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Royal International
‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
Ecoles Royale
de Langue
Science- Primary 5
2nd Term - Final Revision
Model Answer
Q1: Complete the following statements:
1. Heart beats cause pumping ……blood….. to all body parts.
2. Heart consists of ……four…….chambers filled with blood and connected with valves and blood vessels……..
3. The right side of the heart contains …deoxygenated..blood, while …left…. side contains oxygenated blood.
4. The three types of blood vessels are …arteries..., veins…and…blood capillaries…
5. Blood vessels that emerge from the heart are called……arteries….
6. Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are called……veins….
7. Blood flows inside a network of blood vessels called …blood capillaries…….which have thin walls to transfer
oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
8. The ……right….atrium receives deoxygenated blood from all body parts except the lungs.
9. The ……left…….atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.
10. There is a ……valve… between each atrium and ventricle.
11. All arteries carry oxygenated blood except……pulmonary artery….
12. All veins carry deoxygenated blood except……pulmonary veins….
13. The blood consist of RBC's, WBC's, ……platelets…….and…plasma…….
14. The blood cells that attack microbes are called…White Blood Cells.
15. The blood cells that carry O2 and CO2 inside the body are called…Red blood cells…
16. Blood platelets form ……clot… which help in healing wounds.
17. The ……blood….. keeps the body temperature constant.
18. The healthy balanced food must be low in ……fats….. and ….salt..
19. The solid wastes are indigested food that is stored in the large intestine, then discharged through the ……anus…
20. Human body gets rid of excess …salts….through the skin by sweating.
21. Human body gets rids of the urine through the ……urinary .system
22. Urinary system is located inside the ……abdomen… cavity
23. The ……kidneys… are the main organs of the urinary system.
24. Kidneys are located on both sides of the ……back bone……
25. The kidney excretes the wastes dissolved in water in the form of ……urine……
26. Urine is a liquid that contains excess salts, …urea .and uric acid..
27. Urea and uric acid are expelled (removed) out the body by the …urethra..
28. The two ……ureters… are tubes that extend from the kidney and carry urine to the ……urinary bladder…….
29. The tube that extends from the bladder and opens outside the body is called …urethra…..
Primary 5_Final Revision 2016
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2nd Term
Royal International
‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
Ecoles Royale
de Langue
30. The …urinary bladder….. is a balloon like organ that stores urine temporary before it's discharged outside the
31. Urine consists of water containing excess salt, …urea….. and ……uric. acid.
32. The ……soil…is a thin non-compacted layer which covers the earth's…crust…
33. Water and ……wind…… break down rocks into small pieces.
34. The soil is composed of …gravel.., sand, clay, & humus
35. The …humus
.are decayed remains of plants and animals mixed in the soil.
36. Humus add nutrients to the …soil .
37. The …roots………holds the plants in the soil.
38. The main types of soil are…Sand soil.., ……Clay soil and
Silt Soil.
39. Plants get nutrients from the ……top…. layer which is rich in humus.
40. The origin of agricultural soil in Egypt is the ……Ethiopian … plateau.
41. The color of ……clay….soil is dark, while that of …sand……..soil is yellow.
42. The compactness in …sand... soil is very weak, while that in …clay…..soil is very high.
43. The fertility of a soil depends on the amount of ……humus…..
44. The …silt…soil has the highest fertility, while……sand…… soil has the lowest fertility.
45. Cactus grows in ……sand….. soil, while cotton grows in ………clay……soil.
46. The …silt……soil is highly fertile, because it contains large amounts of ……humus..
47. The ……sand…… soil drains water faster than silt soil.
48. Pomegranates grow in …silt…soil, while rice grow in……clay…. soil.
49. Wheat and cotton grow in ……clay….soil, while potatoes grow in ……sand……soil
Q2: Choose the most correct answer:
The heart is located within the chest cavity between the ……………………
a. Two kidneys
a. two lungs
c. two ureters
The heart is a muscular pump in the size of your …………..
a. Finger
b. foot
c. fist
a. The blood flow from atrium to ventricle through the …………………….
a. Wall
c. vein
When left atrium contracts, it pushes the blood to the ……………..
a. Right ventricle
b. valve
b. left ventricle
Pulmonary artery is connected with the ……………………..
a. Left atrium b. right ventricle
c. lung
c. left ventricle
Pulmonary artery carries the blood to the …………………
b. Right ventricle
Primary 5_Final Revision 2016
b. left ventricle
c. lungs
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The ……………………….contains deoxygenated blood.
a. Left atrium b. left ventricle
c. right atrium
The…………..carry oxygenated blood to all body cells.
a. Aorta
b. pulmonary artery
c. pulmonary vein
The blood is a part of the …………………system
a. Urinary
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b. circulatory c. respiratory
When the blood is exposed to the air, a bloody ………… is formed.
a. Clot
b. blood platelets
c. blood
b. WBC's
c. blood platelets
Blood flow between the heart and the …………… is called minor blood circulation.
a. lungs
c. blood
Blood cells which are responsible for attacking microbes are…………..
a. RBC's
b. veins
…………………….is a yellow fluid in which blood cells float.
a. Plasma
c. artery
Blood vessel which carry blood from the heart are …....
a. Arteries
b. vein
b. body cells
c. veins
The major (systemic) blood circulation starts from:
a. Left ventricle to supply oxygenated blood to all body parts.
b. Right ventricle to supply the oxygenated blood to all body parts.
Left ventricle to supply non-oxygenated blood to lungs.
The ……..………..are responsible for producing sweat.
a. Salivary glands
b. chest
c. abdominal
b. urethra
c. ureters
Carbon dioxide and water vapour are released by the ……………
a. Kidneys
c. urinary bladder
The ……………………. carry the urine to the bladder.
a. Kidneys
b. kidneys
The urinary system found in the ………….. cavity.
a. Mouth
c. sweat glands
The main organs of the urinary system are ………………..
a. ureter
b. liver
b. lungs
c. heart
The nitrogen wastes are ……………….
a. Uric acid & urea
b. Urea & salts
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Uric acid & carbohydrates
The blood that carries harmful wastes enters the kidneys through the …………
a. Artery
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b. vein
b. silt
b. ants and earthworms
b. plants
b. ants c. earthworms
b. Medium
c. large
b. weak
c. medium
All the following plants grow in clay soil except…………….
c. wheat
c. cactus
The ………………..soil contains small amounts of clay and silt and rarely contains humus.
b. Sand
c. all the previous
The compactness of silt soil is …………………..
a. Rice
c. chickens and birds
The particles of silt soil are ……………… size
a. Strong
c. lower soil layers.
The ………………. hold the soil to be cohesive and reduce its erosion.
a. Small
c. gravel
b. top soil layers
a. Roots of plants
c. depth
The soil is important for………………….
a. Animals
b. top
……………and ………….dig tunnels in the soil.
a. Cats and dogs
c. clay
Ants and other insects are found in ………………………
a. Rocky layers
b. rocks
The ………. is the layer that is formed of the decayed remains of plants and animals.
a. Humus
c. lungs
The humus found at the …………. of the soil.
a. Middle
b. kidneys
The soil is produced by breaking down of ………………
a. Sand
b. gall bladder c. kidneys
Urea is expelled (removed) from the body by the …………..
a. Heat
c. (a & b)
The urinary system consists of the following organs except……………
a. Urinary bladder
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b. clay
c. silt
Pomegranate and strawberry grow in …………… soil
Primary 5_Final Revision 2016
b. clay
c. silt
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‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
Q3: Write the scientific term:
1. It consists of three parts: heart, blood vessels and blood.
(…circulatory system)
2. A muscular organ about the fist in size located in the chest cavity.
3. The two upper chambers of the heart.
4. The two lower chambers of the heart.
5. Blood vessels that emerge from the heart.
6. Blood vessels that pour blood in the heart.
7. A network of thin blood vessels near the body cells.
(…blood capillaries…)
8. The artery that carries deoxygenated blood (rich in CO2) to the lungs (pulmonary artery.)
9. The artery that carries oxygenated blood to all parts of body.
10. The blood cells that carry O2 and CO2 gases in the blood.
(…Red Blood Cells…)
11. The blood cells that have no nuclei.
(…Red Blood Cells…)
12. The blood cells that protect the body from microbe attacks.
(…White Blood Cells)
13. It keeps the body temperature constant.
14. The blood cells that clots to prevent bleeding and heal the wounds.
15. A yellow watery fluid in which blood cells float.
16. Blood circulation between the lungs and the heart.
(Minor Blood Circulation)
17. Blood circulation between the heart and all body parts except the lungs.
(Major Blood Circulation)
18. The group of organs that clarifies the body from the wastes and harmful substances.
19. The system that clarifies blood from excess salts, urea and uric acid.
(...Urinary System )
20. The two organs which excrete CO2 and excess water in the form of vapor.
(…Lungs ………….…)
21. A fluid (liquid) produced by the kidneys and contains harmful substances.
22. The narrow tubes that pass the urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
23. The glands that excrete excess salts through the skin.
(…sweat glands.…)
24. A thin non-compacted layer covers the earth's crust.
25. The remains of the decayed organisms.
26. The soil that has large particles and drains water quickly.
27. The soil that has tiny (very small) particles and holds more water.
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‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
28. The color of the clay soil.
29. The soil of the highest fertility because it has more humus.
Q4: Give Reason:
1. The two sides of the heart are separated by a wall.
To prevent mixing the blood of both sides
2. Heart contains valves
To allow the blood to flow in one direction from atrium to ventricle not the opposite
3. Blood flows in one direction only inside the heart.
Because there is a valve between each atrium and ventricle
4. The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle.
To allow oxygenated blood to flow through aorta to all body parts.
5. Blood capillaries have a thin wall.
To allow the blood to deliver food and oxygen to the cells
6. It's necessary to keep exercising.
To strengthen the heart muscle and make the circulatory system healthy
7. White blood cells (WBC's) are called the defense cells.
Because they defend the body against microbes
8. The solid wastes are not considered from the excretory materials.
Because they are not a cellular wastes
9. Skin is one of the excretory organs.
Because it helps to get rid of excess salts
10. Sweat has a salty taste.
Because it contains excess salts
11. Man urinates less in winter than summer.
Because in Summer, sweating increases
12. Plant roots are very important to
Because they hold the soil and reduce its erosion
13. Soil is very important to plants.other nutrients f
Because it holds the plants in place and provide nutrients to it
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‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
Q5: Write (True) or (False):
1. The friction force affects in the opposite direction of object's movement.
2. Technicians use sand to decrease the friction force in machines.
3. Heart contains valves to allow blood to flow in two directions.
4. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the body cells.
5. The aorta delivers blood to the lungs.
6. The two vena cava veins deliver blood to the heart.
7. Red blood cells defend the body against microbes.
8. There are valves within the heart cavity.
9. Eating food high in fats and salt activate the circulatory system.
10. CO2 gas and water vapor are expelled out of the body through the bladder.(False)
11. The two kidneys are responsible of filtering the blood.
12. Urine passes from the kidney to the urinary bladder through the artery.
13. Urine gets out of the body through anus.
14. Urea and uric acids are excreted by the sweat glands.
15. Eating balanced food law in fat and salts activates the urinary system.
16. Skin helps in excretion process by getting rid of urine.
17. The kidney filters excess water and salts from the human body.
18. Ureter is a tube that extends from the bladder and opens outside of the body. (False)
Q6: What happens when……?
1. There are no valves in the heart.
Blood will not flow in one direction and it will return back to the atrium
2. Eating a food high in salt.
It will deactivate the circulatory and urinary systems
3. The two kidneys are completely damaged.
The blood will not be filtered from urea and uric acid
4. The urinary bladder keeps urine for a long period.
It will cause infection/disease to the urinary bladder
5. Swimming in the irrigation canals
It will pass diseases to the urinary system
Q7: Cross out the odd word which differs from others and write it in the brackets:
1. Arteries – Veins – Valves – Blood capillaries.
(..Valves …………..)
2. RBC's – WBC's – Vein – Platelets.
(……Vein …….……..)
3. Kidney – Ureters – Urinary bladder – Atrium.
Primary 5_Final Revision 2016
(…Atrium …………..)
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Q8: Match between each organ and its function:
A. Red blood cell
1) ……G..… pass the urine to the bladder
B. White blood cells
2) …..E…… excrete excess salts
C. Platelets
3) …..B…… protect the body against microbes.
D. Kidney
4) ……D..… filter the blood from harmful substances
E. Sweat glands
5) ……C.… help in healing the wounds
F. Urinary bladder
6) …..H….. keeps the body temperature constant.
G. Ureters
7) ……F.… stores the urine temporary
H. Blood
8) ……A.… carry O2 and CO2 in the blood.
Q9: Mention Two points to keep the following systems healthy:
A-Circulatory system:
Exercise more and eat diet low in fats and salts
B-Urinary system:
Drink more water and urinate regularly
Q10: Correct the underlined words:
1. They systemic blood circulation is between the heart and the lungs.
(Minor )
2. The heart removes wastes such as urea from blood.
3. The urine keeps the body temperature constant.
(blood .)
4. The gravel is the layer which adds nutrients to the soil.
5. Platelets defend the body against microbes.
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‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
Q12: Label the figure then answer the questions:
Figure (1)
1-Figure name …Heart…
2-Model labels are:
A. Right atrium
B. Right ventricle
C. Left atrium
D. Left ventricle
E. Inferior Vena cava
F. Pulmonary vein
G. Aorta
H. Pulmonary artery
3-There is a valve between A and B.
4- Organ G carries blood rich in Oxygen to the body parts
Figure (2)
1-Figure name Urinary System
2-Model labels are:
C.…Urinary Bladder
3-The organ that filters the blood is kidney
4-The organ that stores the blood temporary is …urinary bladder…………….……
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