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Project co-financed by:
Holistic Conservation Programme for Forests (HCPF)
CMG 1413 – protection of natural resources
Institutional partner of the FFEM
Etc Terra Association
Amount of FFEM grant
1 500 000 €
Provisional co-funders
FDA, Air France
Total project amount
4 050 000 €
Data of award of FFEM tender
6 July 2013
Expected duration of project
4 years
Montant de la subvention
Agence Française de Développement
de recherche et d’échange
The holistic forest conservation programme aims
to preserve forests and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, while ensuring improved living conditions
for the local populations of these forests.
1 600
© C du Castel
000 €Co-financiersConservation International, Etat AmapaMontant global du projet5 450 000 €Date d'octroi2
2010Durée prévisionnelle du projet3 ans
Madagascar is known throughout the world for its unique
biodiversity. However, its natural capital is threatened by
deforestation with a net loss of approximately 50,000 hectares of
natural forest each year. Population growth (3%/year), especially in
rural areas, is accelerating the pressure on the forests.
Furthermore, the potential risks of drought and flooding due to
climate change will lead to increased risks and to disruption of the
dynamic evolution of natural habitats and soil erosion.
Aware of the risk of disappearance of its natural heritage, including
its rainforests in the East, the Madagascan government has
policies and measures in the areas of environment, agriculture,
rural development and other sectors affecting land use, in order to
reduce pressure on the forests. Since 2006, it has been involved in
the mechanism for Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and
Forest Degradation (REDD +). Thus, the country is one of the 37
countries eligible for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF),
implemented by the World Bank, to which the French Development
Agency contributes. The REDD+ national strategy and its
preparation plan are being finalised.
Reduce the pressure on forests for the needs, including
agricultural and energy, of the populations by strengthening
conservation activities, securing, managing and enhancing sustainable reforestation plots for the benefit of local populations,
and protecting restoration plots implemented up under the HCPF
from anthropogenic pressures.
Develop sustainable alternatives to the destructive exploitation of forest resources to meet the needs of the populations.
Enhance the project's successes in terms of carbon to sustain the project activities through carbon financing and contributing to the national REDD + strategy.
The Holistic Conservation Programme for Forests will help reduce
GHG emissions, conserve natural forest ecosystems and improve
the living conditions of the local populations of these forests.
A first project phase has been funded by Air France (€ 5 million).
The second phase is co-financed by Air France (€ 1 million ), FFEM
(€ 1.5 million) and the FDA (€ 2 million).
For more information, visit:
Le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (French Global Environment Facility) (FFEM) is a bilateral public fund created in 1994 on the initiative of the French Government.
Its secretariat and financial management are outsourced to the French Development Agency.
Climate change – Project co-financed by the French Global Environment Facility – Madagascar
Project description
The project is structured into four components and several activities:
1. Implementation and consolidation of conservation activities: activities for consolidation and sustainability of the
management of new protected areas and agreements for transfer to local populations of responsibilities for natural
resource management (TGRN). Support for continuation of sustainable management of reforestation plots established
during the first phase of the HCPF and effective protection of restoration plots established during the same phase.
2. Consolidation of alternative sustainable practices through support for local communities in the management of lands
in agricultural diversification and promotion of income generating activities and agro-ecological intensification.
3. Enhancement of project work in terms of carbon accounting: continuation of work on forest carbon (biomass and
soil), and drafting of project documents in the context of the REDD + carbon certification of the HCPF.
4. Management, coordination, monitoring and supervision, project evaluation.
Expected results and impact
The programme contributes to the local economic and social development of the
country by promoting twenty alternative practices, and local populations can benefit from
diversifying their income and providing economic security for their households, which
should result in a decrease in social tensions, especially in the poorest areas of the country.
The project also contributes to the fight against deforestation and the degradation of
forests, the preservation of the global environment and biodiversity. It seeks to disseminate sustainable agricultural practices among local communities in order to reduce
human pressure on natural resources. These actions will protect the project intervention
sites, which have a wealth of exceptional biodiversity, but face severe threats.
© C du Castel
Dates and amounts
The project will start in 2013 for a period of 4 years.
The subsidy granted by the FFEM amounts to 1,500,000 €.
Total project financial commitments amount to around € 4.05 million, of which € 2 million is from the AFD.
Biodiversity brochure for download
© FFEM C du Castel
© Nicolas Hertkorn
Secretariat of the FFEM/AFD (French Development Agency) - 5, Rue Roland Barthes, 75598 Paris cedex 12 - France
> Julien Calas – project manager Biodiversity and PPI FFEM - Tel: +33 1 53 44 37 79 - @ : [email protected]
> Communication / Press - Tel: +33 1 53 44 39 41 - @ : [email protected]
> Guillaume Chiron – project manager Biodiversity ARB / FDA - Tel: +33 1 53 44 32 39 - @ : [email protected]
For more information, visit:
Le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (French Global Environment Facility) (FFEM) is a bilateral public fund created in 1994 on the initiative of the French Government.
Its secretariat and financial management are outsourced to the French Development Agency.