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Other than formal coursework, how have your experiences (e.g., extra-curricular activities,
volunteer experiences, work, etc.) prepared you for dental school?
In order to be absolutely sure that I would become familiar with the practice of Dentistry,
and in an effort to become better acquainted with the processes and procedures involved, I
elected to volunteer my assistance at the Dave Pratt dental clinic. During this period of time, I
learned a great deal about the operations of a dental office including the proper ways to address
the concerns and apprehensions of patients. I was also very fortunate to become familiar with
many informative aspects of the business in general. During my time at the clinic I was allowed
to assist in a number of dental procedures; this hands-on experience was very important in
assisting me with my decision to apply to dental school. Additionally, I was given the amazing
opportunity to "shadow" two board-certified dentists. As I followed them throughout their daily
routines, which included procedures that ranged from basic checkups and filling of cavities to
consultations, I began to realize how important and interesting the field of Dentistry can be and I
knew that my decision to become a dentist was truly meant to be.
Why do you wish to attend MWU-CDMA specifically, and what makes you uniquely
qualified to be accepted into our program?
I would like to attend MWU-CDMA for a variety of reasons. Primarily, due to the fact
that the school is new, the advanced technology and equipment I will be able to become
acquainted with; will be a wonderful advantage which I can use after graduation. Additionally,
after speaking with some current students, I learned that MWU-CDMA is one of few schools in
which the faculty abides by an open-door policy; this allows students to voice their concerns and
ask questions at any time. I feel that this friendly and inviting atmosphere is extremely conducive
to the learning process. The school’s emphasis on research and service to society is also of great
interest to me. I am uniquely qualified for this program because I have spent a great deal of time
researching the field of Dentistry and I have provided my service in a voluntary manner to a
good number of both healthcare and dental facilities. This hands-on experience only increased
my desire to become a dentist. Because of my college education, I have an extensive background
in the field of biology and I possess a thorough understanding of the subject matter therein. I
have the strength of character and high ethical standards necessary to carry on the mission and
vision of MWU-CDMA during my time in attendance and after graduation.
Why do you want to attend ASDOH?
I believe that with the proper education I will be able to become more involved with and
better assist my community. ASDOH is one of the very few schools which actually encourage
their students to give-back to the surrounding community by sending them to homeless shelters
and low income facilities to assist those in need. By doing this, ASDOH aspires to promote the
importance of providing assistance to rural communities and inner cities; this is a service which I
find to be extremely important and I would greatly enjoy being involved. Presently, I volunteer
at the Dave Pratt Clinic which is located in an under-served, inner city area and provides
assistance to children who are unable to afford dental care. After examining statistics related to
both children and adults who need dental care but are unable to afford it, it is obvious that more
dental professionals are needed in order to attend to the needs of our community. I truly enjoy
being a part of the Dave Pratt Clinic and I am certain that upon graduation from ASDOH I will
be able to provide even more assistance to individuals in need. Additionally, ASDOH
emphasizes leadership within the community which perfectly suits my ambitions and lifestyle
due to the fact that after graduation I aspire to be involved in public healthcare and serving my
community in general. I believe that with the proper education and skills, I will be better able to
attend to the specific needs of my community. Finally, I believe that attending a school in
Arizona amongst my family; will be advantageous because I will be able to garner the support
and assistance from them which will be necessary to become successful in my endeavors.
Why did you participate in the volunteer activities you listed in the Clinical, Volunteer and
Community Service section? What did you gain from participating in these activities?
In order to be absolutely sure that I would become familiar with the practice of Dentistry,
and in an effort to become better acquainted with the processes and procedures involved, I
elected to volunteer my assistance at the Dave Pratt dental clinic. The Dave Pratt Dental Clinic
provides low cost dental care to underprivileged children who do not qualify for dental
insurance. During this period of time, I learned a great deal about the operations of a dental
office including the proper ways to address the concerns and apprehensions of patients; many of
whom had never been given the luxury of being able to obtain dental care and services in the
past. I was also very fortunate to become familiar with many informative aspects of the ways in
which a clinic of this type operates as well as the cooperation and dedication needed to maintain
a positive and effective working environment. While volunteering at the clinic I was able to gain
firsthand experience and perspective in regards to the "other" side of my community. This
exposure into the lives of families who struggle to survive from day to day, made me even more
aware of the fact that by becoming a dentist, I can truly make a difference in the community and
in the lives of others. Volunteering in this small clinic, operated by one doctor and an assistant,
made me realize that it does not take a large group of people to change lives; these professionals
gave children smiles which they would have otherwise, not been able to afford. I sincerely
enjoyed working with the doctors and patients and my time at the clinic heightened my desire to
become a Dentist while providing insight to the clinic setting. During my time at the clinic I was
allowed to assist in a number of dental procedures; this hands-on experience was very important
in assisting me with my decision to apply to dental school. Additionally, I also provided my
services in a voluntary manner, in a hospital emergency room. I had a great desire to gain an
understanding of the ways in which medical professionals are capable of responding to
individuals under urgent/emergency circumstances. This experience allowed me to gain
additional insight in regards to the field of emergency medicine and provided me with firsthand
knowledge of the ways in which these types of situations should be managed. By participating in
the above activities, I was able to increase my leadership skills and augment my professional
ethics and values. I was also able to enhance my appreciation for individuals in the healthcare
field who go out of their way on a daily basis, to care for those in need in order to promote and
maintain their health and wellbeing.