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Red Light Anti Human Trafficking Initiative Application
This application must be completed by all candidates interested in serving within Red Light as
a volunteer/intern. The application is used to help Red Light maintain a safe and honoring
environment for our beneficiaries, staff and other volunteers/interns. Please note that the
application process includes obtaining a ‘police clearance’ and authorizing Red Light to check
if you have any criminal records. Red Light ministers to vulnerable groups and this is why our
screening process is so strict for potential team members. The application also allows us to
get to know you and future team members.
A completed application package requires the following
1. Completed application form
2. Two certified copied of your South African ID (Current Passport if not a South African
3. Police Clearance Certificate obtained from SAPS (Fingerprint background check in your
country of origin if not a South African resident)
4. Reference letters from the following: (Please use form provided )
- Current Pastor
- Current or most recent employer
- Spiritual Leader or mentor
5. Completed liability waiver form
6. Medical information and release form
7. Proof of medical insurance
8. Two certified copied of your driver’s license – if applicable (International drivers
license if not a resident of South Africa) – if applicable
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
A. Personal Information (Please print legibly)
Full Name:
Nickname or Preferred name:
Maiden or former name:
Postal Address:
Postal Code:
Home Address:
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other Phone:
Email address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Country you have citizenship:
Gender: Male / Female
Marital Status single/separated/married/remarried/divorced/widowed:
Language and the level of conversational and written communication:
First Language:
Level of Conversational speech: Fair / Moderate / Fluent
Level of Written Communication: Fair / Moderate / Fluent
Second Language:
Level of Conversational speech: Fair / Moderate / Fluent
Level of Written Communication: Fair / Moderate / Fluent
Third Language:
Level of Conversational speech: Fair / Moderate / Fluent
Level of Written Communication: Fair / Moderate / Fluent
Other Languages:
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
Emergency Contact information
Fathers Information or closest relative:
Father’s Full Name:
Home Address:
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
Other Phone:
Mothers Information or closest relative:
Mother’s Full Name:
Home Address:
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
Other Phone:
Work Phone:
Work Phone:
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
Background and History Information
Home church:
Senior Pastor:
Assistant Pastor:
Church Address:
Church Phone:
How often do you attend:
How long have you been a member:
How have you served in your local church?
Church Website:
Where have you served in other ministries?
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
As a potential team member, we hope you can respect and understand the steps we take to
ensure that we only accept suitable applications. The question asked are personal and help
us make an informed decision. Your answers will not necessarily disqualify you from joining
our team and we encourage you to clarify as needed any additional information in the
‘comment’ section at the end of the application.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?
Have you been baptized?
Do you practice ‘Charismatic’ Holy Spirit Gifting? If yes please explain:
Do you struggle with any addictive behaviours eg: drinking/smoking/drugs.
If yes, please give details:
Where you ever been physically abused as a child or adult?
Where you ever been sexually abused as a child or adult?
Do you have any communicable diseases (including HIV or AIDS) ? If yes, please
Are your finances in order so they will not cause problems for you while you are
with the organinsation? Please explain:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If yes please give details and explain?
Have you received counselling or behavioral medication in the last 12 months?
Please explain
Are you dealing with any health issues? Please explain:
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
Please describe any specialized training or skills and hobbies you have that might be useful
at Red Light (bible school courses, ministry training, trade/tech school, construction – what
are you good at etc.)
Please check the area below that you enjoy and are trained in:
Leadership Training
Teaching (Bible School Instructor, English Classes, Crusades, etc.)
Arts (Drama, Music, Crafts, etc.)
Event Planning
Organizational Skills
Writing (Letters, Marketing Material, Books, etc.)
Graphic Art (Newsletters, Website, Brochures, etc.)
Medical (Doctor, Nursing, Dental, etc.)
Soft skills (Cooking, Sewing, Cleaning, etc.)
Comments and others:
Please check which of the following areas you have experience in:
Leading Worship
Leading small group Bible study
Preaching or teaching Bible studies
Teaching English as a second language
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
Is there anything else you feel would be helpful for us to know about you?
How did you hear about Red Light?
Current Occupation:
Present Employer:
Work Phone:
May we call you at work? Yes / No
Have you ever worked on the mission field? Yes / No
If yes, what organizations have you worked with?
What countries have you worked in and how long did you serve in each country?
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
What do you believe God has called you to do or accomplish in ministry? If you have a personal
vision or mission statement, please include.
Are there specific age groups or specific ministry groups (women, children, youth, etc.) that you
are drawn to more than others?
Who are the most influential people in your life? Why?
What do you see as your strongest character quality?
What do you see as your weakest character quality?
Describe what your relationship with Jesus means to you.
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
What would you consider your greatest strengths?
What would you consider your areas that need improvement?
What would you consider your spiritual gifts and talents?
If you could do anything in ministry, what would you do?
List some of your dreams/goals.
Why do you want to work at Red Light?
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
Please give two references that are qualified to speak of your spiritual life, involvement in Christian
service, your capability of working on the mission field for long term, and your work ethic. These
should include your pastor and your employer. Please do not use family members as references.
Please send the enclosed reference form to your referees and ask them to send it to our office. We
can also send them a digital copy if required.
1. Senior Pastor:
2. Employer:
Authorization to Release Reference Information
I authorize Red Light to inquire about my personal history and to verify all data given in my
I release any person, organization, or company from any liability, claims, or damages that may
directly or indirectly result from the use, disclosure, or release of any such information by any
person or party, whether such information is favorable or unfavorable.
I waive the right to ever personally view any references given to Red Light.
I certify that I have carefully read and do understand the above statements.
Applicant’s Name:
Applicant’s Signature:
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961
Two copies of your “Current” Passport for our files
Police clearance
Proof of Medical Insurance
Liability waiver form
Medical information and release form
I am willing to receive any recommended inoculations or vaccinations at my expense.
I understand, at any time, if Red Light feels I am not complying with their guidelines or instructions
and/or causing danger and/or harm to the rest of the organization, they have the right to send me
home at my expense at their discretion, before the time of my commitment has officially ended.
Applicant's Signature:
Red Light Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative PBO 930041387 NPO 118498 NPC 2012/04936508
1 Tamarind Close, Sunningdale 4051
[email protected]
+27 31 562 1961