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Chapter VII The Postwar America
• 1.Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
(1) 1947- Truman Doctrine, beginning of
“cold war”, suppressing the revolutionary
struggle,containment:assist any nation
merely because it was anti-communist.
(2) Marshall Plan, 1947- restore economies
of Europe.
(3) 1949- NATO against Soviet.
(4) 1950-1953 Korean War.
2. Dwight David Eisenhower(1953-1961)
(1) The Eisenhower Doctrine: retaliation,
aggression, based on superiority in nuclear
(2)Vietnam War (1950--1973) for benefit of
American Corporate and military interests.
3. John Fitzgerald Kennedy( 1961-1963)
the only Roman Catholic president,
assassinated on November22,1963.
5.Iraq,1991-Desert Storm by claiming Iraqi
invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Gulf
Yugoslavia,1999,air strike.NATO
4.Baby boom:between 1946 and 1961:more than
63.5million babies were born.
5.1972:Nixon ,the Shanghai Joint Communique.
1979:diplomatic relations.
6.Two famous black leaders:Martin Luther King—
non-violent Civil Rights movement.Malcolm X
Watergate scandal
1972, June 17,police at the Watergate arrested
five men ,who proved to be working for Nixon’s
committee to reelect the President.In 1973,
Butterfield disclosed that Nixon had a taping
system installed in the White House and that
conversations about Watergate had been
Youth Culture
1960’s counter culture:Hippies:nonpolitical reasons,long hair,blue jeans.apathy
Study question:
An Analysis of American expansionism
1. Religious sense
(1) political responsibility throughout the Bible
God made human beings to be responsible for
the world, and this includes political responsibility.
It is a theme that reverberates throughout the
Bible. (2)the Puritan idea of the "city on a hill"
2.American culture: rationalism,
individualism, liberalism, aggressionism and
• Bill Clinton(1992-2000):
• 1.the end of the cold war and containment
• 2.The Federal Reserve controlled interest
• economy,international organizations.
• trade policy,free trade and lower
tariffs,quality control of products..WTO.