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TB : Rationale for Corporate Action
Adjo Mfodwo
Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria
Cape Town, 23rd February 2009
Tuberculosis Incidence
» About 1/3 of the worlds population carries latent TB
» Up to 10 million new cases of active TB annually
» Up to 2 million TB deaths per year
» South Africa is one of the 22 high burden disease
» MDR & XDR TB are on the increase globally
Tuberculosis and HIV: deadly dual epidemic
TB is the most common cause of death in HIV-infected patients
worldwide – yet TB is curable!
Huge increase in TB over last 20 years – especially in Southern Africa
1/3 of the 33M people living with HIV are co-infected with TB
 TB latent infection in HIV-negative: 5-10% lifetime risk of TB disease
 But in HIV+, the annual risk is 10%
Among new TB patients, the proportion of HIV+ is…
 8% globally
 44% in South Africa
As with HIV, recent feminization of the TB epidemic
 Globally Men normally 2x as likely to have TB, but in Sub Saharan Africa, ratio is
about 1:1
 TB is the leading infectious killer of women of reproductive age globally
Number of new TB cases by country, 2007
Source: WHO
Over 1 million
Rate of new TB cases per 100,000 pop, 2007
Source: WHO
Over 300 per
100,000 pop
HIV prevalence in new TB cases, 2007
> 50%
Source: WHO
Why is TB a business issue?
 Three quarters of those who become ill with TB are
between the ages of 15 and 54  people in their prime
working years
 In the workplace, the TB causes decreased productivity
and disrupts workflow; it increases both direct costs
(treating workers) and indirect costs (replacing, retraining and reintegrating workers)
 TB is a community issue, companies need to be socially
Worldwide, TB results in a decline in worker
productivity totaling US$13 billion and a loss of
income totaling US$16 billion every year.
(World Economic Forum: Tackling Tuberculosis: The Business Response-Feb 2008)
TB is a source of concern among business
executives globally
WEF Executive Opinion Survey (2007) of over
11,000 respondents in 130 countries:
 Nearly one-third expect TB to affect
their business in the next 5 years
 One in 10 expects serious effects
 Companies in countries hard hit by
HIV/AIDS are particularly worried
about TB.
 Companies in sub-Saharan Africa,
Asia, and Eastern Europe are most
Global Business Coalition and TB
GBC’s mission is to mobilize the power of the global business community to
fight the HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria epidemics
Demonstrated capacity in corporate mobilization:
220+ members on 5 continents
Extensive network in Africa, supported by:
Offices in Johannesburg, Nairobi and Paris
Robust infrastructure in New York
Experienced broker for public-private partnerships:
Private Sector Focal Point at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria
Strong relationships with Stop TB, PEPFAR, PMI, GTZ
Tools and resources to
increase/improve workplace
and community TB/TB-HIV
State-of-the-art individual
and collective and advisory
Advocacy platforms on
business action on TB (e.g.,
Global Fund Focal Point)
2010 & beyond
GBC’s TB Strategy: Maximized corporate engagement,
enhanced PPPs, greater visibility and resources
Effective workplace TB
programs, with linkages to
the public sector
Integrated HIV-TB
workplace and community
Company core
competencies mobilized to
strengthen national TB
programs, increase TB
GBC global assessment of business action on
HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria (2008)
Broad Areas of
I.Workplace and
Engagement (HIV)
HIV/AIDS Policy
Prevention and education programs
Programs that enable people to determine their HIV status and support deal with the
Access to treatment support and care
II.Core Competency
Donations by companies of products, services and expertise
Extending policies and programs to suppliers and business associates
Collaboration between business and the public sector, and NGOs
Philanthropic donations from companies
IV.Advocacy and
Business leaders promoting change and taking leadership role in fight against HIV/AIDS
Documentation and reporting on outcomes of programs. Monitoring and evaluation of
these programs
and Malaria
TB engagement
Targeted, gender-appropriate interventions for HIV/AIDS recognizing that men and women
have different cultural and biological needs and vulnerabilities relating to the epidemic
Existence of programs appropriate for the companies
workforce and the communities in which they operate
GBC company interviews reveal that….
Company TB programs tend to fall under the
occupational health umbrella—that is, they may not be
managed in the same way as company HIV programs
Companies feel that there needs to be more advocacy
around TB: it lacks the prominence of HIV and malaria
Respondents indicated that corporate HIV/AIDS
programs are a successful template and can be a starting
point for TB engagement
Companies are less active on TB than HIV. Companies
operating in Africa are more engaged than others.
The business sector brings unique
strengths to the fight against TB
Private sector companies….
…can implement comprehensive workplace TB education efforts
have daily access to their workers… to screen, to treat, to support those
on treatment
have unique opportunities to reach out to communities where they
Can urge and support companies in their supply chain to do the same
can apply the core competencies they use in day-to-day operations, such
as IT and communications, product distribution, marketing
can be powerful advocates on TB issues by engaging with the public
Benefits of Business Engagement
For the employee:
Treatment adherence made easier
No loss of wages
Lower cost of treatment (or free)
Minimizes the stigma around TB among employers/ employees
For the company:
Building healthier workforces (prompt tx, reduced transmission)
Cost-saving by reduced absenteeism, staff turnover and retraining
Savings on medical insurance and direct medical costs
Opportunity to concretely demonstrate its social commitment
Means to build goodwill and reputation
Benefits of Business Engagement
For the community:
TB management cures people, returning them to an active,
productive life, which in turn benefits their children and other
For the national TB program:
Reaching the ‘unreached’- new routes to potential new patients,
increased national coverage
Extra resources: infrastructure, providers, management skills
Standardization of quality TB care (PPM)  can cut diagnostic
delays, increase treatment rates
Successful engagement on TB requires cross-sectoral
collaboration with government, communities and business
each playing their unique and important role.
Thank You!
Member Opportunities
Washington DC, June 7&8- Two day conference and awards dinner
» Track 1: Smarter Strategy, Planning and Financing
» Track 2: Smarter Program Design and Implementation
» Why you should attend…….
Find out about innovative, best practices in global health and development
Get practical steps to stretch investments, get bigger results and improve ROI
Discover funding and co-financing opportunities
Expanded networking opportunities
For more information and to register visit:
Southern African Events 2010
» TB Workshop: Increasing Corporate
Engagement on TB. KwaZulu Natal, May 31st
» Youth Day Event: HIV Prevention in Youth
Johannesburg, June 24th
» Women’s Day Event, Johannesburg, August 5th
» Southern African Conference: TB & Global Fund
Engagement, Johannesburg, October 11-13
Southern African Events 2010
» Motherland Tour Concert
- Sun City, 6 March 2010
» Leading African Women’s Forum
- Sun City, 7 March 2010
Contact: Louis DaGama: Director, Princess of Africa
[email protected]