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US Constitution: Article II
Read each selection carefully. Select the best possible answer. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET!!!!!
1. The US Constitution is broken up into a series of articles that lay out specifics of US
government. In Article II, which branch of government is formulated?
a. Legislative
b. Executive
c. Judicial
2. Read the following quote from Article of the US Constitution:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the
United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States."
Which section of Article II is depicted by the quote?
a. Succession
b. Election Day
c. Terms of Office
d. Oath of Office
3. Which office is established, defined, and electorally defined in Article II of the US
a. The Supreme Court
b. Speaker of the House
c. Presidency
d. Ratification
Page 1
Examine the following picture:
Which institution of Article II of the US Constitution is being illustrated in the above image?
a. Election Day
b. Electoral College
c. Presidential Duties
d. Impeachment
According to Article II of the US Constitution, the President of the United States is mandated
to deliver which informational speech to Congress from “time to time” that demonstrates his
or her recommendations?
a. Inaugural address
b. State of the Union
c. UN Unilateral Address
d. Presidential Debates
Page 2
Examine the picture below:
Above, President Barack Obama signs an agreement with Russian President
Dmetry Medvedev to reduce each nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal. In Article II of
the US Constitution this falls under the President’s power to
a. makes treaties
b. influence the electoral college
c. accept part nomination for election
d. declare war
Page 3
7. Which of the following is a power illustrated for the President of the United States in Article II
of the US Constitution?
a. Impeachment
b. Commander-in-Chief of the Army & Navy of the United States
c. Regulation of gas and coal industries
d. Taxes on individuals
8. Read the following quote and answer the following question:
“The Senate conducts the trial. A prosecution team assembled by the House presents the
evidence for conviction. Which requires a two-thirds majority of the Senate. A legal defense
team represents the president. The chief justice presides over the trial Normally the vice
president presides over the Senate, but he must step aside under the Constitution because
he would replace the president if senators vote for conviction. At the end of the trial, the
Senate probably would allow senators to debate each article of before taking a vote.”
Which process in Article II of the US Constitution is described above?
a. Tax policy
b. Commander-in-Chief
c. Elections
d. Impeachment
9. How is the President of the United States elected?
a. Popular vote
b. Senatorial appointment
c. Judicial Review
d. Electoral College votes
10. How can the President impact the price of goods in the United States?
a. Submission of a formal budget illustrating tax code
b. Executive orders cutting manufacturing costs
c. Government take overs of private sector businesses
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