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2013 Fall Final Review United States History
What were two causes that led to the rise of dictatorships after WWI? (pg. 585 top left)
Who did Adolf Hitler blame for Germany’s defeat in WWI? (pg. 586 left side)
What happened at the Wannsee Conference? (pg. 599 top left)
The Port Huron statement expressed the views of which organization? (pg. 801 right side)
To push for better wages and benefits for farmworkers, Cesar Chavez organized a successful boycott of
__________________. (pg. 815)
In Roe v.Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not regulate abortions in the first________
months of pregnancy. (pg. 809)
Affirmative action called for companies and institutions that do business with the federal government
to_________________________. (pg. 813)
Which three countries were called the Axis Powers? (pg. 587 bold ink)
What was Kristallnacht? (pg. 597)
What two things did Nuremburg Laws do? (pg. 596)
The Nazi’s “final solution” referred to their plans to _____________________. (pg. 599)
The incident at Three Mile Island left many people in great doubt the ________________. (pg. 822)
In the Munich Conference, Britain and France gave into Hitler’s demands for the _____________. (pg.
The Nazi-Soviet nonaggression treaty contained a secret deal to _______________. (pg. 591)
A rock festival that drew hundreds of thousands of people in 1969 was at ________________. (pg. 805)
The Free Speech Movement was sparked by restrictions on students’ right to
______________________. (pg. 802 under red heading The Free Speech Movement)
For her book The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan interviewed Smith College graduates ad found that
most of them women __________________. (pg. 808 bottom left)
The book, Unsafe at Any Speed, by Ralph Nader, led to ___________for car designs. (pg. 823 right side
of page)
The part of the Educational Amendments that prohibited federally funded schools from discriminating
against girls and young women in nearly all aspects of their operations was Title ____. (pg. 809 only
word in blue print)
Spiro Agnew resigned from his Vice Presidential role under Richard Nixon because investigators
discovered that he had ________ (pg. 841)
As part of the Strategic Arms Limitation Committee, Nixon and Brezhnev agreed to _________________.
(pg. 837)
Nixon tried to avoid turning over the Watergate tapes by claiming that the tapes should remain
confidential in order to protect _______________. (pg. 841)
President Carter imposed an embargo on the sale of grain to the Soviet Union as a result of the Soviet
invasion of _______________. (pg. 848)
Richard Nixon won Southern support in the 1969 election by promising to ______________. (pg. 833
right side)
Burglars broke into the Watergate complex intending to steal campaign information from the
Democratic Party headquarters.
As part of Nixon’s New Federalism policy, Congress passed __________________. (pg. 834)
Evidence on Watergate seems to show that Nixon organized the cover up.
Before Ronald Reagan became governor of California, he was an ________. (pg. 845)
To keep the deficit under control, Reagan proposed cutting ________________. (pg. 867 right side)
Supply-side economists believed that tax cuts would result in _______________. (pg. 867 blue type)
Economic Stagnation + ? +Stagflation (pg. 844)
Liberals generally believe in_____________. (pg. 861 2nd paragraph under Liberalism heading in red)
In the Iran-Contra scandal, officials sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of
_______________. (pg. 870)
Many conservatives believe that most social problems can be resolved through __________ efforts and
a commitment to ______________. (pg. 861)
Some Americans turned to conservatism during the Cold War because they believed that liberal
economic ideas were slowly leading the nation toward ______________. (pg. 861)
Bill Gates co-founded the company____________. (pg. 891)
What type of law was the Brady Bill? (pg. 897)
In May 1989, Chinese students and workers held demonstrations for ______________. (pg. 883)
The first practical and affordable home computer was ________________. (pg. 893)
Define Reaganomics-(pg. 867)
The goal of the Kyoto Protocol was to _____________________. (pg. 905)
The United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf because Iraq invaded ______________. (pg. 884)
The Republican candidate in the 2000 presidential campaign was ______________. (pg. 907)
September 11, 2001, was the day that terrorists attacked ___________________. (pg. 911-912)
George W. Bush’s military program called for developing devices that could shoot down ___________.
(pg. 909)
Congress passed Bush’s proposal for annual ___________________. (pg. 909)
Europe, Africa,
Products exported to other countries$$$$$
And Asia
Products imported from other countries$$$$
What is the result for the US of the situation presented in the diagram? (pg. 903)
Under the _______________, the leaders of NATO and the Warsaw Pact agreed to recognize the
borders of Eastern Europe established at the end of WWII. The Soviets in return promised to uphold
basic human rights, including the right to move across borders. (pg. 846)
Who was the judge hearing the case of the Watergate burglars? (pg. 840)
Who founded the National Organization for Women (NOW)? (pg. 808)
Who became Nixon’s vice President after Spiro Agnew resigned? (pg. 841)
Who was the special prosecutor who took Nixon to court to force him to turn over the tapes? (pg. 841)
A popular destination for youths of the counterculture , located in San Francisco ______________. (pg.
Who was the Washington Post reporter who broke the Watergate story? (pg. 838 in An American Story)
A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1978 that brokered by President Carter (pg. 848)
Who organized a group that fought for the rights of farmworkers? (pg.815)
Who was a former President of the Students for a Democratic Society, freedom writer, and civil rights
activist? (pg. 801)
What treaty marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War? (pg. 871)
Who was the first woman to run for vice president for a major party? (pg. 868)
The first teacher in space who died when the shuttle Challenger exploded after liftoff, killing everyone
on board was ______________________. (pg. 878)
A televangelist who used his television show, The Old Time Gospel Hour, to found a movement the he
called the Moral Majority. The Moral Majority registered new voters who backed conservatives
candidates and issues. (pg. 864)
What does the word “Yuppie” stand for? (pg. 875)
They believed the best solution was to raise interest rates in order to fight inflation_____________ (pg.
The belief that high taxes took too much money away from investors and that if taxes were cut,
businesses would use the extra cash to make new investments which would create more
jobs._____________________ (pg. 867)
The first women elected to serve on the Supreme Court was _____________________. (pg. 868)
Was Ronald Reagan a conservative or a liberal? (pg. 866)
What was the name of the first desktop computer? (pg. 893)
The al-Qaeda organization was initially founded to fight the Soviet Union in (what country)? (pgs. 912,
A night of spontaneous rioting by the German people, enraged over the killing of a German diplomat by
a Jewish refugee was called ____________________. (pg. 596-597)
(True or False) supporters of appeasement believed that Hitler had a few limited demands and that they
could avoid war if they satisfied these demands. (pg. 590)
(True or False) In the 2000 election, Al Gore won the electoral vote but lost the election. (pg. 908)
True or False) Members of the counterculture were mostly white youths from middle- and upper class
backgrounds. (pg. 802)
(True or False) Ralph Nader’s book Unsafe at Any Speed revealed that car dealers were charging
customers unfairly high prices for cars. (pg. 823)
(True or False) In the end, most of the young people of the counterculture gradually returned to
mainstream society. (pg. 803)
(True or False) American commanders at Pearl Harbor naval base received a war warning, but Hawaii
was no mentioned as a possible target. (pg. 605)
(True or False) Supporters of nuclear energy say that it is a cleaner and less expensive alternative to
fossil fuels. (pg. 821)
(True or False) During the period after NAFTA passed, loss of jobs to Mexico caused employment to rise
sharply in the US. (pg. 903)
(True of False) In response the Berkeley Revolt, the Supreme Court ruled against student’s rights to free
speech on campus. (pg. 802)
(True or False) Reagan’s military buildup was the largest peacetime buildup in American history. (pg. 869
1st paragraph on the page)
(True of False) President Bill Clinton’s health care reform plan died without ever coming to a vote in
Congress. (pg. 897)
Write the name of the country next to their WWII leaders:
Benito MussoliniFrancisco FrancoAdolf HitlerJoseph StalinDefine/Identify the following:
Reverse discrimination (pg. 813)
Busing (pg. 814)
Auschwitz (pg. 599)
Anshcluss (pg. 590)
Gestapo-Nazi government secret police
What was Mussolini’s nickname? (pg. 585)
What was Hitler’s nickname? (pg. 586)
Mein Kampf (pg. 586)
Luftwaffe (pg. 594)
Aryans (pg. 586)
Internationalism (pg. 588)
Jimi Hendrix (pg. 805)
Détente (pg. 836)
Zen (pg. 851)