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Capstone 1B Review:
1. Describe the overall process of photosynthesis, including the reactants and products. You may
include the chemical equation in your answer.
6 CO2 + 6 H2O
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Or… Carbon Dioxide + Water
Glucose + Oxygen
2. Distinguish between light-dependent and light-independent reactions. Which occurs first? What
are the inputs and outputs of each?
Sunlight + H2O + 2NADP+ + chlorophyll
ATP + NADPH + CO2 + C5 molecule
3. Illustrate a diagram to depict the process of photosynthesis. Label the items in the picture. You
may refer to the Word Wall for assistance.
4. Analyze the graph which shows how many “bubbles” are released by a plant. What are the
“bubbles”? Why does the amount of substance vary in the graph?
Bubbles are oxygen (O2)
The amount varies because as the plant gets
farther from the light it absorbs less energy
for the light reaction and, therefore, makes
less oxygen.
5. Farmer John is looking for suggestions on how to grow large plants in his greenhouse. Consider
the experiment results below. Recommend conditions to Farmer John for maximum growth.
Justify your answer.
Conditions for maximum growth:
1. Provide adequate water and high levels of
CO2 to provide the raw materials for
2. Photosynthesis will produce glucose, which
the plant links together to form cellulose.
3. The plant uses cellulose molecules to form
plant cell walls and build new plant cells
(i.e. grows larger).
6. Describe the overall process of cellular respiration, including the reactants and products. You may
include the chemical equation in your answer.
Glucose is broken down to free up energy which is then used to make ATP
2 ATP + 6 O2 + C6H12O6
6 H2O+ 6 CO2 + 36 ATP
7. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Which process(es) occur in each of the
pathways? How much ATP is produced in each?
Aerobic – Glycolysis, Krebs’ Cycle, Electron Transport System (ETS) ► 36 ATP
Anaerobic – Glycolysis only ► 2 ATP
8. Predict: In certain cases, regular exercise causes an increase in the number of mitochondria in
muscle cells. How might that situation improve an individual’s ability to perform energy-requiring
More mitochondria = higher ability to do Krebs’ Cycle and ETS = more ATP = better ability
to perform energy-requiring activities
9. Yeast cells can carry out both fermentation and cellular respiration, depending on whether oxygen
is present. Decide which case you would expect yeast cells to grow more rapidly. Explain.
Cellular Respiration because it yields more energy for cell growth.
10. Rank the following processes involved in cellular respiration by importance. Prepare to justify
your answer.
Kreb’s Cycle, Glycolysis, Electron Transport Chain
Varies, depends on the priority being used. For example, if you rank by # of ATP produced,
ETS would be the highest priority.
11. Why do we need oxygen?
Oxygen is used as an electron acceptor in most stages of cellular respiration – needed to
produce enough ATP to support life.
12. Compare the molecules ATP and ADP to a battery. Which would be considered the “charged”
battery? Why?
ATP would be the “charged” battery because it holds more energy than ADP.
13. Infer: certain types of bacteria thrive in conditions that lack oxygen. What does that fact indicate
about the way they obtain energy?
They obtain energy by anaerobic means (e.g. fermentation) since oxygen is not available to
be used as an electron acceptor).
14. Design an experiment that uses pond water and algae to demonstrate the importance of light
energy to pond life. Identify the variables you will control and the variable you will change.
Independent Variable = amount of light
Dependent Variable = mass of algae formed from photosynthesis
1. Prepare 2 identical tanks (water, algae, etc.) with the same mass.
2. Alter the amount of light used on each tank (e.g. 10 hours/day vs. 2
3. Record the changes in mass
15. Why are cellular respiration and photosynthesis considered opposite reactions?
The products of photosynthesis are the reactants of cellular respiration and vice-versa.
16. Consider how humans rely on photosynthetic organisms. Predict what would happen if there was
a drastic decrease in the number of these organisms. Be specific!
Autotrophs are the base of food chains. If there was a drastic decrease, primary consumers
would die due to lack of food and there would be a similar effect on all the levels above.
17. Complete the passage with the appropriate terms. You may use the Word Wall for clues:
“A maple tree can make all of the substances it needs. It builds up carbohydrates by the process of
__a__. In this process it combines __b__ from the soil with __c__ from the air to form __d__. The
energy needed for this process is __e__ which is absorbed by chlorophyll in a chloroplast”
a. Photosynthesis
b. Water
c. Carbon Dioxide
d. Glucose
e. Light
18. Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts and are therefore not able to photosynthesize. Discuss
why plant cells contain mitochondria.
Plant cells have mitochondria because they need to break down glucose to make ATP for
cellular functions, just like heterotrophs.
19. Infer: To function properly, heart muscle cells require a steady supply of oxygen. After a heart
attack, small amounts of lactic acid are present. What does this evidence suggest about the nature
of a heart attack? (Hint: Lactic acid is evidence of what occurring?)
Lactic acid is produced during anaerobic cellular respiration; therefore there must be an
interruption to the flow of oxygen to these tissues during a heart attack.
Extra: Examine the photograph of the Indian pipe plant shown here. What can you conclude about the
ability of the plant to make its own food. Justify your answer using scientific reasoning.
Note: the plant is white
Since the pipe plant is white, it must not be doing photosynthesis.
Therefore, it must get its energy from other sources
Actually, this plant is a parasite that ‘steals’ energy from other