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An Outline of American History
1. 1607 history began.
Discovery of America.
Columbus,1498,South America.
1507 Amerigo Vespucci.
2. Colonization of North America
3. 1775-1783 War of Independence
4. 1783-1789 The Confederation and the
• The Articles of the Confederation,1781,
the United States was officially founded.
• 1787- The Constitution-Congress ( a
House of Representatives and a Senate.
• Federalists—democratic-Thomas
• Anti- federalists –Hamilton.
• 1791-Bill of Rights-freedom of speech,
assembly, press.
5. 1789-1796 Washington’s administration
6. John Adams and overthrow of the
7.1800-1809-Thomas Jefferson
8.1812-1814 War with England(18091817)James Madison-President
9. James Monroe :(1817-1825)
Monroe Doctrine.-symbol of American
10.Andrew Jackson(1829-1837)
11.Mexico War (1846-1848).
12.Civil war (1861-1865)
The Confederate Union of America.
The Homestead Bill and the Emancipation
13.Imperialism and WWI
(1) Reconstruction of the South(18651877): black –enfranchised.
(2) Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow system of
legal separation.
(1) 1877-overseas expansion, 1844-invasion
of China.1846-Mexica.,1866-Korea,1897purchase of Alaska,1874Japan,1899- East
Samoa, 1893-Hawaii.
1898_Spanish War- first imperialist war.
(3) Monopolist capitalists:
(4) 1901-Theodore Roosevelt(president)
--aggression,Open Door Policy.-Big Stickplus- dollar policy.
1922-1929 Jazz age
(1) Great Depression of 1929-1933
(2) Roosevelt’s “New Deal”_social security.
(3) WWII(1939-1945)
(4) Harry S.Truman (1945-1953)
1947- Truman Doctrine, beginning of “cold
war”,expanding American sphere of
influence and supressing the revolutionary
struggle in various countries of the world.
Marshall Plan,1947-restore economies of
1949-NATO,against Soviet.
1950-1953 Korean War.
14.Dwight David Eisenhower
The Eisenhower Doctrine: retaliation,
aggression, based on superiority in
nuclear weapons.
Vietnam War(1953----1973) for benefit of
American Corporate and military
15 .Iraq,1991-Desert Storm by claiming
Iraqi invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
Gulf War,1993,1994,1996,1998.
Yugoslavia,1999,air strike. NATO.
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