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CaON Meeting report
Feb. 2012
chairs: Dimitra S. (UEssex), Sergi F. (i2CAT)
co-chairs: Juan Fernandez P. (TID), Andrea Di Giglio (Telecom Italy)
• Actions to be taken on future events
• Updates on the upcoming EU-Japan call
• CaON standardisation task force update
• Report on the STRONGEST workshop on Energy Efficiency
• Report on workshop activities from AOSE and ACCORDANCE
• CaON strategy white paper
Actions to be taken on the following
– ONDM 2012 (17th -20th April), UEssex, UK
• GEYSERS/CaON Workshop on net/IT convergence
• Workshop topics to be distributed this week
• CaON and some non-Caon project will be invited
– FIA 2012(10th -11th May), Aalborg, Denmark
• Possible support at a standardisation session being prepared on access
• Establish a better link with FIArch and PPP
– FuNeMS 2012 (4th -6th July), Berlin
• some CaON projects participated on workshop proposals
– ECOC 2012 (17th -18th September), Amsterdam
• Propose to ECOC committee a session based on CaON outcomes with A. Houghton
as speaker.
– 10th Future Network Concertation meeting
• Organize a 1-day CaON workshop and expose the leverage provided by current
projects to future projects. Open participation
Updates on the upcoming EU-Japan call (beyond 100Gb)
4th EU-Japan Symposium “New Generation Networks and Future Internet”
19th January 2012, Tokyo, Japan
• The 4th symposium focused on 6 topics where joint research efforts will
Low energy contents distribution with contents centric networking
Future Internet of things over "Clouds“
Optical communication
Experimental R&D over federated Japan and EU testbeds
• Complementarities identified
– Technologies (Japan) & Systems (EU)
• Main topics addressed:
– Convergence Net/IT, flexibility, elasticity and virtualisation
• Japan has a large interest in testbeds:
– They have unique facilities sharing optical paket and circuit domains
– Exchange of expertise and control planes interoperability
– Japan is clearly looking at SDN
CaON standardisation task force
update (Led by Juan Fernandez Palacios from TID)
• CAON is actively participating in different standardisation
bodies FSAN (NGPON2) ,IETF (Control Plane), OGF.
• In particular, IETF participation is focused in two main topics:
– E2E optical networks enabling automated and elastic connectivity
from Mbps to hundreds of Gbps
– Datacenter and network interworking enabling both network and IT
resources optimization
Report on the STRONGEST workshop
on Energy Efficiency
The energy efficiency in the core network
– Optical Packet and Circuit Integrated Network for Efficient Network
– Fixed Network Energy Efficiency Optimization Through Dynamic Power management: ECONET
– STRONGEST enhancement in power consumption savings
– GEYSERS: an insight on Network Control Plane evolutions and infrastructure virtualization
– Analysis of the Energy Efficiency in IP over WDM Networks with Load‐Adaptive Operation
– STRONGEST energy model ‐ W. Van Heddeghem, IBBT Ghent
The energy efficiency in the fixed access network
– Energy Efficiency in Next‐Generation Optical Access Networks: Preliminary Results from the OASE
– Improving Energy Efficiency in Optical Access Networks
– Optical Metro Access for Energy‐Efficient Networks
Green mobile networks
– EARTH ‐ Overview and Status
– Ghost Femto Cells
– Reducing energy consumption in cellular access networks
* presentations are on STRONGEST website (
Report on workshop activities from
Municipal networks: organized in Ghent (belgium) oct 2011 by OASE together with
2 other projects (Terrain and NGinfra):
– very large success (100 attendees)
– It gathered stakeholders (municipalities, industry, operators, universities, regulators) from all
over Europe;
– the workshop was focused on business models linked to fiber municipal networks.
– It was very interactive, and shown the viability of different business models of FTTH
deployments through different types of public-private partnerships.
Convergence in access networks: organized jointly by OASE and Accordance in
Tallinn (Estonia) Feb 2012.
– 55 attendees
– It gathered the main local actors (all telcos and cable operators, National representative,
representatives from ministry of industry, universities, companies).
– It was very effective in disseminating projects results to communities who do not participate
to commission events or scientific conferences.
OASE organised 8 workshops in 2011 but they are more classical (in FFTH-C,
CaON strategy white paper I
• Paper draft finished, next steps:
– Elaborate an executive summary and provide the current paper as
an annex
– Integrate some sections (slight re-shape)
– Establish a link with mobile/radio (comments welcome)
– Strengthen the complementarily to Net!Works & Photonics 21
white papers, and include them as reference
– EC will support the publication and dissemination of the executive
– Current version is available at for extra
CaON strategy white paper II
• Strengthen the CaON reference model:
Cloud/Service Layer
(e.g. app middleware layer)
Network Control Plane Layer
(i.e. network provisioning layer)
Physical Infrastructure(s*)
SLA Layer
Application Layer
(i.e. final consumers)
Virtualisation Layer
* = (s) to reflect network & IT and multiplicity of infrastructures
Management Layer(s)
– Establish collaboration with PPP and FIArch