Download 20/05/2013 - Crown Street Surgery

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Crown Street Surgery
CSS Patient Participation Group
Monday 20th May 2013
Crown Street Surgery
Barbara Wroe
Dr. M. Venables
Barbara Lord
Lynn Takacs
Paul Addey
Barbara Wroe
Andrew Laird
Linda Reynolds
Amanda Chapman
Eve Davies
Claire Hill
Lyndon Hall
Geoffrey Lord
Meeting commenced at 5.00 pm.
Minutes from last meeting
LT informed the group that the DNA’s rates are now displayed monthly onto the television in
BW (Chairperson) received an email from Mrs Eve Davies
A patient turned up at the surgery after falling down in the street and was told to go to the
hospital. The person concerned was in a mess and badly shaken. What is the criteria of the
surgery in instances like this especially when the person concerned is a patient at Crown
Street surgery.
Dr Venables advised the group that we are not an emergency department and although patient
may call at the surgery after falls etc, we often need to send them to the appropriate hospital
for diagnosis and treatment that is not within our remit, x-rays etc. Dr Venables explained
that due to confidential he could not discuss individual cases. He reassured all present that
everything possible would be done to make the patient comfortable before we would send
them on their journey.
Ground rules
LT presented the original ground rule and the group discussed and agreed the following:Ground rules
Confidentiality- all things discussed within the group to be treated as confidential.
The group should represent the views of the patients registered with the practice.
The meetings are not a forum for individual complaints.
We will aim to start & finish meetings on time and adhere to the agenda.
Be willing to reach a consensus within the group.
The group will encourage an open and honest debate.
Respect each other and understand that everyone has an experience/contribution to
8. Have fun.
News Letter
PA presented the 2nd addition of the Crown Street Surgery News Letter.
LT has put several take away copies in the waiting room with 2 surgery non removable
copies. We have not had any patient feedback with regard to the 1st news letter, the group
wondered if a tear off slip could be created on the bottom of the news letter, PA to look at
this for future issues. LT to monitor the amount of take away copies printed for future
111 (Dr I Tuner)
The group discussed the 111 services and current press coverage. The surgery receives
communication from the 111 service on the advice given to patients, once the patient contacts
the surgery they are given the appropriate appointment or placed on triage for that session.
The group asked Dr Turner if Rotherham A&E department is experiencing the same
overloading has recently publicised nationally, Dr Turner didn’t feel this was the case
Mental Health Services
AL asked what mental health services are available at the surgery. LT explained how the
service sessions are setup within the surgery.
Counselling sessions x 9 hrs over 2 days (Wednesdays and Fridays)
Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner x 5 hours on Tuesdays
Mental Health Practitioner between 3 and 4 ½ per week on Fridays
LT will bring some further information to the next meeting.
Online Services Update
LT advised all present that the staff have now received training on online and asked group
members of the group to amongst the first to trial this service. Further training for online
appointment booking is scheduled for June.
LT also asked members of the group if they knew of a venue with hold a guest speak
meeting, LT will contact Rotherham MBC.
BL will enquire at Wath Church on price and availability of the church hall.
Next meeting 1st July 2013 @ 5pm minutes to be taken by Mrs Eve Davies