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Securities Enforcement: Overview
Stavros Gadinis
Berkeley Law School
The SEC: A Primer
• Independent Federal Agency created by the 1934 Act
5 Commissioners appointed for 5-year terms upon
recommendation of the President and confirmed by the Senate
‣ 1 Chair, 2 Commissioners chosen from the President’s party
‣ 2 Commissioners chosen from other Party
Cannot be dismissed prior to expiry of tenure unless for cause
Budget set by Congress
• The SEC is huge
about 4,500 staff
1,300+ enforcement staff
The Enforcement Toolkit: Actions and Venues
• Civil Actions
SEC Enforcement Actions
‣ Civil Lawsuits: brought by the SEC before federal courts
‣ Administrative Proceedings: brought by the SEC before
Administrative Law Judges, specialized judicial personnel
within the SEC itself
Private lawsuits - typically class actions
‣ The SEC may join
• Criminal Actions
Brought by the Department of Justice (DoJ), or State Attorneys
General (AGs)
In cooperation with the SEC
The Enforcement Toolkit: Sanctions
• Monetary Sanctions
Fines (Civil Penalties)
‣ requested by the SEC, imposed by courts or ALJ, or agreed
by defendants in settlement
‣ paid to the US Treasury, but can be used as investor relief
Disgorgement: recovering illicit gains
‣ requested by the SEC, imposed by courts or ALJ, or agreed
by defendants in settlement
‣ distributed to victims of misconduct through Fair Funds
• Non-monetary Sanctions
cease-and-desist, censure
bans from securities activities (temporary or permanent)
Typical Timeline
• Data Research
• Inspection
• Whistleblower
• Press Report
Matter Under Inquiry
Informal Investigation
initiates action
• Settlement
• Ruling
The Enforcement Toolkit: By The Numbers
Civil actions in 2016
868 (564 stand-alone)
Criminal actions in 2016
Private federal securities
class actions in 2015
Requests to/from foreign authorities
for assistance
SEC wins at least in part
92% of all actions brought
Average months between MUI and
commencing action
Penalties and disgorgement 2015
$4.195 billion
Distributed to investors 2015
$158 million
Individuals and Admissions of Wrongdoing
Holding Individuals Accountable
• Sarbanes-Oxley (2002) certification requirements
CEOs and CFOs must personally certify that company
disclosures and financial statements do not contain untrue facts
or omit material ones
Auditors must assess the adequacy of the company’s internal
• Sarbanes-Oxley imposed criminal liability for violations of the
certification requirements
• In September 2015, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates issued a
memo redirecting efforts to holding individuals accountable
Providing evidence about individuals could become a condition
for corporate resolution
Prevalent Settlement Policy
• When settling with the SEC, most defendants “neither admit nor
deny wrongdoing”
Limits reputational fallout for the defendant
Allows defendant to continue fighting other litigation (criminal,
• Many such settlements involve corporate entities, and not
Precludes any finding of intent, knowledge, or recklessness
‣ even if board members are found liable, they are deemed
“not in bad faith”
‣ any payments can come from D&O insurance rather than out
of pocket
Criticisms and Justifications
• Criticisms?
Too lenient, no accountability
Does not deter future wrongdoers
Favors managers in big corporations with deep pockets, but
harms shareholders
• How does the SEC justify this approach?
Without this clause, most defendants would opt to fight the SEC
in court, thus diverting the agency’s resources from other
In many cases, particularly those against big corporations,
decision-making is decentralized
‣ identifying individual wrongdoers is very hard
Achieves the key mission: to punish the wrongdoing and obtain
funds to relieve harmed investors
A New SEC Policy
• In 2011, Judge Rakoff (SDNY) criticized the SEC’s approach
rejecting Citigroup’s settlement
Mounting criticism from Congress, academics
• In 2013, SEC Chairman Mary Jo White announced a change in
The SEC would now seek admissions where appropriate
• How have things changed?
In the last 3 years, they have gotten about 40 entities, 30
individuals to admit
‣ egregious intentional misconduct
‣ particularly used against auditors
“Neither admit nor deny” remains by far the prevalent strategy
The SEC Whistleblower Regime
Statutory Framework: Overview
Dodd-Frank Act (2010) introduced whistleblower provisions
If original information voluntarily provided by a whistleblower
leads to successful SEC enforcement action with over $1m in
…the whistleblower is entitled to between 10% and 30% of
collected sanctions
The SEC has discretion to determine the exact amount to be
awarded (between 10-30%) but must consider:
Significance of information to success of action
Degree of assistance provided by the whistleblower
Interest of SEC in deterring violations
Other factors it may establish
SEC Rules: Exclusions and Anti-Retaliation
Individuals Excluded:
Officers, directors, trustees, or partners of the target
Compliance or internal audit personnel
Unless they have reasonable basis to believe that disclosure
was necessary to prevent company from violations
Expanded protection against retaliation
Private right of action against employers
Reinstatement, double back-pay, reimbursement of costs
Coverage expanded to subsidiaries, affiliates
Bars enforcement of confidentiality agreements: the SEC is
taking action against companies that seek to constrain their
employees contractually
SEC Rules: Should Whistleblowers Report
Internally First?
Companies pushed the SEC to include a requirement that the
whistleblower first reports internally, and goes to the agency only
after internal measures are exhausted
The SEC did NOT require this in the end – so whistleblowers can
go directly to the SEC
But the SEC provides for incentives to whistleblowers to report
internally first
It will matter in determining the award
It will allow them to use the internal report date as the initial date
of their report to the agency
The Success of the Whistleblower Program
The SEC has granted $111 million to 34 whistleblowers in 3 years
It has gained $584 million in related enforcement actions
4,200 whistleblower tips reached the SEC in 2016
But the SEC provides for incentives to whistleblowers to report
internally first
It will matter in determining the award
It will allow them to use the internal report date as the initial date
of their report to the agency
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
FCPA's Jurisdiction
The FCPA applies to:
Any ISSUER under the U.S. securities laws
Public companies, domestic or foreign, that are registered
under Section 12 of the 1934 Act or are required to file
periodic reports with the SEC
DOMESTIC CONERNS: U.S. companies, citizens,
nationals, and residents
ANY PERSON OR ENTITY that engages in ANY ACT in
furtherance of a corrupt payment while in the territory of the
FCPA’s Anti-Corruption Provision
Prohibits corruptly making, offering or promising to make, a
payment, gift, or anything of value, directly or indirectly, to a
foreign government official for the purpose of obtaining or
retaining business
• A payment, offer, or promise is unlawful if the purpose is to
• (1) influence an official act or decision, or
• (2) induce an official to act or not act, in order to
obtain, retain, or direct business or secure an
improper advantage
• “Anything of value” is very broadly defined
• Includes gifts, entertainment, travel, and hospitality;
contractual payments; personal favors; donations to an
official’s favorite charity; cash; stocks/bonds; and more
• "Indirectly": Through an intermediary (third party) while
"knowing" the payment or gift will corruptly be passed on
Who Is A Government Official?
Very broadly defined
Not limited to high-level officials
Includes people acting officially on behalf of a government
Includes employees of government-owned or
government-controlled entities
Fact-specific analysis (“instrumentality”)
Includes relatives of government officials
Includes political parties, party officials, and candidates
Includes employees of international organizations
Third Parties
Companies may be liable for an FCPA violation committed by
third parties (distributors, agents, contractors, suppliers, etc.),
even if they do not participate directly in the corrupt activity
FCPA violations can occur through payments to third parties
while "knowing" that money will corruptly be passed on to
foreign government officials
"Knowing" means that you knew, or should have known,
about “red flags” indicating a risk of corruption – You
cannot put your head in the sand
FCPA Cases in Practice
• Self-reporting
Compliance officers get hold of tips about an FCPA violation
After internal investigation, they typically self-report to the SEC
to obtain benefits at settlement
• Resolving the criminal aspects
Companies and DoJ typically enter into a Deferred Prosecution
Agreement (DPA)
‣ Company agrees to a fine
‣ Company agrees to undertake reforms in its internal
governance to prevent similar violations in the future
‣ Often criticized as lenient