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John H. Bronson
UFOs and Aliens
 A UFO is a Unidentified Flying Object
 They have been sighted since time began
 UFOs are even talked of in the Bible
 Aliens are unknown creatures that are not of
this world
 Some believe that different governments from
around the world have the bodies of aliens
Roswell, July 1947
 In the summer of 1947, a strange craft landed
just outside of Roswell, New Mexico
Most believe it is the site of the most important
UFO crash ever
Most believe they found alien bodies at the
crash site
The military said it was a surveillance balloon
from a classified project named Mogul
Samples of the material found are said to not
be of this world
Black Triangles
 A giant black triangle was spotted in Belgium in
November of 1989
 They have also been spotted in the US in
 It is one of the most know UFO sightings ever
Area 51
 Area 51 is located in the Southeastern Nevada
 It is said to have the corpses of captured aliens
 It is also the testing place of new spy and
bomber planes
Aberdeen Proving Grounds
 It is a base in Maryland used in the testing of
military weapons
 It is believed to also be the tester of alien
Men In Black
 Secret service members who work for the
 They harass or threaten UFO witnesses to
not tell anybody about what they have seen
 Some believe they are aliens themselves
Conspiracy Theories
 Some people believe the government is
hiding things from us that they don’t want us
to know
 People create conspiracy theories about
what they think is the truth
 Most of these have been either doubted or
proven to be false
 Still though, some seem to be legitimate
even in the face of non-believers of the UFO
 A lot of people who believe in UFO’s also
believe in government cover-ups
 For instance, one of the most famous coverups happened at Roswell, New Mexico in
July of 1947
 Government vehicles showed up shortly after
the crash and took away any debris left from
the crash
The Presidents Secret Book
 Simply put, it does exist
 It contains info on everything from the
assassination of John F. Kennedy, to Area
51, and even the evidence behind the
Roswell crash
UFO’s in The Bible?????????
 UFO’s are mentioned in many parts of the
 Moses is guided by a pillar of fire out of
 The prophet Ezekiel saw a wheel of fire in
the air once
 If there is any proof of UFOs this is it due to
the fact that there were no conspiracy
theories in the bible or any cover-ups either
Do Aliens Exist on This Earth
 There is only one answer I can give that is
acceptable to the general public and this is
that there has been no intelligent life forms
found on any planet other than Earth
Immortality at Its Finest
 In the case that life here on earth ever ends
and there is intelligent life to be found in our
universe, NASA has sent a orbiting satellite
that contains the genetic structure of the
human body on a disk that will last as long
as the earth’s around
 This is a proven fact
If There is Intelligent Life
 If there is intelligent life out there, the human
race is sure to find it
 Whether it is a hundred years in the future,
or tomorrow, it will happen
Is it for REAL?????????????????
 I have no doubt in my mind that UFOs are
indeed as real as you me and everything on
this world
 Keep in mind that this is all theory and not
proven fact
 These are the most reasonable theories I
could find
Pictures of aliens and their UFOs have been found on
walls of caves along with proof that they have been
seen since the dawn of time
 In a cave in France, the bones of Simians, Whales, fish,
and several other land based animals
Not just single bones, but full skeletons have been
The bones have been tested to prove that they all came
from the time period
It would be impossible to replicate this because some
of the bones were from extinct animals
Once again, this is absolutely true
 In conclusion, aliens are beings that facts
have proved to have been here since the
earliest man to present day
 I have no doubt that aliens exist
Wiki Answers
The TV show UFO Hunters
Various books on UFO sightings
Government disclosure sights