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Unit 7
Body Weight and Physical Activity
Achieving and Maintaining a Healthful Body Weight
What is a Healthful Body Weight?
A healthful weight
Is appropriate for your _____________ and __________________________________________
Is maintained without constant ____________________________
Is based on family history of _______________________________ and _____________________________
Promotes good eating ____________________ and allows for _____________________________________
Is acceptable to _____________________
How is Healthful Body Weigh Measured?
____________________________: having too little body fat to maintain health
____________________________: having a moderate amount of excess body fat
____________________________: having an excess of body fat that adversely affects health
____________________________: body weight exceeding 100% of normal, creating a very high risk for
serious health consequences
Evaluating Body Weight
A person’s actual weight is not the _______________ factor to consider
Determining if a person’s body weight is healthful should include:
Expresses the ratio of a person’s weight to the square of their height
Let’s practice
What is the BMI of a female that is 5`5” and weighs 115 lbs?
What does this value mean in terms of healthful body weight?
BMI values below 18.5 or above 30 have increased health risks
Body composition
Measure of body ________________ and _______________________ muscle mass
Can be measured by
Which is the best method?
________________________________ fat patterning – upper body
__________________________ risk for chronic diseases
Men tend to store fat in their ________________________________ region
Abdominal fat _______________________________ chronic disease risk
Waist-to-hip ratio
Men’s waist-to-hip ratio is higher than ____________
Women’s is higher than _______________
Waist circumference
Men above _____ in. (or 102 cm.)
Woman above _____ in. (or 88 cm.)
__________________________________ fat patterning – lower body
__________ significant increased risk for chronic diseases
Women tend to _______________ fat in their lower body
Gaining or Losing Weight
Whether a person gains or loses weight depends on
Energy intake vs. energy expenditure
Genetic factors
Childhood weight
Physiologic factors
Social factors
Energy balance
Where does your intake come from?
What about your energy expenditure?
Energy Intake
Calculating the energy that is in a particular food
Carbohydrate is ___ kcal/g
Protein is ___ kcal/g
Fat is ___ kcal/g
Alcohol is ___ kcal/g
If a excess energy intake cause weight gain then how much excess is required to gain one pound?
Energy Expenditure
Energy is _________________________ to maintain basic body functions and to perform activities
Total 24-hour energy expenditure is composed of three components:
Basal metabolic rate (_________________)
Thermic effect of food (____________)
Energy cost of ____________________
How is energy expenditure measured?
Direct calorimetry
Indirect calorimetry
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Energy expended to maintain basal, or resting, functions of the body
~______________% of the total energy needs
BMR ___________________ with more lean body mass, during stress, and periods of growth
BMR ___________________ with age and during energy restriction
How do you calculate BMR?
Calculating BMR
Men =
Women =
Let’s Practice Calculating BMR’s
Let’s calculate the BMR for a male that is 150 lbs
Does everyone use their actual weight?
If we want to lose weight then why not just eat less?
Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)
Energy expended to _________________ food
About _______% of the energy content of a meal
“_____________________” of total energy consumed
Protein-rich meals are _____________% higher than a carb or fat-rich meal
Physical Activity
Energy cost of physical activity
About ____________% of someone’s total energy output each day
More activity
Genetic Factors
About ______% of one’s body fat is accounted for by ______________________ influences
Different ideas have been suggested to explain the impact of genetics on body fat
___________________________________ Theory
Proposes that a gene (or genes) causes people to be ________________________________
Proposes that people with this gene expend ___________________ energy than other people and
therefore __________________ weight
A “thrifty gene” has ____________ been identified
How would an individual with this gene react in today’s society?
___________________________________ Theory
Proposes that each person’s weight ___________________ within a ____________ range (set point)
The body compensates for changes in energy balance and keeps a person’s weight at their set point
Childhood Factors
_____________________________ factors in childhood can influence
Childhood overweight ______________________ the risk of heart disease and premature death as an adult
Must _____________________ childhood obesity because losing weight is much ____________________
task that teaching healthy habits.
Physiologic Factors
Hunger vs. appetite
Hunger –
Appetite –
Proteins affect the regulation of appetite and storage of body fat
Hormone produced by body fat that acts to ____________________ food intake therefore
decreasing body weight and body fat
Protein synthesized by the stomach that ______________________ appetite
Proteins affect the regulation of appetite and storage of body fat
Protein produced by GI tract that is ____________________ after meals in amounts proportional to
the energy content of meal to decrease appetite
Uncoupling proteins in ___________________________________________ increase energy
expenditure because a higher amount of mitochondria.
Newborn humans and other animals have _______________________________ amounts of
this type of fat.
Social Factors
Social factors influencing our diet include:
Family or cultural __________________________
___________________ and celebrations
Easy ___________________ to high-fat foods
_________________________ physically active lifestyles
Societal expectations of the “____________________” body
How to Achieve & Maintain Healthful Weight?
Healthful weight change requires
What about Weight Loss Diets?
______________-fat, ___________________-carbohydrate, __________________-protein diets
Cause ____________________, which will decrease blood glucose and insulin levels and reduce appetite
Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution, Protein Power
Nutritionally __________________________, _______________________________ supplements
Side effects: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, ketone breath, insomnia, fatigue
_____________________-fat, _____________-carbohydrate, _____________________-protein diets
Balanced in nutrients: ___________% calories from fat, ____________% carbohydrate, _________% protein
Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, DASH diet, and the USDA MyPyramid
Gradual weight ___________ (_____ pounds per week)
Typical energy deficits ____________________ kcal per day
___________-fat and _____________-___________-fat diets
About 11-19% of total energy as fat, while very-low-fat-diets contain less than 10%
Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease and The New Pritikin Program
Emphasize complex carbohydrates and fiber
Regular physical activity is a key component
Lower LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, insulin levels, and blood pressure
Safe and effective weight loss
Weight loss medications and herbal supplements:
May have __________________________ side effects
Many have been ____________________________ from market
Should only be used if a person has
A BMI of _________
A BMI of _________ and other health risk factors
Effective weight gain:
Eat _________ to _____________ extra kcal/day
Eat _______________________ throughout the day
Maintain a _______________________ diet
limit fat intake: ________________% of total energy intake
Avoid _________________________ (depress appetite and increase BMR)
___________________________ regularly with resistance training
Protein supplements
_____________________ increase muscle growth or strength
Potential side effects: dehydration, compromised absorption of amino acids, gout, liver and kidney damage,
and calcium loss
Disorders Related to Energy Intake
BMI ______________ 18.5
Increases the risk of infections and illness and can even be fatal
Can be just as ________________________________ as overweight
BMI __________________________ 25 and 29.9
Health risks: high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep disorders
Many overweight people will become _____________________
Recommend healthful eating and regular physical activity to prevent additional weight gain, achieve a
healthful weight, support long-term health
Obesity: BMI _______________ 30 to 39.9
Morbid obesity: ____________________ 100% normal weight
5 of the 9 leading causes of _____________________ in the US are associated with obesity
Overweight and obesity – _________________________ in US linked to many chronic diseases:
______________________________ - elevated total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol, and
decreased HDL cholesterol
Type 2 ___________________________
Heart disease and stroke
Gallbladder disease
Certain ______________________: colon, breast, endometrial, and gallbladder
Gestational diabetes, premature fetal deaths, neural tube defects, and complications during labor and
Treatments for obesity may include
____________________-calorie diet and __________________________ exercise
___________________________________ medications
Nutrition and Physical Activity: Keys to Good Health
Physical Activity vs. Fitness
Physical activity:
Physical fitness:
__________________________ fitness
___________________________ fitness
Body __________________________
Leisure time physical activity
________________________ – hiking, walking, biking
_____________________________ – purposeful, planned, structured physical activity
What are the Benefits of Physical Activity?
Regular physical activity:
______________________ the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure
______________________ the risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes
______________________ the risk for osteoporosis
________________ reduce the risk of colon cancer
_________________________ sleep patterns and immune function
______________________ anxiety and mental stress
Benefits of Physical Activity
Despite the clear benefits of regular physical activity,
more than ______________ of all US adults do not do sufficient physical activity
16% of US adults admit to doing __________ leisure time physical activity at all
less than ____% of high school students participate in _________________ physical education
So How Do We Incorporate More Physical Activity?
Develop a Sound Fitness Program
A sound physical fitness program meets ___________________________________
For example are you……
_______________________________ for athletic competition
Working toward ______________________________________ fitness
Trying to maintain overall ___________________________________
A sound physical fitness program is ______________
An individual’s fitness program should focus on what they ____________________.
A sound physical fitness program includes _______________________________________________
A variety of activities helps to maintain _______________________ and increase enjoyment
The ______________________________________________ highlights the variety of activities that
constitute a fitness program
Notice that cardio isn’t the only type of activity that is incorporated.
A sound physical fitness program ____________________________________________________________
_____________________________: gain in muscle strength and size from repeated work that
overloads the muscle
________________________________________: additional physical demands on the body to improve
Excess exertion is _______________ recommended
FIT principle determines appropriate overload
The FIT Principle
Amount of effort expended or how difficult the activity is to perform
Many times heart rate is the determining factor
Or determining proper intensity may be _________________ on maximal heart rate or
Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion
______________ activity time is an accumulation of activities or completed all at once
Higher levels of fitness requires activities to be done for at least 20 to 30 consecutive
A sound physical fitness program includes a ______________-up and a ______________-down period
Includes _____________________ and _____________________________
_____________________________ increases blood flow and body temperature, and prepares a person
psychologically for the activity
____________________________ helps to prevent injuries and may reduce muscle soreness
Where does the Fuel for Physical Activity Come From?
___________________________________ (_______) – the energy carrying molecule in the body
ATP must be generated ___________________ since muscles store only enough ATP for 1–3 seconds of activity
After depleting ATP stores, muscles turn to other sources:
___________________________________ (CR) stores some energy that can be used to make ATP
Creatine phosphate ___________________ enough energy for 3 to 15 seconds of maximal physical effort
After creatine phosphate, __________________________ is the next source of energy for ATP production
Glucose provides ATP through _______________________
The most common source of glucose during exercise: _________________________ and __________________
__________________________ stores are limited
Primary end product of glycolysis is ______________________________
With limited oxygen, pyruvate is converted to _________________________, by-product of intense activity
Excess lactic acid goes back to the ______________ to be ____________________________ back into glucose
Glucose metabolism
_______________________ breakdown of glucose yields 2 ATP molecules
_______________________ breakdown of glucose yields 36 – 38 molecules of ATP
________________________________ (fats) can be metabolized to generate ATP
For _________________ intensity exercise
For exercise of _______________________ duration
__________________________ energy source, even in lean people
______________ more energy per gram as carbohydrate
Carbohydrates and fats can both be used as energy sources for ___________ production
Carbohydrates are mostly used for ____________ intensity activity
Fats are used for _______________ intensity exercise
What about proteins?
Nutrition for Physical Activity
Energy needs
Energy needs may be ____________________ for athletes
_______________________ energy needs for males and females
Depends on ____________________ size
Depends on the ____________________ of physical activity
Recommended diet includes
______________________________ from carbohydrates
Following exercise: consume carbs with protein ________________________ muscle protein synthesis
_________________________________ (3-4 hours after exercise): to optimize glycogen storage and
muscle protein synthesis
Carbohydrate loading:
______________________________ (less than10% saturated fat)
_______________________________ from protein
For most: 0.8 g/kg weight
For athletes: slightly __________________
Most Americans already eat 2x protein needs
Studies _________________ support a high protein diet
High protein, low carbohydrate diet marketed for athletes is ______________ recommended
Too low in carbohydrate and energy to store glycogen, support training and performance
Functions of ____________________
Temperature regulation: ______________________________________________
_________________________ nutrients, hormones, waste products
Component of _________________________ reactions
Part of ___________________ tissues
Maintaining water balance is critical
__________________ fluids before, during, and after exercise
__________________ enough water to maintain body weight
Training in hot environments requires careful __________________________ to water intake
Heat illnesses commonly experienced during physical activity: heat syncope, heat cramps, heat exhaustion,
and heatstroke
The requirements for some vitamins and minerals may be altered in athletes
Most of these nutrients can be met with a healthy diet
Iron supplementation may be required under proper medical supervision
Ergonomic Aids
Ergonomic aids:
Many of these products are not ____________________________
Some of these products are ________________________________
Reliable research and accurate information on these products is hard to find
Ergonomic aids used to increase muscles and strength include
______________________ steroids
______________________ (dehydroepiandrosterone)
________________________ (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
Ergonomic aids used to increase energy levels and optimize fuel use include