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SCI 220 Entire Course
SCI 220 Week 1 Individual Assignment Food Intake 1 Day
SCI 220 Week 1 DQ 1
SCI 220 Week 1 DQ 2
SCI 220 Week 2 Individual Assignment Food Intake 3 Days
SCI 220 Week 2 DQ 1
SCI 220 Week 2 DQ 2
SCI 220 Week 3 Team Assignment Fast Food Nutrition Presentation
SCI 220 Week 3 DQ 1
SCI 220 Week 3 DQ 2
SCI 220 Week 4 Individual Assignment Food Safety Bulletin
SCI 220 Week 4 DQ 1
SCI 220 Week 4 DQ 2
SCI 220 Week 5 Team Assignment Lifecycle Nutrition and Fitness
SCI 220 Week 1 DQ 1
What were some of your assumptions about a healthful diets before
this week? Did you think you were eating a healthful diet? In what
ways were those assumptions correct or incorrect, according to the
information you read this week?
Post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question by
clicking on Reply. Post your responses in the Main Forum and begin
responding to each other's responses.
SCI 220 Week 1 DQ 2
What are some health problems related to inadequate diets? Provide
a brief explanation of the problem and the body system involved.
Post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question by
clicking on Reply. Post your responses in the Main Forum and begin
responding to each other's responses.
SCI 220 Week 1 Individual Assignment Food Intake 1 Day
Resources: Ch. 2 of Visualizing Nutrition, WileyPLUS®, iProfile
Enter your food intake for 1 full day by following the WileyPLUS®
iProfile instructions.
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following points
about your 1-day food intake:
• Review your iProfile Journal, the dietary reference intake (DRI),
and the iProfile Intake Spreadsheet. Does your dietary intake for the
day you recorded provide a healthful diet? Why or why not?
• Did you consume the recommended DRI from each of the food
groups, vitamins, and minerals?
• Which groups of foods are underrepresented or overrepresented in
your diet? If you did not consume the recommended number of
servings from each group, explain why. Propose how you might
consume the recommended number of servings from each group in the
• Did your diet provide an adequate variety of foods, or were your
choices limited? Refer to the Food Pyramid in iProfile to see how you
fulfilled your goals for the various food pyramid groups. If you did
not eat a variety of foods, how might you expand your field of
• Compare your diet to that of the sample profile for Kelly Watson.
Whose diet provides the best opportunity for health and well-being?
Which profile provides the best philosophy of health? Provide a
rationale for your answers.
Note: Please see the instructions in iProfile found within the
heading/link “Sampe Profile” for the gathering of Kelly Watson’s
profile information. After it has been saved and downloaded, it will
arrive as a zip file. Be sure to “unzip/extract” the profile information
for Kelly Watson before importing the data into iProfile. If the
information is not “unzipped/extracted”, an error message will be
Cite two references other than the course texts.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
SCI 220 Week 1 Individual Assignment Health and Nutrition
Worksheet (2 Sheets)
This Tutorial contains 2 Different Sheets Complete the Material:
Health and Nutrition Worksheet. Submit the completed worksheet as a
Microsoft® Word document attachment. Click the Assignment Files
tab to submit your assignment.
SCI 220 Week 1 Quiz
Test Bank, Question 8 Which would be best described as an emotional
or psychologically– driven food choice? Entry field with correct
answer Test Bank, Question 27 The observations and hypotheses that
arise from epidemiology can be tested using Concept Check, Question
10 Why is variety an important component of a healthy diet? PreLecture, Question 22 Which of the following would be the most
reliable source of nutrition information? Pre-Lecture, Question 17
Moderation: Test Bank, Question 13 With the exception of _______,
all the classes of nutrients are involved in forming and maintaining
the body’s structure. Test Bank, Question 16 Which of the following is
associated with overnutrition? Post-Lecture, Question 16 A study
examining the relationship between diet and weight in the United
States and Japan is an example of a(n): Test Bank, Question 2 The
unit of measure that is used in nutrition science that expresses the
amount of energy provided by a food is a(n): Pre-Lecture, Question 7
The Recommend Dietary Allowance (RDA) is set so that ___ of the
population meets its health needs. Pre-Lecture, Question 8 RDAs and
Average Intakes (AIs) are used for: Test Bank, Question 2 The set of
health promotion and disease prevention objectives that is revised
every 10 years are the ________________. Pre-Lecture, Question 18
Which of the following nutrients is NOT required to appear on a
Nutrition Facts panel? Concept Check, Question 7 The Acceptable
Macronutrient Distribution Range for protein is: Concept Check,
Question 14 Which of the following is correct concerning food labels?
Post-Lecture, Question 11 Identify the food that contains
discretionary calories: Concept Check, Question 6 Which of the
factors influence the Estimated Energy Requirements for an
individual? Pre-Lecture, Question 5 All of the following are methods
used to evaluate nutrition status EXCEPT: Test Bank, Question 12
Which of the following statements regarding the AMDRs is false? Test
Bank, Question 43 The regulation of stomach motility and secretion
Test Bank, Question 54 Peyer’s patches, located in the mucosa of the
small intestine, function to: Test Bank, Question 55 When an antigen
is present, ____ are the first type of white blood cell to come to the
body’s defense. Pre-Lecture, Question 2 Which of the following is one
of the ways that the endocrine system interacts with the digestive
system? Test Bank, Question 40 These yogurts are good sources of
____, which contain active cultures of beneficial bacter Test Bank,
Question 70 As compared to when you are at rest between meals,
when you are exercising, a ___________ proportion of your blood
goes to your digestive system. Test Bank, Question 69 As compared to
when you are at rest between meals, when you have eaten a meal, a
____________ proportion of your blood goes to your digestive
system. Pre-Lecture, Question 21 Exchange of nutrients and gases
occurs through: Pre-Lecture, Question 23 Wastes are eliminated from
the body by all of the following body systems except: Pre-Lecture,
Question 8 Enzymes signal the pancreas and gallbladder to secrete
digestive substances into the small intestine.
SCI 220 Week 2 DQ 1
What are some of the major functions of macronutrients? In the past
week, what were some prime sources of macronutrients in your own
Post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question by
clicking on Reply. Post your responses in the Main Forum and begin
responding to each other's responses.
SCI 220 Week 2 DQ 2
What factors should you consider before taking dietary supplements?
In what ways are supplements beneficial or harmful?
Post a 200-300 word response to the following discussion question by
clicking on Reply. Post your responses in the Main Forum and begin
responding to each other's responses.
SCI 220 Week 2 Food Journal
Complete Material: Food Journal for the week.
SCI 220 Week 2 Individual Assignment Food Intake 3 Days
Resources: Ch. 4–6 of Contemporary Nutrition, WileyPLUS®,
Enter your food intake for 3 full days. Save this information.
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following points
about your 3-day food intake:
• Recorded intake of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
o Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? Which
provide carbohydrate? Which provide lipids?
o Review how your recorded protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake
compares with the recommendations of the DRI. If your recorded
protein-carbohydrate-fat intake was too high or too low, which foods
might you add or remove to achieve your goal and keep other
nutrients in balance?
o Is the protein in each of the foods you ate complete or incomplete,
thus combining to become complementary? Why is this important?
o How much of your daily-recommended protein, carbohydrate, and
lipid intake did you achieve? Were you surprised by the number? If
your macronutrient intake is insufficient, what might you do to bring
it into the recommended range? Provide specific recommendations.
• Macronutrient intake ranges
o Is macronutrient intake within the recommended range important?
What are the effects of too much or too little of a macronutrient?
What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? What happens
if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few
• Fiber intake ranges
o Does your fiber total meet 100% of the recommendation for you as
calculated at the iProfile website?
o Do you think your intake was too high, too low, or just right?
Provide a rationale.
o Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from
each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing
groups—fruits and vegetables—fell short of the recommended intake?
o Which specific foods provide the most fiber in your days’ meals?
Which provide the least? Identify trends in your food choices that
might affect your fiber intakes.
• Dietary modifications
o What changes might you make among your vegetables, fruits, meat
and meat alternatives, or grain choices to increase the fiber in your
o Do your meals include fiber-rich bean dishes, such as chili, beans
in a salad, or split-pea soup?
o If you drink fruit juice instead of eating whole fruit, what might
happen to the fiber content and calorie content in your diet?
o How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute to health or illness? Provide
Cite three references other than the course texts.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
SCI 220 Week 2 Quiz
Pre-Lecture, Question 15 The hormone that allows glucose to enter
cells is: Test Bank, Question 77 One serving (3 cookies) of
Pepperidge farm Chessmen cookies provides 120 calories and 18
grams of carbohydrate. What percentage of calories is from
carbohydrate? Concept Check, Question 5 Which of the following is
not a monosaccharide? Post-Lecture, Question 1 Which of the
following is an example of a refined food? Test Bank, Question 70
When soluble fiber is present in the digestive tract, the fiber binds
____ so that they are excreted rather than absorbed. This helps
reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. Test Bank, Question 34
Which of the following conclusions can be accurately drawn from the
results depicted in this visual? Post-Lecture, Question 6 Which of the
following category of complex carbohydrates is not digestible
because they cannot be broken down by human digestive enzymes?
Test Bank, Question 28 Why does someone who has lactose
intolerance have gastrointestinal problems, such as abdominal
distension, gas, cramping, and diarrhea? Post-Lecture, Question 16
What term is used to describe the process whereby bacteria on the
teeth metabolize carbohydrates, producing tooth-damaging acids?
How It Works: Glucose Metabolism Question 4 Click here to view the
How It Works animation. Cellular respiration uses oxygen to convert
glucose to carbon dioxide and water and provides energy to cells in
the form of _____. Test Bank, Question 55 Based on the type of fat
found in the following foods, which would be the healthiest choice for
breakfast from the grains group? Test Bank, Question 56 Which of the
following types of oil is the best source of healthy, unsaturated fats?
How It Works: Lipid Transport Question 6 Click here to view the
How It Works animation. Cholesterol can be returned to the___ and
synthesized into ____. Bile is stored in the gallbladder or goes
through the bile duct to the small intestine and assists in the
emulsification of fat from food. Test Bank, Question 32 Which
lipoprotein has the highest proportion of triglyceride? Test Bank,
Question 8 ________, when consumed in the diet, can help reduce
blood cholesterol levels. Concept Check, Question 25 A food must not
contain more than _____ of cholesterol to be labeled “low
cholesterol.” Test Bank, Question 17 The majority of lipid digestion
occurs in the: Pre-Lecture, Question 19 Eating fat can increase the
number of calories you consume because How It Works: Lipid
Transport Question 5 Click here to view the How It Works animation.
Chlyomicrons are transported from the intestine via
the________system. Post-Lecture, Question 11 Lipid stored in fat
cells (adipose tissue) provides many benefits including Post-Lecture,
Question 11 Which of the following is not an essential function of
protein? How It Works: Digestion and Absorption of Proteins
Question 2 Click here to view the How It Works animation. ______
activates conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin. Test Bank, Question 31
The ____ amino acid is the essential amino acid that is available in
the lowest concentration relative to the body’s needs. Test Bank,
Question 6 Which of the following is the best description of nutrients
provided by animal protein sources: in fiber; in saturated fat and
cholesterol; in readily absorbed forms of iron, zinc, and calcium?
Concept Check, Question 2 Which of the following is found in plant
foods and not animal foods? Test Bank, Question 69 Of the following,
which is the highest quality plant protein source? Test Bank, Question
50 Why is protein-energy malnutrition more common in children than
adults? Post-Lecture, Question 14 Protein-energy malnutrition is
more common in children than in adults because Test Bank, Question
26 Review where digestive processes of protein occur. Select the letter
that indicates where protein-digesting enzymes are released from this
organ, which aids brush border enzymes to breakdown protein.
SCI 220 Week 2 Team Assignment Stage of Life Topic
Select a stage of life for the Lifecycle Nutrition and Fitness
Presentation due in Week Five: infant, preschool, school age,
adolescent, or older adult.
Obtain faculty approval of the topic to avoid duplication of
Refer to the Lifecycle Nutrition and Fitness Presentationassignment
in Week Five for more detailed information.
SCI 220 Week 3 Food Journal
Complete Material: Food Journal for the week.
SCI 220 Week 3 Team Assignment Fast Food Nutrition
Resources:iProfile, Ch. 7–9 of Contemporary Nutrition, WileyPLUS®
Create an iProfile profile that is reflective of the entire team. Include
an average of the heights, weights, ages, and activities of the team.
The team may choose the gender.
Enter each member’s fast-food intake diet into iProfile one day at a
time. Remember to save the results of the analysis. You must use all
the reports to provide information for completing the presentation.
Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the
following points:
• Recorded micronutrient intake
o How does your recorded micronutrient intake compare with the
recommendations of the DRI? If your recorded micronutrients were
too high or too low, which foods might the team change to achieve
your goal and keep other micronutrients in balance?
o Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide specific
micronutrients— specific vitamins and minerals?
o What might be the effects of too much or too little of the five
micronutrients missing from this diet?
• Dietary modifications
o What modifications might you make to replace choices in your fastfood meals with vegetables, fruits, meat and meat alternatives, or
o If you chose fruit juice instead of whole fruit, what might happen to
the fiber content in your diet? If you chose purchased fruit juice
instead of whole fruit, what might happen to the calorie content of
your diet?
o What is the relationship between energy balance and weight
• Nutritional issues
o How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, or fibers contribute to one’s health or illness? Be
specific and provide examples.
o What are some current nutritional issues, such as obesity or
malnutrition, that might result from a fast-food diet?
o What three facts do you find particularly interesting about the
excess or lack of micronutrients in a fast-food diet?
o What is the role of water in promoting health?
o What is the long-term outlook for individuals on a fast-food diet in
terms of longevity and quality of life?
Reference at least three peer-reviewed journal articles and
information from two credible websites.
Present your Fast Food Nutrition Presentation.
• For Local Campus students, these are 15-minute oral presentations
accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations (10-12
slides, excluding title and reference slides).
• For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft®
PowerPoint® presentations with notes.
SCI 220 Week 4 Food Journal
Complete Material: Food Journal for the week.
SCI 220 Week 4 Individual Assignment Lifestyle Analysis
Complete the Material: Lifestyle Analysis Worksheet.
SCI 220 Week 4 Quiz
Concept Check, Question 6 All of the following are correct statements
about mineral bioavailability EXCEPT: Concept Check, Question 14
Which food has the lowest amount of calcium? Test Bank, Question
12 Adam has just returned from his long run of 6 miles in which he
forgot his water bottle. Which of the following processes is most likely
happening in Adam’s body? Test Bank, Question 22 Water
intoxication is a condition that occurs when a person drinks enough
water to significantly lower the concentration of ____ in the blood.
Concept Check, Question 9 Outward symptoms of hypertension
include: Test Bank, Question 30 Phytic acid, tannins, and oxalates
_____the absorption of many minerals. Test Bank, Question 34 Which
list below best reflects the minerals that keep blood healthy and
immune function strong? Test Bank, Question 69 Magnesium
absorption is enhanced by the presence of Test Bank, Question 81
Which deficiency disease would be common in the areas with
selenium-deficient soils? Test Bank, Question 38 All of the following
minerals are needed for the functioning of antioxidant enzymes
EXCEPT for Test Bank, Question 73 _____ enhances the
bioavailability of non-heme iron. Test Bank, Question 70 Which of the
following is the correct sequence that occurs with the development of
iron deficiency anemia? Test Bank, Question 24 A major mineral is
one that Pre-Lecture, Question 23 Selenium reduces the body’s need
for Vitamin E because: Post-Lecture, Question 13 Identify the organs
that are responsible for the regulation of calcium in the blood. BBC
Video: Extreme Eating, Question 5 The appetizer plate from Unos has
2050 calories and 48 grams of fat. How does this compare to the
AMDR for fat? Post-Lecture, Question 8 Calculate the total calories
needed to meet the energy needs of a 19 year old man, who weighs
72.7 kgs, is 1.75 m tall and very physically active. Test Bank,
Question 33 Gary is a 25 year old male. He is 6 feet 1 inches tall
(1.85 m), weighs 195 pounds (88.6 kg), and his physical activity level
is 1.48. Which of the following contributes the most to his estimated
energy expenditure? Post-Lecture, Question 3 Using the information
in this table, what is the BMI for a 20 year old woman who is 5’7”
tall and weighs 134 pounds? Concept Check, Question 3 Joe is 6’2”
tall and weighs 202 pounds. Which of the following statements is
correct about Joe? Concept Check, Question 11All of the following
are correct statements about the hormone leptin EXCEPT: PostLecture, Question 6 Identify the energy equation which is most
accurate for the individual who is weight stable. Concept Check,
Question 16 All of the following are correct statements about weight
loss medications EXCEPT: Test Bank, Question 35 Which of the
following does NOT factor into calculating an individual’s EER? Test
Bank, Question 15 _____ measures an electric current traveling
through the body and is used to determine body composition. Test
Bank, Question 31 Which of the following would have an increased
BMR? Test Bank, Question 82 Which of the following individuals
would best meet the criteria for bariatric surgery? Test Bank,
Question 27 In general, non-exercise activity thermogenesis varies
_____ between adult individuals. Test Bank, Question 13 Deidre is 5
feet 4 inches tall and her weight is 135 pounds. Her BMI is closest to
_____ kg/m2. Concept Check, Question 8 Which of the following is
not included when calculating your EER?
SCI 220 Week 5 Food Journal
Complete the Material: Food Journal for the week. Submit the
completed worksheet to your facilitator.
SCI 220 Week 5 Individual Assignment Nutritional Needs
Consider the following scenario: The General Secretary of the FDA
has tasked you with developing an educational brochure on the
nutritional needs for a specific stage of life. Due to the lack of
knowledge about what is an appropriate diet, the public have asked
for more information so they can educate themselves about nutrition
and health. Research your topicusingonline sources, such as the Food
and Drug Administration or the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and
local sources, such as farmers’ markets, for content and nutrition
suggestion for the brochure. Pick a stage of life and obtain faculty
approval. • Infancy: Include information on breast and formula
feeding pros and cons for both. • Childhood • Adolescent • Adults •
Elderly Create a 2-sided, tri-fold public service brochure, with
appropriate images, to be printed in the Sunday edition of your
newspaper. Include the following points: • Identify the nutritional
needs for your specific stage of life and how to obtain them. • Identify
health concerns or disease associated with poor nutrition with your
stage. • Provide examples of good and bad nutritional choices. •
Make recommendations for where readers might search for more
information regarding nutrition. o Include criteria readers must use
to determine credible sources of nutritional information. • Explain
why it is important for readers to use these criteria when searching
for information on nutrition and health. • Identify some common
safety issues related to food purchase, storage, and preparation. •
Describe some illnesses or problems the safety issues might cause,
and ways to prevent these illnesses or problems. • Make
recommendations for where readers might search for more
information regarding food safety. o Include criteria readers must use
to determine credible sources of nutritional information. o Explain
why it is important for readers to use these criteria when searching
for information on nutrition and health. Use the Brochure Builder or
the Trifold Pamphlet guide to complete this assignment. You may
want to have your information in outline form before transferring it to
the brochure builder or template. Format the brochure, including the
images, consistent with APA guidelines. Include at least two
SCI 220 Week 5 Quiz
Test Bank, Question 70 Based on the information presented in this
graphic, which of the following statements is FALSE? Test Bank,
Question 48 Pregnant teens are at increased risk of all of the
following EXCEPT for Post-Lecture, Question 6 The dietary
requirements for which of the following nutrients increase during
pregnancy to support new cell growth in the mother and the fetus?
Test Bank, Question 33 Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Test Bank, Question 56 Which of the following is the hormone that
stimulates milk production in a woman who has just given birth? Test
Bank, Question 69 Which of the following nutrients make up the
majority of an infant’s diet during the first 6 months of life? PostLecture, Question 12 A new mother is unable to satisfy the needs of
her baby while attempting to breast feed the hungry child in a
crowded restaurant. Which of the following is most likely true? Test
Bank, Question 11 Which of the following statements regarding
weight gain during pregnancy is FALSE? Test Bank, Question 80
Which of the following statements about feeding infants is true? Test
Bank, Question 87 Cow’s milk should never be fed to infants because
it is too high in ______ and too low in ______. Concept Check,
Question 6 Infection with which bacteria can cause a spontaneous
abortion in a pregnant woman? Test Bank, Question 47 Between
_____ degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria will multiply the most rapidly.
Test Bank, Question 9 The _____monitor and investigate the
incidence and causes of food-borne diseases. Post-Lecture, Question
12 Refrigerating eggs: Pre-Lecture, Question 20 At what step in this
process are normal prions converted into abnormal prions? Concept
Check, Question 14 Modified atmosphere packaging
(stocktickerMAP) accomplishes all of the following EXCEPT:
Concept Check, Question 16 Genetically modified crops can be
created by transferring a gene for a desired trait into a plant cell.
What is the source of these transferred genes? Test Bank, Question 18
The _______ step in the HACCP program enables the manufacturer
to trace the source of the problem in the event of a food-borne illness
outbreak. Test Bank, Question 72 The Delaney Clause is Pre-Lecture,
Question 2 Each of the following is a reason why the same food can
make one person sick and not another EXCEPT: Test Bank, Question
24 Xerophthalmia, as shown in this visual, is a leading cause of
preventable blindness due to a deficiency of Photo Credit:
ISM/Phototake Test Bank, Question 27 A lack of iron reduces the
amount of _____ produced, and thus lowers the blood’s ability to
deliver oxygen. Pre-Lecture, Question 8 Americans go hungry in a
land of plenty due to the following EXCEPT: Test Bank, Question 22
Several nutrient deficiencies have recently re-emerged as problems
throughout the world, including the following deficiency diseases:
beri beri, scurvy, and pellagra. Which nutrients, in the order that
matches the deficiency diseases listed, are responsible for these
diseases? Test Bank, Question 38 Programs that foster economic
development and ensure access to food, shelter, and medical care
have been shown to cause _____ in birth rates. Pre-Lecture, Question
3 Which of the following is an example of an expected positive effect
of nutrition transition: Test Bank, Question 19 Minerals and fossil
fuels are examples of ______ resources. Concept Check, Question 13
The largest USDA program designed to make sure that all people
have adequate diets in the U.S. is: Post-Lecture, Question 12 Which
of the following statement is true about third world nations that grow
cash crops instead of maintaining several small, individual farms that
grow food crops? Test Bank, Question 8 Based on the research
depicted in the bar graph, which of the following statements is true?