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Americans at War
(Chapter 21.3 pages 718 – 722)
I. Read, Joining the Fight on pages 718-719 and then summarize each section in the
appropriate space.
Protecting Allied
Allies developed a convoy system to protect shipping… light, fast allied
destroyers accompanied the convoys
 Shipping losses drastically reduced
“My message today was a message of death for our young men. How
strange it seems to applaud that” – Wilson after Declaration of War
was approved
Expeditionary Force
picked as the leader… insisted Americans fight in
separate units under American command.
 Keeping with Wilson’s orders
 In order to influence post war settlement, U.S. had to make a
victorious showing on its own
First troops in Europe in June of 1917 – boost French morale and
shows commitment to sending more when ready…. France cheered
II. Read, Setbacks and Advances on page 719-720 and then summarize each section in the
appropriate space.
Russia Makes Peace
Russian Army exhausted – 2,000,000 deserters. By July – Germans
deep into Russia
 Vladimir Lenin – The Leader of the Bolsheviks seized control of
government on 11/7/1917
 Leads Russians to communism
 embrace ideas of Karl Marx
 First order – pull Russia out of war in March of 1918
 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk… transferred 30% of Russia to
Allowed Germans to re-focus on the Western Front – showdown was
Germany Attacks
3/21/1918 – Launched a “Peace Offensive” – defeat the Allies quickly
Pershing now agreed to let Americans fight under French command –
“Use them as you wish”
Advancing Germans broke through allied lines in Belgium and France.
By June Germans reached
on Marne River – 50
miles from Paris
Millions of citizens in Paris fled… American troops arrive
Turning the Tide
(First Major Battle of
the War)
Battle of Argonne
 Allied counter attack near Chateau-Thierry. Americans remove
Germans from wooded area called
. This was a fortified
German area…
 3 weeks of intense fighting, HEAVY Marine casualties, drove
Germans out… 1,811 out of 9,777 were dead… Nicknames “Devil
Dogs” due to nature of hand to hand combat to clear out
 “Retreat? Hell, we just got here.” Marine Captain Lloyd Williams
 800,000 Germans lost since 1918 – still stayed on the offensive –
mid July a new drive towards Paris
– high casualties but the
Germans pull back
German army losing the will to fight – influenza, lack of supplies,
American troops
Allies take the offensive in September of 1918 – North Sea to Verdun.
 1,000,000 Americans advance on fortified German lines
between Meuse River and
in N.E. France
 Slow American advance – German defense started to crumble –
French and British forces start to advance
III. Read, The Armistice on pages 721 - 722 and then summarize each section in the
appropriate space.
The Armistice
Germans military and political leaders realize their lost cause… no
reserves… Germans seek an armistice
Germans knew British and French wanted harsh settlement for them…
asked America to get involved ….
Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” focus on international cooperation
10/6 – Germans send Wilson Armistice request based on his 14 points –
Wilson gets little say
A Harsh Armistice
Britain and France dictate the terms
1. Germany pull back its troops on the Western Front
2. Cancel the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
3. Hand over all of its U-boats
Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire also asked for an
Armistice… Wilson insists that the Kaiser (German Monarch) must step
down (Kaiser Wilhelm II)… Germany became a Republic
War’s Deadly Toll
11/11/1918 at 11:00 AM
 Most destructive war to date – more loss of lives than 100 years of
war combined in Europe
 Much of Northern France lay in ruin
 Millions of others lost limbs, were blind, lung damage and mental
France 1.3 million
German 1.6 million
Russia 1.7 million
Americans 50,000 (less than a year)
Shaping Peace
(Chapter 21.4 pages 723 – 727)
IV. Read, The Fourteen Points on pages 723 and then summarize the section in the space
A Peace Plan – A hope to prevent Future wars….
First 5 points: Factors that led to war
 Eliminate secret international agreements
 Called for Freedom of the seas
 Reduce military forces
Points 6-13: dealt with specific territorial issues
 Self-rule for national minority groups in Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire “Self
Point 14: Wilson’s most important
 Setting up an international organization to guarantee world peace… “Principle of justice
to all people and nationalities… whether they be strong or weak?
V. Read, Peace Conference in Paris, on pages 724 - 725 and then summarize each section in
the appropriate space.
The Big Four
United States = Woodrow Wilson
Britain = David Lloyd George
France = George Clemenceau
Italy = Vittorio Orlando
 Others wanted Germany punished – ensure they would not
threaten neighbors again
 Secret treaties signed during the war to split up Central Powers
The Treaty of
Dealt severely with Germany – Germany lost territories and colonies
1. Treaty forced Germany to take full responsibility
2. Must pay reparations
3. Placed limits on the size of their military
Wilson disagrees BUT does agree in order to get his peace organization –
The League of Nations
A place for countries to meet, settle disputes and punish nations who
break the rules
6/28/1919 – Germans sign treaty – sets the stage for another war
Other Treaties
Austria-Hungary collapsed = Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia
Serbs of Serbia joined with other Balkans = Yugoslavia
Poland declares Independence
Peace treaty recognizes these changes and makes adjustments to
borders… Britain and France divide African colonies – Ottoman Empire
now Turkey
Ottoman Empire
British get = Palestine, Jordan and Mesopotamia (Iraq)
France gets = Lebanon and Syria
VI. Read, Battle Over the League on pages 725-726 and answer the following questions:
1. Why did Lodge oppose the League of Nations?
It would restrict the United States ability to act independently in its own interest and
KEEP OUT of European Affairs
2. What happened to Wilson and the vote on the League of Nations?
Wilson goes on nationwide tour to get support – 40 Speeches in 3 weeks… Wilson
suffers massive stroke and his left side is paralyzed…. November 1919 – Senate rejects
the Treaty
3. Complete the Political Cartoon questions on page 726.
A. Gap in bridge = The United States – the Keystone (most important piece)
B. U.S. prefers to be alone and is shirking its responsibility. Shows the weak link –
causing a collapse
VII. Read, Postwar Troubles on page 727 and then summarize each section in the appropriate
Influenza Epidemic Disease claims 500,000 deaths in the United States alone in 1918 & 1919
Labor Unrest
Red Scare
Peacetime brings high unemployment. Prices rising, union demands for
higher wages meet resistance. In 1919 – 20% of labor force went on
Americans feared it was communist behind the strikes. 1919 Lenin called
for a workers Revolution.
Palmer Raids – If you have a radical view – you will be deported, January
2, 1920 – 4,000 people in 33 cities – public opinion turned against Palmer