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University of Illinois Medical Center, Section of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep
Medicine , 840 S. Wood St., Chicago, IL 60612 312-413-0936 or 312-996-8040 Fax: 312413-0503 [email protected]
James J. Herdegen, M.D.
Educational Experience
University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana)
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City, Iowa
Internal Medicine
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City, Iowa
Internal Medicine
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
Care Medicine
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
Sleep Medicine
Board Certifications
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary Medicine (recertified 2002)
Critical Care Medicine (recertified 2002)
Sleep Medicine
Professional Memberships
American College of Physicians
Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians
American Thoracic Society
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Professional Experience
Attending Physician and Medical Supervisor, Medical Residency Unit of the
Cook County Jail
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
Medical Director, Sleep Disorder Service Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical
Co-Director, Sleep Medicine Training Program Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s
Medical Center
Assistant Director, Department of Respiratory Therapy, Rush University Medical
Reviewer: Critical Care Medicine
Voluntary Attending, Cook County Hospital
Director, Sleep Disorder Service Cook County Hospital
Reviewer: Chest
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Illinois
College of Engineering Bioengineering
Medical Director, Center for Sleep and Ventilatory Disorders, University of
Illinois Medical Center
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Research Awards
Visiting Research Biochemist: Development of a cDNA Dot Hybridization
Assay for the Quantitation of Specific mRNA. University of Illinois,
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
Kraft Nutrition Fellowship: Analysis of Apolipoprotein-E mRNA expression
in Various Tissue and Cell Types. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Cecile Lehman Mayer Award Finalist, American College of Chest Physicians
International Meeting
Recipient, Glaxo Educational Grant
Recipient, Clinical Investigator Award, ResMed Corporation
Recipient, Clinical Investigator Award, Respironics, Inc.
Selected Publications
Herdegen JJ, Casey LC, Mazzone T. coordinate induction of cytokines and alpha-2macroglobulin by LPS in THP-1 cells (abstract). Chest 1992;102:88S.
Herrera P, Herdegen JJ, Itokazu G, Jasek J, Weinstein RA. Impact of infectious disease (ID)
consultation of PCP prophylaxis for hospitalized HIV infected patients. (abstract-poster)
Infectious Diseases Society of America 1996
Herdegen JJ, Clark LJ, Stepanski EJ, Cartwright RD. Use of a CPAP support service to enhance
and predict CPAP use AJRCCM 2000;161:A361.
Herdegen JJ, Clark LJ, Stepanski EJ, Stevens DR, Proske AE, Cartwright RD. Treating sleepdisordered breathing: A longitudinal analysis of patient characteristics and positive airway
pressure compliance Sleep 2000;23:A82.
Abraham L and Herdegen JJ. Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in Asian-Indians. AJRCCM
Herdegen, JJ and Clark LC. Comparison of PSG and PAP (positive airway pressure) compliance
characteristics among patients from an urban public vs. academic hospital. Sleep
Herdegen JJ and Clark LJ Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and CPAP use in an urban, poor
population: Analysis by gender Sleep 2002;25:A339.
Garimella PS and Herdegen JJ Pattern of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in diabetes AJRCCM
Babu AR, Herdegen J, Kannan CR, Fogelfeld L, Shott S, Mazzone T. Treatment of obstructive
sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure improves 24 hour glucose control
Diabetes 2002;51:A465.
Herdegen JJ, Manikdiyil B, Clark LJ, Millikan KW, Madura J. Sleep-Disordered Breathing
(SDB) and Pattern of Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery Sleep 2003;26:A261.
Herdegen JJ, Babu AR, Kannan CR, Fogelfeld L, Shott S, Mazzone T. CPAP Improves PostPrandial Glycemic Control in Diabetics with Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB)
AJRCCM 2003;167:A15.
Garimella P, Lo, K-M, Adabala, R Mokhlesi B, Herdegen JJ. The Effect of Treatment Adherence
on Hypercapnia Associated with Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) AJRCCM
Waldo B, Herdegen JJ, Mikolaitis SL, Madura J, DeMeo MT. Sleep Apnea and Liver Function
Levels in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery Diabetes Care 2003.
Hassaballa HA, Clark L, Babu A, Mazzone T, Shott S, Herdegen JJ. The effect of continuous
positive airway pressure on glucose control in diabetic patients with severe obstructive sleep
apnea AJRCCM 2004;169:A759.
Kim EH, Madura JA, Clark LJ, Shott S, Herdegen JJ. Respiratory and sleep measures in bariatric
surgery patients: Assessing desaturation risk. AJRCCM 2004;169:A899.
Herdegen JJ, Clark LJ, Joo M. Sleep apnea in an urban public hospital: assessment of
prevalence, disease severity, and treatment adherence. AJRCCM 2006.
Kutty RM, Holterman AX, Cotler SJ, Madura JA and Herdegen JJ. Metabolic, liver function, and
sleep parameters in pediatric and adult bariatric surgery patients. AJRCCM 2007.
Prasad Bharati and Herdegen James J. REMstar Pro M series detects Breathing Events
comparable to attended Polysomnography. AJRCCM 2008
Book Chapters
Herdegen JJ, Bone RC. Inflammatory mediators in the critically ill. In: Intensive Care:
Developments and Controversies. Webster NR, Bedenham A, eds. Bailliere’s Clinical
Anaesthesiology. Vol 6, Ch 8. W.B. Saunders. London 1991.
Herdegen JJ, Bone RC. The role of anticholinergic drugs in COPD. In: Anticholinergic therapy
in obstructive airways disease. Gross NJ, ed. Franklin Scientific Publications, London
Herdegen JJ, Bone RC. Inflammatory mediators and the role of immunomodulation in sepsis. In:
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Bone RC, Dantzker D, George R, Matthay R,
Reynolds H, eds. Mosby-Year Book. Chicago. 1994.
Herdegen JJ. Pulmonary Section Cases 11-1 to 11-12. In: Diagnostic strategies for Internal
Medicine: A Case-Based Approach. Grodzin CJ, Schwartz SC, Bone RC, eds. MosbyYear Book. Chicago 1996.
Herdegen JJ, Bone RCB. Immunomodulation in Sepsis: Lessons Learned. In: Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine. Bone RC, Dantzker D, George R, Matthay R, Reynolds H, eds.
Mosby-Year Book. Chicago 1996
Herdegen JJ and Bone RC. Pulmonary manifestations of extrapulmonary infection. In: Infectious
Diseases Teaching Atlas. Mandell GL, et. al. ed. Current Medicine 1996.
Herdegen JJ. Chronic Disease and Sleep Architecture: Pharmacotherapeutic Considerations In:
Sleep and Sleep Disorders: A Neuropharmacological Approach. Lader M, Cardinali DP,
Pandi-Perumal SR, eds. Landes Bioscience Georgetown, TX 2004
Herdegen JJ. Sleep Pharmacology Sleep Medicine Secrets Stevens, DR ed.Hanley & Belfus,
Inc. Philadelphia, PA 2004
Prasad B and Herdegen JJ. Sleep and quality of life in obesity. In: Sleep and Quality of Life in
Medical Illnesses Verster JC, Streiner D, Pandi-Perumal SR ed. 2007.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Herdegen JJ, Bone RC. Dyspnea of 2-weeks duration and left pleural effusion in a previously
healthy 50-year-old woman. In: Pulmonary and Critical Care Pearls. Sahn SA, ed. Chest
Herdegen JJ, Casey LC. The role of tumor necrosis factor in infections: Pathophysiology and
clinical implications. Infections In Medicine 1993;10:27-42.
Herdegen, JJ. Sleep-associated breathing disorders. In: Hospital Physician Pulmonary Disease
Board Review Manual 1996.
Herrera P and Herdegen JJ. Infectious Complications of AIDS. In: Hospital Physician Pulmonary
Disease Board Review Manual 1996.
Herdegen JJ and Herrera P. Tuberculosis: A case-based approach. In: Hospital Physician
Pulmonary Disease Board Review Manual. 1998.
Ferrell S and Herdegen JJ. Central sleep apnea In: Neurobase Arbor Publishing, San Diego 1999.
Stevens S and Herdegen JJ. Central sleep apnea In: Neurobase Arbor Publishing, San Diego
2000, 2001.
Herdegen JJ. Sleep disorders associated with cardiac disorders In: Neurobase Arbor Publishing,
San Diego 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003
Herdegen JJ. Central alveolar hypoventilation In: Neurobase Arbor Publishing, San Diego 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Herdegen JJ. Sleep disorders associated with chronic lung disorders In: Neurobase Arbor
Publishing, San Diego 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Herdegen JJ. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilatory support in patients with chronic
respiratory failure. Hospital Physician Pulmonary Disease Board Review Manual. 2000; Vol.
7, Part 4.
Herdegen JJ. Intensive care unit sleep disruption: Can the cycle be restored? Critical Care
Medicine 2002;30:709-710.
Giri VV and Herdegen JJ Sleep disorders associated with cardiac disorders. In: Neurobase Arbor
Publishing, San Diego 2002.
Herdegen JJ Treating syndrome X in minority populations: Begin with the treatment of obesity
and hypertension Ethnicity and Disease 2002;12:429-432.
Babu AR, Herdegen J, Fogelfeld L, Shott S, Mazzone T. Type 2 diabetes, glycemic control, and
continuous positive airway pressure in obstructive sleep apnea. Arch Int Med. 2005;165:447452.
Hassaballa HA, Tulaimat A, Herdegen JJ, Mokhlesi B The effect of continuous positive airway
pressure on glucose control in diabetic patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep
Breath 2005;9:176-180.
Mokhlesi B, Tulaimat A, Evans AT, Wang Y, Hassaballa HA, Itani A-A, Herdegen JJ, Stepanski
EJ. Impact of adherence with positive airway pressure therapy on hypercapnia in obstructive
sleep apnea. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 2006;2:57-62.
Herdegen JJ. Inadequate sleep hygiene In: Neurobase Arbor Publishing, San Diego 2007.
Joo MJ and Herdegen JJ. Sleep apnea in an urban public hospital: assessment of severity and
treatment adherence. J Clin Sleep Med. 2007;3:285-288.
Holterman AX, Browne A, Dillard BE 3rd, Tussing L, Gorodner V, Stahl C, Browne N, Labott
S, Herdegen J, Guzman G, Rink A, Nwaffo I, Galvani C, Horgan S, Holterman M. Shortterm outcome in the first 10 morbidly obese adolescent patients in the FDA-approved trial for
laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2007;45(4):465-73.
Kallwitz ER, Herdegen J, Madura J, Jakate S, Cotler SJ. Liver enzymes and histology in obese
patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2007;41:918-921.
Research Experience/Support.
1995 Investigator, Multinational COMET trial evaluating efficacy of DNase in COPD patients
during acute exacerbations.
1999 Principal Investigator: Open-label, multi-center, six-month trial of XyremTM (sodium
oxybate)oral solution for the treatment of narcolepsy in study drug naïve patients.
Sponsor: Orphan Medical
1999 Principal Investigator: Long-term, open-label, multi-center extension trial for XyremTM
(sodium oxybate) oral solution for the treatment of narcolepsy. Sponsor: Orphan Medical
1999 Principal Investigator: The influence of positive airway pressure (PAP) compliance on
clinical outcome: Short and long-term follow-up. Sponsor: ResMed
1999 Principal Investigator: Positive airway pressure (PAP) compliance in an urban, indigent
population: Effect of an intensive PAP support service. Sponsor: Respironics, Inc.
2000 Investigator, Behavioral treatment for co-morbid geriatric insomnia NIH Grant,
Department of Health and Human Services (PI=Bruce D. Rybarczyk, Ph.D.)
2000 Principal Investigator, A double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel randomized study of
efficacy and safety of (S)-Zopiclone in the treatment of adult subjects with primary
insomnia. Sponsor: Sepracore
2001 Principal Investigator, A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled, parallel-group study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 12 weeks of 2 oral
doses (200 mg and 400 mg once daily) of Provigil (Modafinil) as treatment for adults
with excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea
syndrome followed by a 9-month open-label extension. Sponsor: Cephalon, Inc.
2001 Co-Principal Investigator, Prospective evaluation of the treatment of obstructive sleep
apnea with continuous positive airway pressure, on glucose excursions and glycemic
control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sponsor: Mini-mitter Medtronic
2001 Rush-Cook County Hospital Collaborative Research Award: Developing a predictive
model of treatment adherence to continuous positive airway pressure. $10,000
2003 Rush University Committee on Research (UCR) Grant: Pattern and Change of SleepDisordered Breathing (SDB) in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery $20,000
2003 ResMed Foundation Management of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in bariatric
surgery patients using the Autoset Spirit. $46,938
2005 Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago: Effect of
CPAP on glucose control in minority type 2 diabetics. $49,993
2005 Respironics Validation of breathing event detection of the REMstar Pro II during clinical
polysomnography. $15,444
2005 Investigator (David W. Carley PI for UIC) Organon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, parallel group dose ranging
clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Org 4419-2 in the treatment of
obstructive sleep apnea/hypopneas syndrome. $97,150.00
2005 NIH R01 (PI Eve van Cauter, University of Chicago, Investigator James J. Herdegen)
Sleep disturbance as a non-traditional risk factor in CKD Direct Costs $2,311,867, UIC
total direct costs $617,332
2005 Investigator (David W. Carley PI for UIC) British Technology Group Single-Blind,
Placebo Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Ondansetron and Fluoxetine in
Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
1997-2004: Rush Medical Center Student Judiciary Committee
2000-2004: Rush Medical Center Bariatric and Nutrition Committee
Sleep Medicine Fellowship Trainees:
Traditional Track Fellows
Susan M. Ferrell, M.D. 1999
Suzanne Stevens, M.D. 2001
Visvanatha V. Giri, M.D. 2002
James Cygan, M.D. 2003
Bharati Prasad, M.D. 2009
Alternative Track Fellows
Ahamed V. P. Kutty, M.D. 1999
Raju Zachariah Abraham, M.D. 1999
Kailash C. Sharma, M.D. 1999
Dawn M. Kennedy, D.O. 2000
Ladly Abraham, M.D. 2001
Nathaniel Mark Pascual, M.D. 2001
Ramesh Adabala, M.B., B.S. 2002
Kar-Ming Lo, M.D. 2002
Hussam Sakkajha, M.D. 2003
Manar Alshahrouri, M.D. 2003
Prasad Garimella, M.D. 2003
Kamran Mahmood, MD 2005
Gita Patel, DO 2005
Carolina See, MD 2006
Michael Bommarito, MD 2006
Invited Lectures:
1999 Upper Midwest Sleep Society Meeting, Chicago, IL
Treatment Adherence in Sleep-Disordered Breathing
1999 Kankakee Sleep Symposium
Sleep-Disordered Breathing
2000 International Conference on Hypertension, Chicago, IL
Sleep-Disordered Breathing
2000 Loyola Medical Center Sleep Grand Rounds
Health Consequences of Sleep-Disordered Breathing
2002 Loyola Medical Center Sleep Grand Rounds
Obesity and the Lung
2003 NAPS Lecture Series, University of Illinois
Xyrem and Other Medications for Excessive Sleepiness
2003 ATS International Conference, Post Graduate Course: Nonpulmonary Disorders of Sleep:
Evaluation, Diagnosis and Management
Sleep Pharmacology
2003 ATS International Conference, Mini-Symposium Poster Presentation:
Metabolic/Neurological Consequences of OSA and Hypoxia
CPAP Improves Post-Prandial Glycemic Control in Diabetics with Sleep-Disordered Breathing
2003 ISME Conference (Illinois Society for Respiratory Care), Chicago, IL
Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing
2004 University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine New Resident Orientation
Effects of Fatigue and Sleep Deprivation Marriott Hotel in the Medical District
8/2004 Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Illinois, Chicago
Sleep-disordered breathing and metabolic dysfunction
9/2004 Pulmonary Grand Rounds Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
University of Illinois, Chicago. The diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)
10/2004 Cermak Health Services Clinical Conference, Chicago, IL
The diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)
1/2005 Program Project Grant Meeting: Alterations of sleep and circadian timing in aging.
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes.
2/2005 ENT Grand Rounds, University of Illinois at Chicago
The diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)
3/2005 The life of the sleepy person VI. University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
and College of Nursing.
The co-morbidity of sleep-disordered breathing
10/2005 Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Illinois at Chicago
Evaluation of Excessive Sleepiness
1/2006 Family Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Illinois at Chicago
Evaluation of excessive Sleepiness
1/2006 Pulmonary Fellow Clinical Review, University of Chicago
Overview of Sleep Pharmacology
5/19/2006 Institute for Health Research and Policy University of Illinois
“Improving health outcomes in the midst of the obesity epidemic: the effect of sleep apnea
therapy on glycemic control”
2007 (Various Dates: Chicago, Seattle, Pittsburgh) American Family Physician national CME
meetings Insomnia Update
11/3/2007 Sierra Heart Institute Reno Nevada, 18th Annual Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine
Conference Obesity, sleep apnea, and metabolic syndrome: Pulling it all together
4/2008 Multi-Disciplinary Program in Mental Health and Aging Continuing Education Institute
of IL Overview of Sleep Disorders
5/2008 University of Illinois at Chicago, Life of the Sleepy Person Conference VII
Q&A on Sleep Disordered-Breathing
6/2008 St. Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center, Chicago, IL Grand Rounds
Update on Sleep-Disordered Breathing
10/1/2008 Multi-Disciplinary Program in Mental Health and Aging Continuing Education
Institute of IL Overview of Sleep Disorders
November 24, 2008
“Your health and sleep”
Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Links to recent interviews/talks :
interview date: 9/29/08 by Lauren Cox ABC News Medical Unit
Health and You magazine, Fall 2008, circ: 1,400,000
“Wake up to sleep apnea’s threat” by Jeffrey Bramnick
Combating workplace sleep deprivation
By Laura Walter
May 5, 2008
Chicago Sun-Times, May 19, 2008
“Safety board wants truckers tested for sleep apnea”
By Mary Wisniewski,CST-NWS-ride19.article
Medical Producer Katharin Czink at WGN-TV
Interview : Sleep apnea and associated health problems.
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