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Six Sigma and Process Based Leadership
Workplace Approach
Six Sigma, and Process Based Leadership are toolboxes full of
techniques, or metrics driven approaches, which can be used to
systematically improve organizational processes.
Vantage Plasticswas introduced to these business strategies
through an engagement with a team of professors from The
Business School at Central Michigan University. Since the initial
introduction several additional training events, and engagements
with other universities and organizations have occurred. Most
recently Process Based Leadership (PBL) has been introduced. It
acts like a Global Positioning System (GPS) to align Goals, People,
and Systems. This approach strives to link tactical operational
goals to strategic direction. “Vital” communications are used to
create a clear understanding of essential functions by all
personnel, and an acceptance of individual, and team
“5S” is an example a management philosophy from these
toolboxes which has been used within Vantage Plastics. It is a
methodology for organizing and managing the workplace. As a
philosophy it uses a list of five Japanese words to cover phases of
its implementation. Its intent is to improve work flow and thus
improve efficiency and eliminate waste.
The 5’S are….
Phase 1- Seiri (Sorting)
Phase 2- Seiton (Straighten or Set in Order)
Phase 3- Seiso (Sweeping or Shining or Cleanliness)
Phase 4- Seiketsu (Standardizing)
Phase 5- Shitsuke (Sustaining the Discipline)
Vantage Plastics follows the 5S process for cleanliness and
organization within its workspaces. The cleaner the work area, the
sooner problems can be identified, and needed items can be
found. We feel 5S is important because it adds common sense to
the workplace. A clean organized environment is more predictable,
simpler to work in, and visually supportive. 5S improves our safety,
and efficiency by permanently placing tools where they are needed
for use. This eliminates the need to search for tools thus reducing
time by reducing unnecessary steps in the manufacturing process.
5S is being applied to all aspects of Vantage Plastics including our
offices. We use the 5S system to reduce the seven wastes
(Overproduction, Motion, Transportation, Over Processing,
Correction, Waiting, and Inventory). This is just one example of the
many tools Vantage Plasticsuses to be a more productive and
efficient company, helping us deliver greater value, and quality
products to our customers.