concept(s), 396—397
Conception, 139—140
Conciliation, 769—770
Concrete operational stage, 148, 153
Conditioned reinforcers, 330
Conditioned response (CR), 316, 317
Conditioned stimulus (US), 316, 317
Conditioning, 3 14-340
classical. See Classical conditioning
of fear, 654
of immune system, 560—561
operant. See Operant conditioning
Conduction hearing loss, 220
Cones, retinal, 206—207, 208
Confirmation bias, 399
Conflict, 756—758
enemy perceptions and, 758
social traps and, 756—757
Conformity, 732—734, 737
Connectedness, 244
Consciousness, 271—311. See also
Unconscious processes
divided, hypnosis as, 294—295
dreams and. See Dreams
drugs and. See Psychoactive drugs
hypnosis and. See Hypnosis
information processing and, 271—273
near-death experiences and, 309—310
sleep and. See Sleep
Conservation, 150
Content validity, 448
Context, perception and, 260—261
Context effect, retrieval and, 372—374
Continuity, 244
Continuous reinforcement, 330
Contraception, 485-486
perceived, coping with stress and, 563—564
personal. See Personal control
social, 741
Control condition, 37
Conventional morality, 168
Convergence, 246
Convergent thinking, 438
Cooperation, 767—768
Coping with stress, 562—5 67
emotion-focused, 563
explanatory style and, 564—565
perceived control and, 563—564
problem-focused, 563
social support and, 565—567
Cornea, 205
Coronary heart disease, stress and, 555—556
Correlation, 30—36
causation and, 32—33
illusory, 3 3—34
perception of order in random events and,
34—3 5
Correlation coefficient, 30
Cortisol, 551
Counseling psychology, 13, A-6
Counterconditioning, 690, 691
CR (conditioned response), 316, 317
Creative intelligence, 435
Creativity, 437—439
CREB protein, 365—366
antisocial personality disorder and,
678— 679
insanity defense and, 646—647
Criterion, 448
Critical periods, 156, 256
language development and, 416
Critical thinking, scientific attitude and, 24
Cross-sectional studies, 183
Crystallized intelligence, 184
Culture, 119—126. See also Social-cultural
aggression and, 752
attractiveness and, 761
behavior related to, 4 5—46
child rearing and, 124, 161
context effects and, 260—261
deaf, 220—22 1
developmental similarities across, 125
eating disorders and, 479—480
emotional expression and, 528—529
gender differences in communication and,
128 —129
globalization of psychology and, 9
happiness and wealth and, 541
individualist versus collectivist, 121—124
intelligence and, 459—461
perception and, 252
prenatal development and, 142
psychotherapy and, 708—710
self-esteem and, 633
speech sounds and, 412—413
taste preferences and, 477—478
variations across, 120—121
Curare, 59—60
Curious skepticism, 23
Daily hassles, stress and, 554—55 5
Day care, attachment and, 160—161
Deaf culture, 220—221
Deafness, 220—223
change, 239
cochlear implants for, 221—222
nerve, 220—221
sensory compensation and, 223
Death and dying, 190—191
Death penalty, 50
social science and, 50
Decibels, 216
Deep structure, of language, 414
Defense mechanisms, 599—600
Deindividuation, 739
Déjà vu, 373
Delayed reinforcers, 330
Delay of gratification, 170
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 303
Delta waves, 277
Delusions, in schizophrenia, 669—670
Dementia, 180—181
Dendrites, 55
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 96—97
stress and, 553
Dependent variable, 38, 39
Depolarization, 56
Depressants, 298—300
Depression. See also Mood disorders
cognitive therapy for, 69 5—697
drug therapy for, 713—715
electroconvulsive therapy for, 715—716
major depressive disorder, 659
religion, decline in commitment to, and,
suicide and, 662-663
vicious cycle of~ 667—668
of attachment, 158—161
of sleep, 280—282
Depth perception, 245—249
binocular cues and, 245—246
monocular cues and, 246—249
Description, 26—30
case study method and, 26—27
naturalistic observation and, 28, 29-30
survey method and, 27-29
Desegregation, 50
social science and, 50
Desensitization, to violence, 346
Development, 139 —195
in adolescence, 164—175
in adulthood, 175 —191
biopsychosocial perspective on, 134—135
of brain. See Brain development
continuity and stages in, 139, 193
in infancy and childhood, 144-164
nature versus nurture and, 139
of newborn, 142—14 3
prenatal, 140—142
similarities across cultures, 125
stability and change and, 139, 193 —194
Developmental psychology, 12, 139, A-6. See
also Development
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), 644
DID (dissociative identity disorder),
656—6 57
Difference thresholds, 201—202
Discrimination, 320, 743
Discriminative stimulus, 328—329
Disease. See Health entries; Illness
Disorganized schizophrenia, 671
Displacement, 600, 601
Dispositional attribution, 724
Dissertation, A—3
Dissociation, 293
Dissociative disorders, 656—657
Dissociative identity disorder (DID),
Distraction, for pain control, 229
Distributions, 40-42
central tendency measures and, 41
normal, 446, 447
skewed, 41
variation and, 41—42
Divergent thinking, 438
Divorce, 187
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 96—97
stress and, 553
Doctoral degrees, A—3—A—4
L-Dopa, 60
Dopamine, 58
antipsychotic drugs and, 712
schizophrenia and, 672
Dopamine reward circuit, 306
Double-blind technique, 37, 711
Down syndrome, 452
Draw-a-Person test, 603
Dreams, 285—289
content of, 285—287
interpretation of
latent content of, 687
lucid, 285
reasons for, 287—289
sexual imagery in, 484
Drive-reduction theory, 471
Drugs. See Psychoactive drugs;
DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition), 644
Dualism, 310
Dying, 190—191
Dysthymic disorder, 659
Ear, 217—220
pitch perception and, 219
sound localization and, 219-220
vestibular sense and, 234
Eardrum, 217
Early experiences, 114—115
brain development and, 114—115, 116
prenatal, 114
Early intervention, intelligence and, 457—458
Eating disorders, 478—480
Echoic memory, 362
Eclectic approach, 686
Ecstasy (drug), 302, 303
Education, for careers in psychology,
A-1—A-4, A-8—A-9
Educational psychology, A—6
EEG (electroencephalogram), 68
Effortful processing, encoding and, 354—356
Ego, 598
Egocentrism, in children, 150—151
Electra complex, 599
Electrical activity, of brain, 68
Electroconvulsive therapy, 715—716
Electroencephalogram (EEG), 68
Electromagnetic spectrum, 204
Embryo, 141
EMDR (eye movement desensitization and
reprocessing), 706
Emotion, 513-547
autonomic nervous system and, 516-517
cognition and, 520—523
culture and expression of, 528—529
detecting and computing, 526—528
effects of facial expressions and, 530—531
experienced, 532—546. See also specific
inappropriate, in schizophrenia, 670—671
nonverbal communication of, 524-526
physiological differences among emotions
and, 518—520
physiological similarities among emotions
and, 517—518
prejudice and, 747
theories of, 513—515
Emotional intelligence, 436—437
gender differences in, 464
Emotional stability-instability, 614, 615
Emotion-focused coping, 563
Empathy, 170
in humanistic therapy, 610, 689
psychotherapy and, 707—708
Empirically derived tests, 617
Empiricism, 3
Employee engagement, 505—506
Employee satisfaction, 505—506
Employee selection, 500—503
Empty nest, 188
Encoding, 351, 353—361
acoustic, 356—357
failure of, 376 —377
of meaning, 356—358
organizing information for, 359—360
process of, 353—356
semantic, 356
visual, 356, 358—359
Endocrine system, 65—67
Endorphins, 59-60
Environment, prenatal, 114
Environmental influences, 96. See also
Nature-nurture debate; specific influences
adoption studies and, 100-101
on intelligence, 457—459
interaction with genetic factors, 104
Epinephrine, 66
Equity, love and, 764
Erectile disorder, 482
Erogenous zones, 598
Errors, in performance appraisal, 504
ESP. See Extrasensory perception (ESP)
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
(Locke), 3
Estrogen, 482, 483
Ethnicity, intelligence and, 459—461
Evolutionary perspective, 11
Evolutionary psychology, 107-113
critique of, 112—113
human sexuality and, 110—111, 112
motivation and, 470—471
natural selection and, 107—109
Excitatory signals, 56
Excitement phase, of sexual response cycle,
body weight and, 587
health and, 570
mood and, 568—569
Exhaustion, in general adaptation syndrome,
Experiment(s), 36—39
animal, 46—48
ethics and, 47—48
evaluating therapies using, 37—38
human, 48
independent and dependent variables and,
real life related to, 45
Experimental condition, 37
Experimental psychology, A-6—A—7
Explanatory style, coping with stress and,
564—56 5
Explicit memory, 367—368
Explicit prejudice, 744
Exposure therapies, 690, 691—692
Expressive style, consistency of, 621—622
External locus of control, 625
Extinction, 319
Extrasensory perception (ESP), 264—268
claims of, 264—265
experimental tests of, 266—268
premonitions and pretensions and,
265 —266
Extraversion, 614, 615
Extrinsic motivation, 335
Eye, 205—208
Eye movement desensitization and reprocess
ing (EMDR), 706
Eyewitness recall, of children, 386—387
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, 614
Feature detectors, visual, 209—210
Feedback system, endocrine, 66—67
Feel-good, do-good phenomenon, 537
Females. See Gender entries; Sex; Sexuality;
Sexual orientation
Fertility, in middle adulthood, 176—177
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 142
Fetus, 141
Fight-or-flight reaction, 551
Figure-ground relationship, 242, 243
Fissures, of brain, 76
Fixation, 399—400, 598, 599
Fixed-interval schedules, 332
Fixed-ratio schedules, 331
Flashbulb memories, 351
Flow, motivation and, 498
Fluid intelligence, 184
Flynn effect, 447—448, 459, 461
fMRI. See functional magnetic resonance
Foot-in-the-door phenomenon, 727
Forensic psychology, A-7
Forgetting, 375—381
encoding failure and, 376—377
motivated, 380—381
retrieval failure and, 378—381
storage decay and, 377—378
Formal operations stage, 148, 154, 167—168
Form perception, 243 -244
Fovea, 206, 207
The Fragile Species (Thomas), 136
Framing, 406
Fraternal twins, 98
temperament of, 102
Free association, 597, 687
Frequency, of sound waves, 216, 217
Frequency theory, 219
Frontal lobes, 76, 77, 80, 81
Frustration-aggression principle, 751
Functional fixedness, 400
Functionalism, 5—6
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
(IMRI), 69—70, 79, 82, 166—167, 209,
421, 482, 484, 521, 522, 655
Fundamental attribution error, 724
Facial expressions, 526—531
culture and, 526—529
effects of, 530—531
Factor analysis, 432, 433, 614, 615
Faith communities, stress management and,
False consensus effect, 28, 606
Familiarity, attachment and, 156
Families. See also Parent(s)
adoption studies and, 100—101
cultural differences in, 124
Family therapy, 697—698
Farsightedness, 206
FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), 142
Fat cells, 585
Fear, 404—405, 533—535
biology of, 534—535
conditioning of, 654
learning, 533—534
limbic system and, 72
observational learning of, 654
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), 58
Ganglion cells, retinal, 206—207
GAS (general adaptation syndrome), 552—553
Gate-control theory, 226—227
Gay men. See Sexual orientation
Gender, 126—134
aggression and, 127
behavior related to, 46
biological sex and, 129—130
biopsychosocial perspective on, 129
child rearing and, 132—133
differences in sexuality and, 110—111
eating disorders and, 479
emotion and, 525—526
genetic testing for sex of offspring and, 106
intelligence and, 461—464
nonverbal behavior and, 525—526
prejudice and discrimination based on, 745
roles and, 131—132
social connectedness and, 128—129
social power and, 127—128
Gender identity, 599
child rearing and, 132—133
Gende roles, 131—132
Gender schema theory, 132—133
Gender-typing, 132, 133
Gene(s), 96—97
interaction with environment, 104
Gene complexes, 97
General adaptation syndrome (GAS),
5 52—5 53
General intelligence (g), 432—433
Generalization, 319—320
Generalized anxiety disorders, 649—650
Generativity vs. stagnation stage, 170
Genetic influences
on aggression, 749—750
on anxiety disorders, 655
on body weight, 586—587
on eating disorders, 479
on handedness, 88
on intelligence, 455—457
on mood disorders, 663—664
on schizophrenia, 674—675
on sexual orientation, 490-491
Genetics, behavioral. See Behavior genetics
Genetic tests, 105—106
Genome, 96—97
Genuineness, 610, 689
Gestalt, 242—243
Gestures, 528
Ghrelin, 476
Giftedness, 453-454
Glial cells, 75—76
Glucocorticoid stress hormones, 551
Glucose, 475
Glutamate, 58
specific and challenging, 508
superordinate, 767
Graduate Record Examination (GRE), 449,
Graduate study, preparing for, A—8—A—9
Grammar, 411
Graphic rating scales, for performance
appraisal, 503
Graphologists, 616
Gratification, delay of, 170
GRE (Graduate Record Examination), 449,
GRIT strategy, 769
Group differences, 103
Group influence, 737—741
effects of group interaction and, 739—741
individual behavior in the presence of oth
ers and, 738—739
power of individuals and, 741
Grouping, 242, 243 -244
Group polarization, 739—740, 741
Group therapy, 697
Groupthink, 740-741
Guilty knowledge test, 519
Habituation, 143
Hair cells, of ear, 217—218
Hallucinations, 277
Hallucinogens, 302—304, 303
Halo errors, in performance appraisal, 504
Hammer (bone), 217
Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior
Change (Ellis and Bergin), 709
Handedness, 88—91
Happiness, 537—544
adaptation and, 542—543
comparison and, 543
emotional ups and dowi~s and, 538—539
increasing, 545
predictors of, 543—544
wealth and, 539—542
Harvard Brain Bank, 68
Health. See also Illness
exercise and, 570
in late adulthood, 179—180
Health promotion, 562—593
coping with stress and. See Coping
managing stress and, 568—574
modi1~ring illness-related behaviors and,
Health psychology, 549, A—7. See also Health
promotion; Stress
Hearing, 215—224
assistive listening technologies and, 263
capture and, 242
ear and, 217—220
localization of, 219—220
loss of, 220—223, 263
sound waves and, 215-126
Heart disease, stress and, 555—556
Height, relative, as monocular cue, 247
Helplessness, learned, 625—626
mood disorders and, 665—667
Hemispheric specialization, 83—91
handedness and, 88—91
left- versus right-brained people and, 87
split-brain research and, 84—86
study in intact brain, 86, 88
Herbal medicine, 581
Heritability, 102—104
group differences and, 103
of intelligence, 456
interaction of nature and nurture and, 103
Heterosexuality. See Sexual orientation
Heuristics, 397, 398, 401—403
encoding and, 360, 361
of needs, 472—473
Hindsight bias, 20—21
Hippocampus, 72
memory and, 368-369
Histrionic personality disorder, 677
Homeostasis, 471
Homosexuality. See Sexual orientation
Hope, psychotherapy and, 707
Hormones, 65—67
aggression and, 750
emotion and, 521
hunger and, 475, 476
memory and, 366—367
obesity and, 586
sex, 129, 130
sexual behavior and, 482-483
sexual orientation and, 491—493
stress and, 366—367, 551
Hue, of light, 205
Human experiments, ethics and, 48
Human factors psychology, 261—263, 499
Humanistic perspective, 609—612
assessment of self and, 610—611
evaluation of, 611—612
on personality, 609—612
person-centered perspective and, 610
self-actualization and, 609—610
Humanistic psychology, 7
Humanistic therapy, 689—690
Hunger, 473-480
physiology of, 474—477
psychology of, 47 7—480
Hypnosis, 290—296
as altered state of consciousness, 294 —295
facts and falsehoods about, 291—293
Hypothalamus, 66, 73-74
hunger and, 475
sexual orientation and, 490
Hypotheses, 25
lCD-b (International Classification of
Diseases), 644
Iconic memory, 362
Id, 598
Identical twins, 97, 98—99
parental influence on development of,
116 —117
prenatal environment of, 114
separated, 99—100
temperament of, 102
Identification, 598, 599
Identity, 171
formation of, 171—172
Identity vs. role confusion stage, 170
I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon, 20—21
Illness. See also Health entries
coronary heart disease, 555—556
emotional. See Psychological disorders
infectious, 485, 486—487, 673—674
psychophysiological, 557
stress and. See Stress
susceptibility to, 557—561
Illusions, perceptual, 240-242, 251—252
Illusory correlation, 33—34
Image(s), thinking in, 420—422
Imagery, 358
Imagination, memory and, 383 —384
Imitation, violence and, 345—346
Immediate reinforcers, 330
Immune system
conditioning of, 560-561
stress and, 5 57—558
Implicit memory, 367
Implicit prejudice, 744
Imprinting, 156
Inattentional blindness, 238
Incentives, 471
Independence, child rearing and, 124
Independent variable, 38, 39
Individualism, 121—124
Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology,
13, 499, A—7. See also Human factors
psychology; Personnel psychology
brain development in, 114—115
depth perception in, 245
habituation in, 143
memory in, 146
newborn, development of, 142-143
physical development of, 144—145
social development of, 15 5—160, 161
temperament of, 102
Infantile amnesia, 388—389
Infections, 486—487
sexually transmitted, 190, 485, 558—559
viral, during pregnancy, schizophrenia and,
Inferences, 42—44
Influence. See Social influence
Informational social influence, 733
Information processing
consciousness and, 271—273
memory and, 351—353
parallel, 210—211
serial, 210
visual, 208 —211
Ingroup, 746-747
Ingroup bias, 746—747
Inhibitory signals, 56
Initiative vs. guilt stage, 170
Inner ear, 217
Insanity defense, 646—647
Insecure attachment, 156
Insight, 398—399, 687
Insomnia, 283
Instincts, 470—471
Insulin, 475
Integrity vs. despair stage, 170
Intelligence, 431—467
aging and, 183 —185
analytical, 435
assessment of. See Intelligence tests
contemporary theories of, 433—436
creative, 435
creativity and, 437—439
crystallized, 184
definition of, 431
emotional, 436-437, 464
environmental influences on, 457—459
extremes of, 452—454
fluid, 184
general, 432—433
genetic influences on, 45 5—457
multiple, 433—436
neurological measurement of,
439 -441
practical, 435
stability versus change and, 450—452
Intelligence and Experience (Hunt), 458
Intelligence quotient (IQ), 442, 443 —444
Intelligence tests, 431, 442—450
applications of, 444, 445
bias and, 464—466
ethnic differences and similarities in scores
and, 459—461
gender differences and similarities in
scores and, 461—464
modern, 444-445, 446
origins of, 442-444
test construction for, 446—449
Intensity, of light, 205
gene-environment, 104
of nature and nurture, 103, 166
proactive, 379
retrieval failure and, 378—380
retroactive, 379—380
Intermittent reinforcement, 331
Internal locus of control, 625
International Classification of Diseases
(lCD-b), 644
Interneurons, 62
Interpersonal psychotherapy, 688
Interposition, as monocular cue, 246
Interpretation, 686, 687
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 287, 596
Interviewer illusion, 502
Intimacy, 172. See also Love
Intimacy vs. isolation stage, 170
Intrinsic motivation, 335
Introspection, 4
Introversion, 614, 615
Intuition, 407-409
limits of, 19—22
Ions, 55—56
I/O (industrial/organizational) psychology,
13, 499, A—7. See also Human factors
psychology; Personnel psychology
IQ (intelligence quotient), 442, 443—444
Iris, of eye, 205
james-Lange theory, 514
Job interviews, 501—503
Just noticeable difference (md), 201—202
Just-world phenomenon, 748
Kinesthesis, 233—234
Knee-jerk reflex, 63, 64
Labeling, of psychological disorders, 645—647
Lamaze childbirth method, 229, 293
Language, 410—418
in animals, 424, 42 5-428
brain and, 80—82
development of. See Language development
influence on thinking, 418-420
structure of, 410-411
Language development
inborn universal grammar and, 414-415
operant learning and, 413 —414
statistical learning and critical periods and,
415 —417
timing of, 412—413
Late adulthood. See Aging
Latent content, of dreams, 287, 687
Latent learning, 334
Lateral hypothalamus, hunger and, 475
Law of effect, 327
Leadership style, 508—510
Learned helplessness, 62 5—626
mood disorders and, 66 5—667
Learning, 313 —347
aggression and, 752—754
associative, 314. See also Classical condition
ing; Conditioning; Operant conditioning
of fear, 533—534
of language. See Language development
latent, 334
observational. See Observational learning
process of, 313—315
The Left-Hander Syndrome (Coren), 87
Leniency, in performance appraisal, 504
Lens, of eye, 205
Leptin, 586
Lesbians. See Sexual orientation
Lesions, 68
Levels of analysis, 10—12, 54. See also
Biological influences; Biopsychosocial
entries; Psychological influences; Socialcultural influences
of hunger, 480
of learning, 323
of memory, 363
of perception, 261
of personality, 624
of psychological disorder prevention,
686— 687
of sexual activity, 483
Lie detection, 518—519
Life events, 186
stressful, 553—555
Life expectancy, 177—178
Light, as monocular cue, 248
Light energy, 204—205
Light exposure therapy, 706—707
Lightness constancy, 253
Limbic system, 72—74
Linear perspective, as monocular cue, 248
Linguistic determinism, 418—420
Listening, active, 689
“Little Albert” experiment, 324
Lobotomy, 71 7—718
Longitudinal studies, 183
Long-term memory, 351—352, 363
Long-term potentiation (LTP), 365, 366
Loudness, 216
Love, 187—188
companionate, 763 -764
passionate, 763
romantic, 762-764
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 302—303
LTP (long-term potentiation), 365, 366
Luminance, relative, 253
Lymphocytes, 557
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 302—303
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 69, 70,
73, 79, 83, 181, 229, 299, 440, 553,
665, 673, 718
Mainstreaming, 453
Major depressive disorder, 659
Male(s). See Gender entries; Sexuality; Sex;
Sexual orientation
Male answer syndrome, 128
Management, effective, 507—510
Mania, 659
Manic depressive disorder, 659—660
Manifest content, of dreams, 286
Manual healing, 581
Marijuana, 303 -304
Marriage, 187—188
Master’s degrees, A—2---A—3
Mating preferences, natural selection and,
111, 112
Maturation, 145
infant memory and, 146
McGurk effect, 230
MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine),
302, 303
Mean, 41
Meaning, encoding, 356—358
Median, 41
Medical model, 642— 643
Meditation, stress management and, 571—572
Medulla, 71
Melatonin, circadian rhythm and, 275
Membranes, selectively permeable, 56
Memes, 341
Memory, 349—393
of abuse, 387—390
aging and, 181—183
amnesia and, 367
children’s eyewitness recall and, 386—387
dreaming and, 287
echoic, 362
encoding and. See Encoding
explicit, 367—368
flashbulb, 351
forgetting and, 375 —381
hypnosis and, 292
iconic, 362
implicit, 367
improving, 391—392
in infants, 146
information processing and, 351—353
long-term, 351—3 52, 363
misinformation and imagination effects
on, 382—384
mood and, 374—375
of pain, 228
phenomenon of, 349—3 53
prospective, 182
retrieval and, 351, 370—375
sensory, 351, 362
short-term (working), 351, 352, 353,
sleep and, 283
source amnesia and, 384
storage and. See Storage
stress hormones and, 366—367
true versus false memories and, 384—386
working, 352
Men. See Gender entries; Sexuality; Sex;
Sexual orientation
Menarche, 166
Menopause, 176
Mental age, 442, 443
Mental retardation, 452—453
Mental set, 400
Mere exposure effect, 759
Meta-analysis, 703
Metabolism, obesity and, 58 5—586
Methamphetamines, 300
(MDMA), 302, 303
Middle ear, 217
Mind, 67
study of brain-mind connections and, 68
theory of, 151—153, 342
unconscious. See Unconscious entries
Mind-body control, 581
Mind-body interaction, 718
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI), 616—618
Minority influence, 741
Mirror-image perceptions, 758
Mirror neurons, 341
memory and, 376
source, 384
Misinformation effect, memory and,
Missionary Travels (Livingstone), 59
MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory), 616—618
Mnemonics, 358—359
Mode, 41
Modeling, 341
aggression and, 752—754
Molecular genetics, 105—106
Monocular cues, 246—249
Mood, exercise and, 568—569
Mood-congruent memories, 374—375
Mood disorders, 658—659
biological perspective on, 662—665
bipolar disorder, 659—660
major depressive disorder, 659
social-cognitive perspective on, 665—668
Mood-stabilizing drugs, 715
Moon illusion, 251
Moral action, 170
Moral development, 168-170
Moral feeling, 168—170
Moral reasoning, 168, 169
Moral thinking, 168
Morphemes, 411
Mother Care/Other Care (Scarr), 160
Motion, relative, as monocular cue, 248
Motion perception, 249-250
Motivated forgetting, 380—381
Motivation, 469—511
achievement, 504
drives and incentives and, 471
extrinsic, 335
flow and, 498
hierarchy of motives and, 472—473
hunger and. See Hunger
instincts and, 470—471
intrinsic, 335
need to belong and, 495—498
optimum arousal and, 471-472
sexual. See Sexuality
in workplace, 498—510. See also
Organizational psychology; Personnel
Motor cortex, 77—78
Motor development, in infancy and child
hood, 145—146
Motor neurons, 62
Movement sense, 233—234
MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging
Muller-Lyer illusion, 240, 251, 252
Multiple intelligences, 433—436
Mutations, 108
Myelin sheath, 55
Narcissistic personality disorder, 677
Narcolepsy, 284
National Association of the Deaf, 220
Naturalistic observation, 28, 29—30
Natural mapping, 261, 262
Natural selection, 8, 9, 107—109
anxiety disorders and, 655
mating preferences and, 111, 112
Nature-nurture debate, 8, 9—10, 134—137. See
also Behavior genetics; Culture;
Environmental influence; Evolutionary
psychology; Gender entries; Gene(s)
development and, 139
interaction of nature and nurture and,
The Nature of Prejudice (Allport), 746
Near-death experiences, 309—310
Nearsightedness, 206
to belong, 495—498
hierarchy of, 472—473
Negative reinforcement, 329
Neo-Freudian theories of personality, 601
Nerve(s), 62
Nerve deafness, 220—221
Nervous system, 61—6 5
central, 61
peripheral, 61—62
Neural communication, 54—61
neurons and, 5 5-56
neurotransmitters and, 58—60
process of, 57—58
Neural networks, 64—65
Neural prosthetics, 78
Neuroimaging, 69—70
Neurological speed, intelligence and, 441
Neurons, 54, 55—56
communication between, 57—58. See
also Neurotransmitters; specific
glial cells and, 75—76
interneurons, 62
mirror, 341
motor, 62
sensory, 62
Neuropsychology, A-7
Neuroscience, 53—93
endocrine system and, 65—67
nervous system and, 61—65. See also Brain
neural communication and. See Neural
Neuroscience perspective, 11
Neurotransmission, drug and chemical
effects on, 5 9—60
Neurotransmitters, 57—60. See also specific
influence of, 58-60
learning and, 365
mood disorders and, 664
Newborn, development of, 142—143
Next-in-line effect, 355
Nicotine. See Smoking
Night terrors, 284
Noise, negative effects of, 218
Nondirective therapy, 689—690
Nonverbal communication, 524—526
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline), 58, 66
mood disorders and, 664
Norm(s), 120
for helping, 766—767
Normal curve, 446, 447
Normative social influence, 733
Obedience, 734—737
Obesity, 582—591
physiology of, 585—588
social effects of, 583—584
weight control and, 582—583, 584
weight loss and, 588—591
Object permanence, 149
as brain study method, 68
naturalistic, 28, 29—30
Observational learning, 315, 341—346
applications of, 343 —346
Bandura’s experiments on, 343
of fear, 654
positive, 343 —344
television and, 344—346
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
651—6 52
Occipital lobes, 76, 77
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder),
651—6 52
Oedipus complex, 598, 599
Old age, physical changes in, 177—181
Olfaction. See Smell sense
One-word stage, 413
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 9, 109
Operant behavior, 326
Operant chamber, 327
Operant conditioning, 314, 326—340
applications of, 336—338
in behavior therapy, 693—694
biological predispositions and, 335—336
classical conditioning contrasted with, 339
cognition and, 334—335
language development and, 413 -414
Skinner’s experiments and, 327—333
Operational definitions, 25
Opiates, 300
Opponent colors, 213
Opponent-process theory, 213
Optic nerve, 206, 207
Optimism, 627—629
Organizational psychology, 499, 504—510
effective management and, 507—510
satisfaction and engagement and, 505—506
Orgasm, 481—482
Orgasmic disorder, 482
Ostracism, 496—497
Outcome research, on psychotherapy,
Outer ear, 217
Outgroup, 746-747
Ovaries, 66
Overconfidence, 22, 403
Overlearning, 16
Pace of life, cultural differences in, 120—121
Pain, 226—229
biological, psychological, and socialcultural influences on, 226—228
biopsychosocial perspective on, 226—228
control of, 228—229
hypnosis to alleviate, 293
Pain reflex, 63
Palm readers, 616—617
Pancreas, 66
Panic disorder, 650
Paradoxical sleep, 276, 277, 278, 279, 287,
Parallel processing, visual, 210—211
Paranoid schizophrenia, 671
Paraprofessionals, 708
Parapsychology, 264. See also Extrasensory
perception (ESP)
Parasympathetic nervous system, 62
Parathyroid glands, 66
Parent(s). See also Child rearing
abusive, 158—159
adolescent development and, 172
adoption studies and, 100—101
influence on children’s development,
parenting st:yles and, 161—163
Parietal lobes, 76, 77, 80
Parkinson’s disease, 60
Partial reinforcement, 331
Passionate love, 763
Peacemaking, 767—770
communication and, 769
conciliation and, 769—770
cooperation and, 767—768
Peer(s), adolescent development and, 172
Peer influence, 117—118
Perception(s), 197, 198, 237—269
depth, 245 —249
disturbed, in schizophrenia, 670
extrasensory, 264—268
form, 243—244
illusions and, 240—242
interpretation of. See Perceptual
mirror-image, 758
motion, 249—250
perceptual organization and. See Perceptual
selective attention and, 237—240
Perceptual adaptation, 256—257
Perceptual constancy, 250—253
Perceptual illusions, 240-242, 251—252
Perceptual interpretation, 254—264
human factor and, 261—263
perceptual adaptation and, 256—257
perceptual set and, 257—261
sensory deprivation and restored vision
and, 255—256
Perceptual organization, 242—254
depth perception and, 245 —249
form perception and, 243—244
gestalt and, 242—243
motion perception and, 249—250
perceptual constancy and, 250—253
Perceptual set, 2 57—261
Perceptual speed, intelligence and, 440—441
Performance appraisal, 503 —504
Peripheral nervous system (PNS), 61—62
Permissive parents, 162
Persistence, memory and, 376
Personal control, 62 5—629
internal versus external locus of, 625
learned helplessness versus, 625—626
optimism versus pessimism and, 627— 629
Personality, 595—637
development of, 598—599
dissociative identity disorder and, 656—657
heart disease and, 555—556
humanistic perspective on, 609—612
neo-Freudian theories of, 601
psychoanalytic perspective on, 596—609
self and, 631—636
social-cognitive perspective on, 623—631
structure of, 598
trait perspective on, 613—623
Personality disorders, 677—679
Personality inventories, 615—618
Personality psychology, 12
Personal space, 120
Person-centered perspective, 610
Personnel psychology, 499, 500—504
employee selection and, 500—503
performance appraisal and, 503 —504
Person-situation controversy, 619—621
Pessimism, 627— 629
PET (positron emission tomography), 69
Pets, 568
Phallic stage, 599
Phantom limb sensations, 226-227
Phi phenomenon, 250
Phobias, 535, 650—651
Phonemes, 410-411
Phrenology, 53
Physical attractiveness, attraction and,
Physical dependence, on drugs, 297
Physical development
in adolescence, 165—167
in adulthood, 175-181
of children, 145—146
of infants, 144—14 5
Pitch, 216, 217
perception of, 219
Pituitary gland, 66
Placebo effect, 37, 701
Place theory, 219
Plasticity, of brain, 82—8 3
Plateau phase, of sexual response cycle, 481
Pleasure principle, 598
PNS (peripheral nervous system), 61—62
Polygraph, 518—519
Ponzo illusion, 251
Population, 28
Positive observational learning, 343—344
Positive psychology, 538, 628
Positive reinforcement, 329
Positive transfer, 380
Positron emission tomography (PET), 69
Postconventional morality, 168
Posthypnotic suggestions, 292—293
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
Practical intelligence, 435
Precognition, 265
Preconscious, 597
Preconventional morality, 168
Predictive validity, 448—449
Prejudice, 743—748
automatic, 744
cognitive roots of, 747—748
emotional roots of, 747
levels of, 743—745
social roots of, 746—747
Premature ejaculation, 482
Prenatal development, 140-142
sexual orientation and, 491—493
viral infection during, schizophrenia and,
Prenatal environment, 114
Preoperational stage, 148, 150—153
Primary reinforcers, 330
Primary sex characteristics, 165
Priming, 200-201, 372
Principles of Psychology (James), 6, 631
Prior experience, happiness and, 542—543
Proactive interference, 379
Problem-focused coping, 563
Problem solving, 397—400
obstacles to, 399—400
Progressive relaxation, 692
Projection, 600, 601
Projective tests, 602—603
Prosocial models, 343—344
Prospective memory, 182
Prototypes, 396—397
Proximity, 244
attraction and, 758—759
Psychiatry, 13
Psychoactive drugs, 296—308
dependence and addiction to, 296—298
depressant, 298—300
hallucinogenic, 302—304
influences on use of, 304-308
stimulant, 300-302
Psychoanalysis, 597, 686—687
aims of, 686
methods of, 687
psychodynamic, 688
Psychoanalytic perspective, 596—609
evaluation of, 604—607
neo-Freudian and psychodynamic theorists
and, 601-602
projective tests and, 602—603
unconscious and, 597-600
Psychodynamic perspective, 11, 602
Psychodynamic therapy, 601—602, 688, 708
Psychological dependence, on drugs, 297
Psychological disorders, 639—683
anxiety disorders, 649—6 58
biopsychosocial perspective on, 643
classification of, 644, 645
cultural influences on, 643
definition of, 640, 642
labeling, 645—647
medical perspective on, 642—643
mood disorders, 658—669
personality disorders, 677—679
prevention of, 719—720
rates of, 680—682
schizophrenia, 669—677
Psychological influences, 10, 54. See also
Biopsychosocial perspective; Levels of
analysis; specific psychological influences
on aggression, 751—754
biological influences related to, 53—54
on drug use, 306 —308
on hunger, 480
on hypnosis, 295
on memory, 389-390
on pain, 226—228
on perception, 261
Psychological influences (cont.)
on personality, 624
on schizophrenia, 675—676
on sexual activity, 483
Psychological science
birth of, 3-6
correlation and, 30—36
description and, 2 6—30
experimentation and, 36—39
need for, 19—26
statistical reasoning and, 3 9—44
contemporary, 8-14
definition of, 2
globalization of, 9
levels of analysis of. See Levels of analysis
potential danger of, 49
prescientific, 2—3
questions frequently asked about, 44—49
roots of, 2—8
subfields of, 12—14
Psychometric psychology, A—7
Psychopaths, 677
Psychopharmacology, 711—715
antianxiety drugs and, 712
antidepressant drugs and, 713—715
antipsychotic drugs and, 711—712
mood-stabilizing drugs and, 715
Psychophysics, 199
Psychophysiological illnesses, 557
Psychosexual stages, 598—599
Psychosocial development, Erikson’s stages
of, 170
Psychosurgery, 717—718
Psychotherapists, 709
Psychotherapy, 685, 686—699
alternative, evaluation of, 705—707
behavioral, 690-694
cognitive, 694—697
commonalities among approaches,
culture and values in, 708—710
effectiveness of, 700—704
family, 697—698
group, 697
humanistic, 689—690
interpersonal, 688
psychoanalysis, 686-688
psychodynamic, 688
relative effectiveness of approaches,
Psychotherapy integration, 686
FISD (posttraumatic stress disorder),
652- 653
Puberty, 165—166
Punishment, 332-333
Pupil, of eye, 205
Quantitative psychology, A—7
Race, intelligence and, 460
Random assignment, 37—38
Random events, perception of order in,
Randomized clinical trials, 703
Random sample, 28
Random sampling, 28—29
Range, 42, 43
Rationalization, 600, 601
Reaction formation, 600, 601
Reality principle, 598
Reasoning, moral, 168, 169
Reasoning power, development of, 167—168
Recall, 182, 370
hypnosis and, 292
Recency errors, in performance appraisal,
Reciprocal determinism, 623—624
Reciprocity norm, 766—767
Recognition, 182, 370
Reflexes, 63—64
rooting, 142
Refractory period, 56, 482
Regression, 600, 601
Regression toward the mean, 701
Rehabilitation psychology, A—7
Rehearsal, 354
Reification, 431
Reinforcement, 329—330, 654
continuous, 330
negative, 329
partial (intermittent), 331
positive, 329
Reinforcement schedules, 330—332
conditioned, 330
delayed, 330
immediate, 330
primary, 330
Relative clarity, as monocular cue, 247
Relative deprivation, 543
Relative height, as monocular cue, 247
Relative luminance, 253
Relative motion, as monocular cue, 248
Relative size, as monocular cue, 246
Relaxation, stress management and, 570—571
Relearning, 370
Reliability, 448
of observed differences, 42—43
of Rorschach Inkblot test, 603
in adolescence, 167—168, 171
decline in commitment to and depression,
happiness and, 544, 545
science and, 135—136
self-serving bias and, 633
social responsibility norm and, 767
stress management and, 572—574
therapists’ values and, 709
Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 233
REM rebound, 288-289
REM sleep, 276, 277, 278, 279, 287, 288—289
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS), 716—717
Replication, 25
Representativeness heuristic, 401—402
Representative samples, 42
Repression, 381, 600, 604—605
of memories of abuse, 387—390
applied, 13
basic, 12, 13
correlation and, 30—3 6
cross-sectional, 183
descriptive, 26—30
experimental, 36—39, 45, 46—48
longitudinal, 183
randomized clinical trials in, 703
scientific method and, 24—26
statistics and, 39—44
Research psychology, A-6—A—7
Residual schizophrenia, 671
Resistance, 686, 687
in general adaptation syndrome, 552
Resolution phase, of sexual response cycle,
Respondent behavior, 326
all-or-none, 56
conditioned, 316, 317
unconditioned, 316, 317
Resting potentials, 56
Reticular formation, 71
Retina, 205—208
Retinal disparity, 246
Retrieval, 351, 370—375
cues for, 371—375
failure of, 378—381
Retroactive interference, 379—380
Reward centers, 74
Reward deficiency syndrome, 74
Reward theory of attraction, 762
Risk, 404-405
Rods, retinal, 206—208
Role(s), 131
gender, 131—132
Role playing, attitudes and, 727—728
Romantic love, 762—764
Rooting reflex, 142
Rorschach Inkblot test, 602— 603
Rosy retrospection, 358, 359
rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stim
ulation), 716—717
Rubber-hand illusion, 225
random, 28
representative, 42
Sampling, random, 28-29
SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test), 449, 451
Satisfaction, employee, 505—506
Savant syndrome, 433
Scapegoat theory, 747
Scatterplots, 30, 31, 32
Schemas, 147, 258
Schizoid personality disorder, 677
Schizophrenia, 669—677
brain abnormalities in, 672—674
brain in, 79
drug therapy for, 711-712
genetic factors in, 674—675
psychological factors in, 675—676
subtypes of, 671
symptoms of, 669—671
Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), 449, 451
operant conditioning applications in,
336—3 37
violence in, 344-345
Schooling, intelligence and, 458—459
School psychology, A-8
Science, religion and, 135—136
Scientific attitude, 23—24
Scientific method, 24—26
Seasonal affective disorder, 274, 706—707
Secondary sex characteristics, 165
Selective attention, 237-240
Selective permeability, 56
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs), 713
Self, 631—636
assessment of, 610—611
personality and, 631—636
Self-actualization, 609—610
Self-concept, 610
development of, 161
Self-disclosure, love and, 764
benefits of, 632—633
culture and, 633
Self-help groups, 698
Self-reference effect, 358
Self-serving bias, 633—636
Semantic encoding, 356
Semantics, 411
Semicircular canals, 234
Sensation, 197—235, 237
auditory. See Hearing
kinesthetic, 233—234
sensory adaptation and, 202—203
smell, 231—233
taste, 229—231
thresholds and, 199—202
touch, 224—229
visual. See Vision
Sensorimotor stage, 148, 149, 150
Sensorineural hearing loss, 220—221
Sensory adaptation, 202—203
Sensory changes, in late adulthood, 178—179
Sensory compensation, hearing loss and, 223
Sensory cortex, 77, 78—79
Sensory deprivation, 255—256
Sensory interaction, 230—231
Sensory memory, 351, 362
Sensory neurons, 62
Serial position effect, 356
Serial processing, 210
Serotonin, 58
learning and, 365
mood disorders and, 664
Set point, 476, 585—586
Severity errors, in performance appraisal, 504
Sex. See also Gender
biological, 126, 129—130
life expectancy and, 178
Sex characteristics
primary, 165
secondary, 165
Sex chromosomes, 129—130
Sex hormones, 129, 130
Sexual disorders, 482, 483
Sexuality, 481—49 5
adolescent, 485—493
contraception and, 485—486
gender differences in, 110—111
hormones and, 482—483
psychology of, 483-48 5
sexually transmitted infections and,
486 —487
sexual orientation and, 487—493
sexual response cycle and, 481—482
values and, 493 -494
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 190,
485, 486—487, 558-5 59
Sexual orientation, 487—493
brain and, 489-490
genetics of, 490—491
origins of, 488—493
statistics on, 487—488
Sexual response cycle, 481—482
Shadow, as monocular cue, 248
Shape constancy, 250
Shaping, 328—329
Short-term memory, 351, 352, 353, 362—363
Signal detection theory, 199—200
Sign language, 220, 411
hemispheric specialization and, 86, 88
Sign Language Structure (Stokoe), 220
Similarity, 244
attraction and, 762
Situation(s), assessing behavior in, 629—630
Situational attribution, 724
Size, relative, as monocular cue, 246
Size constancy, 250—252
Skepticism, curious, 23
Skewed distribution, 41
Skinner box, 327
Sleep, 275—289
dreaming and, 28 5-289
need for, 279 —283
REM (paradoxical), 276, 277, 278, 279,
287, 288—289
rhythm of, 275—279
stages of, 276 —279
theories of, 282—283
Sleep apnea, 284
Sleep deprivation, effects of, 280—282
Sleep rhythm of, disorders of, 283—28 5
Sleep spindles, 277
Sleepwalking, 285
Smell sense, 231—233
Smoking, 575—582
failure to stop, 577—578
nicotine withdrawal and, 577
preventing, 580—582
quitting, 578—580
reasons and timing of starting, 576—577
risks of, 575—576
Social clock, 186
Social-cognitive perspective, 623—631
assessing behavior in situations and,
629— 630
evaluation of, 630
on mood disorders, 665—668
personal control and, 62 5—629
on personality, 623—631
reciprocal influences and, 623—624
Social connectedness, gender and, 128—129
Social control, 741
Social-cultural influences, 10, 54, 754—756.
See also Biopsychosocial perspective;
Culture; Levels of analysis; specific socialcultural influences
on drug use, 306—308
s-i. I
on hunger, 480
on hypnosis, 295
on memory, 390
on pain, 226-228
on perception, 261
on personality, 624
on prejudice, 746—747
on sexual activity, 483
Social-cultural perspective, 11, 12
Social development
in adolescence, 170—173
in adulthood, 185—191
of children, 160—163
of infants, 155—160, 161
Social exchange theory, 766—767
Social facilitation, 738, 739
Social identities, prejudice and, 746—747
Social inequalities, prejudice and, 746
Social influence, 730—742
aggression and, 752
conformity and, 732—734, 737
group influence and, 737—741
individual influence and, 741
informational, 733
normative, 733
obedience and, 734—73 7
Social influence theory, of hypnosis, 294
Social leadership, 508
Social learning theory, 132
Social loafing, 738—739
Social phobia, 651
Social power, gender and, 127—128
Social psychology, 12, 723—771, A—8. See also
Social influence; Social relations; Social
Social relations, 742—771
aggression and. See Aggression
altruism and, 764-767
attraction and. See Attraction
conflict and, 756—758
peacemaking and, 767-770
prejudice and. See Prejudice
Social-responsibility norm, 767
Social scripts, 754
Social support
coping with stress and, 565—567
faith and, 573
Social thinking, 723 -730
attitudes and actions and, 726—730
attributions and, 724—726
Sociopaths, 677
Somatic nervous system, 62
Sound waves, 215—216
Source amnesia, 384
Spacing effect, 355
Spermarche, 166
Spinal cord, 63—64
Spirituality, stress management and,
572— 574
Split-brain research, 84—8 6
Split-half reliability, 448
Spontaneous recovery, 319, 714
Sports psychology, A-8
Spotlight effect, 632
SQ3R study method, 15, 391
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors), 713
emotional, 614, 615
of intelligence, 450—452
Standard deviation, 42, 43
Standardization, 446—448
Stanford-Binet test, 442, 443
Stanford Prison Experiment, 728
Statistical reasoning, 3 9—44
central tendency measures and, 41
inferences and, 42-44
variation measures and, 41—42, 43
Statistical significance, 43—44
Stereotypes, 743
Stereotype threat, 465—466
Stigmatization, labeling and, 646—647
Stimulants, 300—302
conditioned, 316, 317
discriminative, 328—329
sexual, 484—485
Stimulus generalization, 654
Stirrup (bone), 217
STIs (sexually transmitted infections), 190,
485, 486—487, 558—559
Storage, 351, 361—370
in brain, 363 —369
decay of, 377—378
long-term memory and, 363
sensory memory and, 362
working/short-term memory and, 351,
Stranger anxiety, 155
employee selection and, 500—503
identifying, 501
job-relevant, harnessing, 507—508
Stress, 550—562
coping with. See Coping with stress
heart and, 555—556
managing, 568—574
response to, 551—553
stressors and, 550—555
susceptibility to disease and, 557—561
Stress hormones, memory and, 366—367
Stress inoculation training, 696
Stroboscopic movement, 250
Structuralism, 4—5
Structured interviews, 502—503
Study techniques, 15—16, 391—392
Subjective well-being, 538
Subliminal stimulation, 200 -201
Subtractive color mixing, 212
Successive approximations, 328—329
Suggestibility, memory and, 376
Suicide, 662— 663
Superego, 598
Superordinate goals, 767
Support groups, 698
Suprachiasmatic nucleus, circadian rhythm
and, 275
Surface structure, of language, 413 —414
Survey method, 27-29
random sampling and, 28—29
wording effects on, 28
Sympathetic nervous system, 62
Synapses, 57
storage and, 365—366
Synaptic gap (cleft), 57
Syntax, 411
Systematic desensitization, 692
Taijin-kyofusho, 643
Tardive dyskinesia, 712
Task leadership, 508
Taste preferences, 477—478
Taste sense, 229—231
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), 602
Telegraphic speech, 413
Telepathy, 265
Television, observational learning and,
Telomeres, 553
Temperament, 102, 615
attachment and, 157
Temporal lobes, 76, 77, 81
Teratogens, 141
Terror-management theory, 606
achievement, 444-445
aptitude, 444-445, 446
construction of, 446-449
empirically derived, 617
genetic, 105—106
guilty knowledge, 519
intelligence. See Intelligence tests
projective, 602—603
Testes, 66
Testosterone, 130, 482, 483
Test-retest reliability, 448
Test-taking tips, 16
Texture gradient, 247
Thalamus, 72
THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), 303
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 602
Theory, 24—26
Theory of mind, 151—153, 342
Therapeutic alliance, 708
Therapeutic relationship, 707—708
Therapists, 709
Therapy, 68 5—721
biomedical. See Biomedical therapy
evaluating, 37—38
hypnosis for, 292—293
medical, alternative, 580—581
neurotransmitter research and, 60
psychological. See Psychotherapy
Thinking. See also Cognition; Cognitive
by animals, 422-424
critical. See Critical thinking
disorganized, in schizophrenia, 669-670
in images, 420-422
influence of language on, 418-420
language in, 424, 425—428
moral, 168
social. See Social thinking
360-degree feedback, 503
Thresholds, 56, 199—202
absolute, 199
difference, 201—202
signal detection and, 199—200
subliminal stimulation and, 200—201
T lymphocytes, 557
Token economy, 693-694
Tolerance, to drugs, 297
Top-down processing, 197, 198
Touch sense, 224-229
pain and, 226—229
Trait(s), 613
Big Five, 618—619
Trait perspective, 613—623
assessment of traits and, 615—618
Big Five personality factors and, 618—619
biology and, 615
evaluation of, 619—622
factor analysis and, 614, 615
on personality, 613—623
Transduction, 204
Transference, 686, 687
Transformational leadership, 509
Transience, forgetting and, 376
Trauma, as classical conditioning, 325
Treatise of Man (Descartes), 3
Triarchic theory of intelligence, 435—436
Trust, basic, 158
Trust vs. mistrust stage, 170
Twin studies, 97-100
intelligence and, 455
Two-factor theory of emotion, 514
Two-word stage, 413
Type A personality, 555—556
Type B personality, 555—5 56
Umami, 229
Unconditional positive regard, 610, 689, 690
Unconditioned response (UR), 316, 317
Unconditioned stimulus (US), 316, 317
Unconscious, 597-600
assessment of, 602— 603
collective, 601
modern view of, 605—606
Unconscious patronization, 744
Unconscious processes, 86, 271
in amnesia, 367
automatic processing, 353—354
closure and, 244, 253
in déjà vu, 373
false memories, 384—386
Freud’s emphasis on, 7
in hypnosis. See Hypnosis
information processing and, 272
misinformation and imagination effects,
prejudice and, 743, 744
in psychoanalytic perspective. See
Psychoanalysis; Psychoanalytic per
repression, 380, 381, 387—390
in selective attention, 237—240
in sleep. See Dreams; Sleep
source amnesia, 384
Undifferentiated schizophrenia, 671
Unweaving the Rainbow (Dawkins), 135
UR (unconditioned response), 316, 317
US (unconditioned stimulus), 316, 317
Validity, 448-449
of Rorschach Inkblot test, 603
psychotherapy and, 708—710
sexual behavior and, 493—494
Value judgments, 48—49
Variable(s), independent and dependent,
Variable-interval schedules, 332
Variable-ratio schedules, 332
Variation, measures of, 41—42, 43
Ventromedial hypothalamus, hunger and,
Visual capture, 242
Visual cliff, 245
Visual encoding, 356, 358—359
Visual information processing, 208—211
feature detection and, 209—210
parallel, 210—211
Volley principle, 219
Vestibular sacs, 234
Vestibular sense, 234
Video games, violence related to, 754—756
Violence. See also Aggression
observational learning and, 344—346
Viral infection, during pregnancy, schizo
phrenia and, 673—674
Virtual reality exposure therapy, 692, 693
Vision, 204—215. See also Blindness
color, 212—214
depth perception and, 245 —249
eye and, 205 —208
light energy and, 204 —205
restored, 25 5—256
visual information processing and,
208 —211
WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale),
444, 445
Wavelength, of light, 204—20 5
Wealth, well-being and, 539—542
The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 756
Weber’s law, 202
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS),
444, 445
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
(WISC), 445
Weight loss, 588—591
across life span, 189—190
subjective, 538
wealth and, 539—542
Wernicke’s area, 81
WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children), 445
from drugs, 297
from nicotine, 577
Women. See Gender entries; Sexuality; Sex;
Sexual orientation
Work, 188—189
Working memory, 351, 352, 353, 362—363
Workplace. See also Industrial/organizational
(I/O) psychology
motivation in, 498—510. See also
Organizational psychology; Personnel
operant conditioning applications in,
3 37—338
X chromosome, 129
Y chromosome, 129—130
Young-Helmholtz trichromatic (three-color)
theory, 212, 213
Zygotes, 140
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