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Poetry WebQuest
Task: You are on a quest to learn more about
1. Learn about the poetry terms and fill in your definitions.
2. Go on a scavenger hunt to learn more about different types poems and
famous poets.
Job #1 - Find the definitions for the following terms:
Using this link:
Glossary of Poetic Terms
Job #2 - Go on a Poetry Scavenger Hunt!
How many of these challenges can you master?
1. Who is one of the most famous writers of Limerick? Write your own Limerick
2. Listen to Mr. Prelutsky read his own poem "Louder than a Clap of Thunder".
What are five of the comparisons to how loud father snores?
3. Visit Poet Kenn Nesbitt and his site Poetry for Kids. Click on frequently asked
questions. What does Mr. Nesbitt say about why he writes poetry?
4. Dr. Seuss is probably one of the first exposures we have as a child to rhyming
poetry. Visit Seussville and find the quote maker. What is the quote from Oh
Beyond Zebra?
Job #3 - Poetry & Word Games!
When you have finished your scavenger hunt and poetry terms visit these poetry and
word game sites!
Magnetic Poetry - from the Magnetic Poetry website
Magnetic Poetry - including Nursery Rhymes
A listof poetry and word games from Kenn Nesbitt at Poetry4Kids
Wizards and Pigs from Game Goo
Visit Shel Silverstein's Site - it's fabulous!
Write your own Acrostic Poem online!
Try an online Diamante Poem!
Instant Poetry Forms - need help with an idea? Try this site!
Try some poetry fun from