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Ch. 19 Review
1. The diagram above represents a virus with its
surface markers. The diagrams below show various
animal cells with receptor sites. Which of the
following cells is most likely affected by this virus?
2. Which of the following is found in
both cells and viruses
B.Genetic material
C.Digestive cavity
3. What is the most common threat to a
host organism posed by an
invading virus?
A. Production of viral fluids in the
B. Fermentation of acids in the digestive
C. Destruction of cells by viral
D. Stimulation of muscle tone in the heart
4. People infected with the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have an
increased risk of dying from secondary
infections. Which of these best explains how
HIV increases the danger of secondary
A. HIV produces antigens that damage red blood
B. HIV adds genetic material from harmful
C. HIV destroys helper T cells
D. HIV consumes beneficial microbes in the body
Viral Disease
Common Method of
Small pox
Direct contact
Exchange of body
West Nile Virus
Mosquito vector
Deposition of
5. Viruses can be transmitted in a variety of ways.
The virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory
syndrome) can be transmitted when an infected
person coughs or sneezes. This virus is transmitted
in a manner most similar to the transmission of -A. Smallpox
B. West Nile virus
D. influenza
6. All of the following symptoms are likely
associated with bacterial infection except --
A. Skin rashes or lesions
B. Elevated body temperature
C. Swollen glands or tissues
D. Increased red blood cell count
7. Some antibiotics cause patients to exhibit
digestive side effects. These side effects are
most often the result of
A. Bacteria being killed in the digestive tract
B. The antibiotics being converted into
stomach acids
C. Too much water being drawn into the
digestive tract
D. The stomach wall being torn
8. Many species of bacteria can be found in
the human mouth. Which of these explains the
great variety of bacteria in the mouth?
A. Large volumes of air cause bacteria to
change form.
B. Salivary glands cause mutations in
bacterial populations.
C. The presence of nutrients makes the
mouth a favorable habitat.
D. Calcium in the teeth provides a suitable
pH environment.
9. Bacteria may be transferred
by using an inoculating loop.
The picture shows an
inoculating loop being heated
after the transfer. The most
likely reason for this
procedure is that the heat of
the flame -A. Attracts bacteria to the loop
B. Makes the loop more flexible
C. Destroys bacteria on the loop
D. Promotes bacterial growth on the loop
10. Health departments require cooks to
wash their hands after handling eggs. The
most likely reason for this rule is that -A. Some cooks are carriers of disease
B. Eggs can be broken by packaging and
C. Bacteria on eggs can be transferred to
other foods
D. Employers want cooks to be free from