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Henri Fourcault
Management Consultant
Summary of Key Qualifications
Key specialisations:
Change management, organisational diagnostic, strategic planning, organisational repositioning /
restructuring, leadership development, teambuilding, performance management, supply chain
Countries I have experience in:
 West and Central Europe
 North/Central/South America
 North/West/Central/Southern/East Africa
 Middle East (Jordan and UAE)
 Asia (e.g. Myanmar, Cambodia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan)
Contact details:
5 rue Jeanne d’Arc, 67160 Riedseltz, France
Tel : +33 6 72 68 21 49
[email protected]
Skype: henribmp
Any time for short to mid-term contracts
Nationality :
Date and place of birth :
6 December 1950 in France
French (mother tongue): 5 in reading / speaking / writing
Languages: on a
English (fluent): 5 in reading / speaking / writing
scale of 1 (basic) to 5
Spanish (operational): 3 in reading / speaking / writing
Current position
Areas of expertise
Independent Management Consultant
Consulting / Training / Facilitation / Coaching in:
 Change management
 Strategic planning/management, articulation of vision, mission and goals
 Leadership and management development
 Diagnosis of organisational problems / challenges and identification of
Summary of work
sustainable solutions
Performance management, appraisal and staff development
Promotion of a learning organisation
Communication skills including intercultural communication
Teambuilding (Belbin Team Roles)
Promotion of a learning organisation
Supply chain management strengthening
As Management Consultant (1990 to 1999, 2007 to present):
 Development of a case study documenting successes and lessons learnt
related to the financial development and resource mobilisation support
provided by the Norwegian Red Cross to the Lebanese Red Cross.
 Functional review of OCHA in The Philippines (with MANNET)
 Review and assessment of the OD support provided by the Norwegian Red
Cross to the Malagasy and Zimbabwean Red Cross Societies
 Organisational design / change management lead consultant for a new
department (with more than 7000 staff members) within the Union
Ministry of Health in Myanmar (USAID/SCMS project)
 Facilitator for UNFPA Regional Consultative meeting in Gabon (with
 Team leader for the change management project related to the supply
chain management of medicines in Myanmar, for 3MDG (USAID)
 Strategic planning workshop facilitation at OSCE/ODIHR in Poland
 Change management, organisational restructuring and teambuilding for
Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS) and Management Sciences for
Health (MSH), Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti
 Strategic planning / Teambuilding for UNICEF (Azerbaijan)
 Strategic re-structuring of UN-Habitat (Kenya), working with the Executive
Director and the senior management team to re-cast UN-Habitat in light
of stakeholders’ demands, including field offices around the world.
 Lead facilitator for United Nations Development Assistance Framework
(UNDAF) strategic planning retreats with United Nations Country Teams
(UNCTs) in Algeria, Djibouti, Tunisia, Gabon, Mauritania
 Leadership and management development workshops / training /
coaching (with MANNET) at United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New
York and in regional offices in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and the
Middle East, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in Italy,
International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, World Health
Organisation (WHO) in Geneva and the Congo, International Criminal
Court (ICC) in Netherland, Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) in Netherland
 Performance management and staff development training / coaching
(with MANNET) at International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva,
World Health Intellectual Property (WIPO) in Geneva
 Strategic planning , teambuilding retreat facilitation (with MANNET) at
International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva
 Design, production and delivery of performance management systems,
including guidance on administrative instructions and guidelines, and
workshop design and facilitation at International Trade Centre (ITC) in
Geneva, and Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
(OPCW) in The Hague, Netherland
Strategic re-positioning of enda Tiers Monde (Senegal), an international
NGO, including realignment of mandate, new governing principles, revised
structure, reinforcement of synergies between HQ and regional offices
around the world
Management and Business Development Consultant for small and
medium enterprises in USA (1990 to 1999)
As staff member:
 Change Manager, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
(Geneva, Switzerland – 2005 to 2007): steering of OHCHR through changes
resulting from a re-focussed mandate and the doubling of its work force;
strengthening management and leadership; streamlining reporting lines;
teamwork and internal communication; strengthening performance
management and individual accountability through workshops, retreats,
and coaching.
 Senior Management Officer, UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN
Secretariat, New York, USA – 2003 to 2005):
 Provision of consulting services to UN secretariat departments in
New York to strengthen their capacity to deliver their mandates in
line with the UN reforms
 Coordination and management of the Organisational Integrity
Initiative (OII) (New York), a UN Secretariat-wide multidepartmental project aimed at reinforcing integrity and ethics as a
value governing staff behaviour
 Senior Management Advisor, UN Economic Commission for Africa (Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia - 1999 to 2002): advisory services to the Executive
Secretary and his Deputy; leadership and management strengthening at
HQ and field offices; reinforcement of performance management and
appraisal system; identification of systemic challenges/solutions; coaching
of directors.
 Executive Vice President, Spartan Corporation (Columbia, MD, USA – 1986
to 1990)
 Language and Culture Instructor, Foreign Service Institute (US State
Department - 1981 to 1986)
International relations and intercultural communication courses at the
School of Area Studies of the US State Department Foreign Service
Institute (Washington, DC)
Diplôme universitaire d’études linguistiques (English, Spanish) (University
of Dakar, Sénégal)
Baccalauréat A1, Lycée Van Vollenhoven (Dakar Sénégal)
EBW Business Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Seminar, British Psychological
Society, Brentfield Consultancy Ltd, (London, England)
development &
Psychometric tools
Certificate as Lead Facilitator for UNDAF strategic planning retreats,
United Nations System Staff College (Turin, Italy)
MBTI Certification (Geneva, Switzerland)
Intercultural communication (Geert Hofstede), inlingua (Baltimore, MD,
Performance management and appraisal, UN Secretariat (Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, and New York, USA)
On-going self-study and research in communication, performance
discussions and leadership
Certificate in Export-Marketing, Finance, Documentation, Licensing,
(Baltimore, MD, USA)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Firo B