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Mr. Strackman ([email protected])
Mr. Vanalstyne ([email protected])
A.P. U.S. History is a very demanding class that will require a decent amount of time and attention for reading
assignments, critical thinking, and written work. It is a year-long commitment that culminates with the AP Exam
in May of 2016. You are expected to come to class each day having done all preparation work required, and ready
to make a positive contribution.
Given our tight timetable, the following are assignments REQUIRED to be completed during the summer! THE
WORK IS TO BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY!!! Any evidence of cheating or unauthorized collaboration will
result in a zero and additional consequences as proscribed in the Park Vista Honor Code!!! Failure to do the
summer assignment will result in removal from the AP class. If you have any questions, please feel free to email
either of us.
Summer Assignments
1) On page two of this document is a listing of things that you have (or should have) learned this past year in
World History. Since this class builds on your previous knowledge and looks at things from a U.S.
perspective, we expect you not to forget everything you learned. Know what the stuff means and expect a
QUIZ on the first day on World History stuff. Use your notes, research, and the Internet to discover what the
stuff means.
2) Read Chapters 1 – 5 in the American Pageant textbook. (You will be assigned a physical textbook in August,
but for the summer assignment, links to the chapters online are embedded in the title of each study guide.
Simply hold down the “Ctrl” key and click on the title to load the chapter.) As you read, do the study guide
associated with each chapter.
i. MUST BE HANDWRITTEN!!! No credit if typed.
ii. On the terms, you must define the significance of each person or item.
iii. The answers to the questions must be in complete sentences.
iv. You’ll hand in all 5 study guides on the first day of school.
3) Answer the two SAQs (short answer questions) in Part 3 (the last page of this packet.) You may answer each
questions’ 3 parts in one paragraph or broken out as “A”, “B”, and “C". These questions must be handwritten
as well. You will hand in these questions with the study guides on the first day.
World History Review list for Incoming AP U.S. History Students
Reasons for European exploration
(technology, religious, political
[importance of 1453], business)
Columbus & conquistadors
Encomienda System & the African
Slave Trade (Triangle Trade)
Dutch, English, & French
exploration (colonized/explored,
relation with natives)
Catholic/Protestant in Ireland
Importance/significance of Defeat
of Spanish Armada (1588)
Reign of Charles I in England and
the political ramifications.
Who fought the English Civil War?
What effect did it have on
Glorious Revolution (1688) and
how did it changed British
Industrialization in England
Results of Seven-Years War?
Whigs & Tories in 18th century
English politics
French Revolution (all stages)
Who was Maurice de Tallyrand?
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
Napoleon’s Continental System
Britain’s Order’s of Council
Milan Decree
Napoleon’s defeat & exile…effect
on Europe
Social Darwinism
What is Militarism?
Rise of Germany (Bismarck, Second
What were the Opium Wars?
Open Door Policy in China
Boxer Rebellion
What does “indemnity” mean?
Russo-Japanese War
Basics of communism, socialism,
and anarchy
WWI (reasons, sides [Central
Powers vs. Allies], trench warfare,
new weapons of war)
Unrestricted submarine warfare
Zimmermann Note/Telegram
Great War (Europe’s name), War
to End All Wars (U.S. name)
What was the goal of Woodrow
Wilson’s 14 Points?
End of the War (Paris Peace
Conference, Treaty of Versailles)
League of Nations
What does “reparations” mean?
Russian Revolution (both February
& October Revolutions)
Who is Lenin?
Washington Naval Conference
o Four Power Treaty, Five
Power Treaty, Nine Power
Hyperinflation in post-war
o Dawes Plan
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Rise of Mussolini & Fascist Italy
Rise of Hitler & Nazi Germany
What are the Nuremberg Laws?
What is Kristalnacht?
What is the Holocaust? What is
the Final Solution?
Japan’s Diet in the 1920s &
shared/growing power of the
Japanese military in the 1930
What is Vichy France?
Who is Josef Stalin?
Who is Emperor Hirohito?
Who is Hideki Tojo?
Japan’s Invasion of Manchuria
Spanish Civil War (Hitler’s role)
Italy’s Invasion of Ethiopia and the
League of Nations reaction
Axis Powers & the Allies
Rape of Nanjing
Remilitarization of the Rhineland,
Anschluss, Sudetenland, Munich
Who is Neville Chamberlain?
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Invasion of Poland
Miracle at Dunkirk
Winston Churchill
Battle of Britain & the London Blitz
What are “Cash & Carry”, “Bases
For Destroyers” & “Lend-Lease”?
Operation Barbarossa
Event that led to U.S. involvement
What is “island hoping”
Turning Point in the Pacific War?
What was D-Day?
Who was Erwin Rommel?
What happens to Hitler?
Who are “Little Boy” & “Fat Man”?
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
What is the United Nations?
Explain the Security Council.
Founding of the state of Israel
o Suez Canal Crisis
o Six-Day War (1967)
o Yom Kippur/Ramadan
War (1973)
Conflict between India & Pakistan.
o Kashmir
NATO & the Warsaw Pact
What was the Marshall Plan?
Nuremberg Trial
Berlin Airlift
What is the Iron Curtain?
Communist Revolution in China
o Chang Kai-shek
o Mao Zedong
Goals of the Korean War? Results?
Who was Nikita Khrushchev?
What was Sputnik?
Who is Fidel Castro? What
happened in Cuba in 1959?
U-2 Spy Plane Incident in 1960
Berlin Wall
What was the goal of the Bay of
Pigs invasion?
Cuban Missile Crisis
Goals of the Vietnam War?
What was the Islamic Revolution in
Iran (1979)
Define the following terms:
1) Columbian exchange
2) Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
3) Conquistadores
4) Popé’s Rebellion
5) encomienda
6) mestizos
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1) In terms of Native American tribes, why would North America be much easier to colonize than &
Central America?
2) Contrast Native Americans’ belief about nature versus the Europeans.
3) In what ways were the Crusaders responsible for triggering the Age of Exploration? Besides the
Crusaders, what else is responsible?
4) Explain the good and bad aspects of the Colombian Exchange.
5) Taking into account that most Conquistadors did not bring women along on their expeditions, what is a
lasting social result of the Conquistadors?
6) What are the effects of the conquistadors’ gold and silver flowing into Europe?
Define the following terms:
1) primogeniture
2) joint-stock company
3) Captain John Smith
4) Powhatan
5) Pocahontas & John Rolfe
6) Lord De La Warr, “Irish tactics”
7) Virginia House of Burgesses (1619)
8) Lord Baltimore, Calvert family
9) Act of Toleration (1649)
10) Barbados slave codes
11) English Civil War (effects on colonies)
12) Restoration (effects on colonies)
13) rice, Charles Town port
14) squatters
15) James Oglethorpe
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1) Why did the French and English not get heavily involved in colonization until the 17th century?
2) Explain how the English handling of the Catholics in Ireland foreshadow what was to come in the New
3) What is the long-term outcome of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
4) Explain how “enclosures”, “Primogeniture”, and “surplus population” all contributed to English
colonization of the New World.
5) The charter of the Virginia Company including guaranteeing settlers the same rights as Englishmen back
at home. Why was this done? And what effect do you see this having in terms of shaping the America
that is to come?
6) Why did so few survive the “starving time” in Jamestown, Virginia? What finally saved the colony
7) Explain the benefit that inland Native American tribes had over East coast tribes in terms of English
8) Contrast North Carolina with its neighbors Virginia & South Carolina.
Define the following terms:
1) predestination, “visible saints”
2) Puritans vs. Separatists (Pilgrims)
3) Mayflower, Myles Standish, William Bradford
4) Mayflower Compact
5) “Great Migration” of Puritans
6) John Winthrop, Arabella covenant
7) John Cotton
8) “Protestant work ethic”
9) General Fundamentals In Plymouth (1636)
10) Massachusetts Body of Liberties
11) Connecticut Blue Laws
12) Pequot War (causes & results)
13) Anne Hutchinson, antinomianism
14) Roger Williams
15) Mary Dyer
16) Thomas Hooker
17) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
18) “praying towns”
19) Metacom, King Philip’s War
20) New England Confederation
21) Dominion of New England, Edmund Andros
22) Navigation Laws
23) “salutary neglect”
24) Glorious Revolution (effects on colonies)
25) New Netherland, Dutch West Indies Company,
patroonships, Peter Stuyvesant
26) Quakers: Society of Friends
27) William Penn
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1) Is the Mayflower Compact a movement toward self-government and democracy? If yes, how so?
2) What did John Winthrop mean by “If the people be governors, who shall be governed?” What does this
say about democracy or the chances for it in the Massachusetts colony?
3) How did the Massachusetts colony exhibit a degree of “separation of powers” & “checks and balances”
4) Who referred to Rhode Island as “Rogues Island” and why?
5) Early on, the New England colonies had decent relationships with local Indians. Within a decade or
two, this changed. Why?
6) What was Metacom’s goal? What was the lasting outcome of his work?
7) What is inherently different about the New England Confederation and the Dominion of New England
in terms of colonial unity for the future?
Define the following terms:
1) indentured servants
2) headright system
3) Bacon’s rebellion
4) Governor William Berkeley
5) Stono rebellion
6) First Families of Virginia
7) Old Deluder Act
8) Half-Way Covenant
9) Salem Witch Trials
10) Cotton Mather
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1) What are the societal effects in the Chesapeake of the harsh environment?
2) Connect the dots between tobacco farming and Bacon’s Rebellion.
3) In essence, how did the basic laws of supply and demand influence the use of African slavery in the
English colonies by the 1680s?
4) Compare/contrast slavery in South Carolina with slavery in the Virginia (Chesapeake) area.
5) Compare/contrast the Northern & Southern colonies in terms of: Commitment to education, women’s
rights, family structure, politics/freedom, and diversity.
6) In what way was the Salem Witch Trials more about social class rivalries than religion?
Define the following terms:
1) Leisler’s Rebellion
2) Paxton Boys march (1764)
3) Regulator movement
4) Samuel Adams
5) Patrick Henry
6) James Otis
7) Molasses Act (1733)
8) Importance of taverns
9) First Great Awakening
10) Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of
an Angry God
11) George Whitefield, itinerant preachers
12) Old Lights vs. New Lights, log colleges
13) University of Pennsylvania, Ben Franklin
14) John Peter Zenger trial (1734)
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1) By the 1700s, the makeup of the American colonies was extremely diverse with close to 50% not being
of English background. What effect do you see this having in the century’s movement toward
2) Compare/contrast religion in the American colonies with religion back in England.
3) What are the outcomes of the First Great Awakening?
4) Explain the effect of “power of the purse” by the colonist over royal governors and how it serves as a
sort of “checks & balances”.
5) The precedent set by the Zenger trial will be the influencing factor over which portion of the Bill of
“The Columbian connection had a devastating effect on the indigenous human societies of the Americas…New
disease vectors suddenly introduced into the vulnerable populations of the New World began a sequence of
horrific pandemics. Rapidly spreading infectious disease devastated indigenous peoples of the New World. It
thinned their numbers, destroyed their institutions, and broke their resistance to Spanish aggression…
Demographic recovery after major pandemics was hindered by reduced fertility, stillbirths, and other physical
effects, as well as by cultural depression, hopelessness, and malaise resulting from Spanish colonial
domination.”- John R. Richards, The Unending Frontier, 2006.
“The New World provided soils that were very suitable for the cultivation of a variety of Old World
products…The increased supply lowered the prices of these products significantly, making them affordable to
the general population for the first time in history. The production of these products also resulted in large
inflows of profits back to Europe, which some have argued fueled the Industrial Revolution and the rise of
Europe. The Old World gained access to new crops that were widely adopted…The improvement in agricultural
productivity…had significant effects on historic population growth and urbanization.” - Nathan Nunn and
Nancy Qian, “The Columbian Exchange,” 2010.
Using the excerpts above, answer parts a, b, and c.
Part A
Briefly explain ONE specific historical difference between Richards’s and Nunn and Qian’s interpretations.
Part B
Briefly explain how ONE specific historical event or development not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts
could be used to support Richards’s interpretation.
Part C
Briefly explain how ONE specific historical event or development not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts
could be used to support Nunn and Qian’s interpretation.
Answer (a), (b), and (c).
Part A
Briefly explain ONE important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British
colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754.
Part B
Briefly explain ONE important difference between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British
colonies in New England in the period from 1607 to 1754.
Part C
Briefly explain ONE factor that accounts for the difference that you indicated in Part B.