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Quiz #1
The Industrial Revolution
1. What was the Industrial Revolution?
a. The increased purchases of land by wealthy landowners to cultivate larger fields.
b. An increase in machine-made goods in factories which led to large changes in society
beginning in Great Britain from the mid-1700s through the 1850s.
c. The widespread use of young children as factory workers for low wages and high profits.
d. A movement to make goods by machines due to a lack of labor.
2. For what reason did Great Britain lead the way into the Industrial Revolution?
a. Great Britain had smarter individuals living in their nation.
b. Great Britain had gained enormous wealth due to the exploration of other countries.
c. The people of Great Britain had self-interest in improving their daily lives.
d. Both b & c.
3. What effect did coal have on the Industrial Revolution?
a. It was converted into steel in huge furnaces.
b. It replaced petroleum as the most popular fuel in the world.
c. It was invented by British engineers during the Industrial Revolution.
d. It was used to power the new machines, and it also caused environmental pollution.
4. Which of the following was a drawback (negative) of the Industrial Revolution?
a. the birth of the working class.
b. the use of child labor.
c. the development of new products/inventions.
d. the development of the railroad.
5. What reforms (changes) came from worker unions during the Industrial Revolution?
a. minimum wage laws
c. shorter working hours
b. better working conditions
d. all of the above.
6. A major result of the Industrial Revolution was…
a. the increase in population density of workers in urban/city areas.
b. the crime rate dropped in major cities.
c. increased desire of the wealthy class to share power with the lower classes.
d. the decline of population in major cities.
7. What are the three factors of production required for industrialization to occur?
a. Land, Labor, Capital (money)
b. Raw Materials, Government, Labor
c. Government, Military, Colonies
d. Transportation, Unions, Government
8. Which of the following was a major effect of the Industrial Revolution?
a. Poverty was completely eliminated.
b. Unemployment increased dramatically.
c. Societies moved from agriculture to industry, or from rural to urban living.
d. The number of wars between countries decreased.
9. In what part of the United States were the first railroads built? See board.
a. South-western United States
b. North-eastern United States
c. Near Mexico
d. Central Plains of the United States
10. What effect did the expansion of the railroad system have on the Industrial Revolution in the United States?
a. Railroads allowed for more expensive goods to be made.
b. Railroads allowed for a cheap way to transport materials and finished goods.
c. Railroads gave factory owners an easier way to exploit their workers.
d. Locomotives provided a unique travel experience for the rich.