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STECF Plenary Meeting 5-9 NOVEMBER, 2007
DRAFT Terms of Reference 16 October 2007
1. Information from the Commission, organizational matters
2. Bioeconomic issues
2.1. Balance between capacity and exploitation
STECF is requested to review the report of the SCEGA-SGRST-07-02 (22-26 October,
2007) WG. On the basis of its evaluation, STECF should make any appropriate
comments and recommendations arising in relation to the WGs terms of Reference.
This meeting was aimed to propose possible approaches for assessing economic, as well
as technical/biological, indicators (using DCR data) to estimate the capacity/resource
balance of EU fisheries/fleets.
ToRs of the WG were as follows:
1. discuss a suitable approach to the meaning of "fishing opportunities", "fishing
capacity" and of the "balance" between them, in view of available information on fleets
and fisheries;
2. identify quantitative indicators that assist in the qualitative assessment of the balance
between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities as undertaken at Member State and
Commission level. The choice of indicators shall be made according to the following
a) Restriction to two or three indicators;
b) Existence of data sourcing possibilities by DCR or reform DCR;
c) Simplicity in practical application, having in mind the numerous practical
obstacles, in particular: simplicity of calculation
d) Relevance for the qualitative assessment of the balance between fishing
opportunities and fishing capacity;
3. classify the indicators so identified according to their strengths and weaknesses, and
provide alternatives or second-best approaches in case that data needed to feed preferred
indicators is not available, incomplete or unreliable;
4. study the progress achieved and problems encountered by SGRST when aggregating
relevant fleet segments according to effort and catches for the purposes of setting fishing
opportunities in the context of North Sea management plans;
5. consider, against this background and having in mind aggregation levels applied in the
economic fleet analysis, adequate aggregation levels for the link between fleets and
resources by area which is necessary in order to study the "balance"-question at the
appropriate level;
6. advise on further steps to be taken using data collection under DCR, in particular on
fisheries that should be selected for pilot exercises aiming at applying the agreed
indicators in practice.
Meeting web site:
3. Fisheries Conservation
3.1. Review the scientific advice on stocks of Community interest
STECF is requested to review the draft report of Part 2 of the Review of Advice for
Stocks of Community Interest prepared by the SCEGA-SGRST-07-02 (22-26 October)
WG. The conclusions in the draft report should be evaluated, finalised and adopted by the
STECF as its Review of Advice for stocks of Community interest for 2008.
The STECF should take into account the most recent scientific advice from the ICESACFM and scientific committees of relevant Regional Fisheries Organizations as well
scientific papers published in peer-review journals if considered pertinent for the
completion of the advice.
STECF is also requested to respond to additional requests from the Commission on
specific aspects of the advice for stocks of Community interest arising from the
advice provided by relevant fisheries advisory authorities and to include such
responses in its Plenary report and where appropriate in the Review of advice.
Meeting web site:
3.2. Review of the Commission's proposal for blue ling closures in Via and Vb1
based on VMS data provided by MS.
The present request stems from a Council statement adopted in November 2006 during
the adoption of the TAC and quota regulation for deep-sea species for 2007-2008. The
Council agreed that the Commission should convene a technical working group in 2007
to assess the situation and to make recommendations for possible additional measures to
catch limitations in order to protect spawning aggregations of blue ling in ICES areas VI
and VII.
The Commission has received VMS data the UK, France and Spain. Based on this
information, the Commission has drafted a proposal for closed areas that would to apply
from March to June, commencing in 2008 (see annex A).
STECF is requested to review the proposal at Annex A, and make any appropriate
remarks and recommendations.
3.3. Fish and octopus traps
The Commission is considering a possible change to rules concerning the fishing gear
that may be permitted within the closed areas established in Council Regulation (EC) No
2166/2005 of 20 December 2005 establishing measures for the recovery of the Southern
hake and Norway lobster stocks in the Cantabrian Sea and Western Iberian peninsula and
amending Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through
technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms.
The Commission would like to be informed of the likely consequences, in terms of
eventual additional catches of either or both Nephrops and hake, of permitting the use of
fish traps of the traditional "faneca" type as well as of traditional traps used for fishing for
A more precise request will be sent to STECF once the relevant Member State has
provided a technical description of the relevant fishing gears.
3.4. Turbot and Brill
STECF is requested to evaluate the possibilities for an in-year TAC increase for this
3.5. Mediterranean swordfish
STECF is requested to review the reports of both the 2007 ICCAT-WG on Mediterranean
Swordfish Stock Assessment (September 3-7) and the ICCAT-SCRS on Mediterranean
Swordfish (October 1-5), evaluate the findings and make any appropriate comment and
STECF, taking into account also its former opinion on Mediterranean swordfish (20th
STECF report, 04-08 April 2005), is requested to advice, in particular, which is the
proper mix of technical management measures as recommended by ICCAT-SCRS which
has greater chance to protect juveniles of swordfish while not creating devastating
problems to fisheries exploiting swordfish and other large pelagic stocks.
3.6. European eel
STECF is requested to review the report of ICES/EIFAC WG eel, evaluate the findings
and make any appropriate comment and recommendation in particular as to whether the
Black Sea and the river systems connected to it constitute natural habitat for the European
eel. .
3.7. Advice on selectivity of active gears targeting cod in the Baltic Sea
STECF is requested to review the ICES advice on selectivity of active gears targeting cod
in the Baltic Sea, evaluate the findings and make any appropriate comments and
recommendations. The review should focus on trawls, Danish seines and similar towed
gears with a mesh size ≥ 105mm equipped with either a Bacoma exit window or a T90
codend as defined in regulation (EC) No 2187/2005.
ICES advice to be made available
3.8. Assessment of the effects of the derogation for selective gears in the Bay of
Biscay on the conservation of hake.
A 'hake box' was introduced in 2002 in the Bay of Biscay for the recovery of Northern
hake stock (Articles 5 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 494/2002). In 2006, a special
derogation was introduced for trawlers targeting Nephrops allowing them to conduct
fishing operations in this box when using a mesh size of 70mm and a square mesh panel
(point 10 from Annex III of Council Regulation (EC) No 41/2007).
STECF is requested to evaluate the effects of this derogation on the conservation of hake.
This evaluation has to take into account the following points:
- Vessels concern by this derogation are not allowed to catch more than 20% of hake
- A national French legislation introduced fishing permits in order to limit the number of
vessels allowed to catch Nephrops in the area concerned.
Documents to be distributed after reception from concerned Member State
3.9. Assessment of reports on hake selectivity in gillnets fisheries.
The mesh size for hake gillnet fisheries is 100 mm south of 48°N and 120 mm north of
48°N. Reports have been presented on hake selectivity of gillnets for mesh size between
100mm and 120mm after sea trials conducted north of 48°.
STECF is requested to review the reports, evaluate the findings and make any appropriate
comments and recommendations with respect, in particular, to the impact, both in terms
of the conservation of hake and on the effects on other by-catch stocks, of changing the
mesh size from 120 mm to 100 mm in the gillnet fishery targeting hake.
Documents to be distributed after reception from concerned Member States
Assessment of French reports on short-necked clam (Ruditapes
Current European legislation sets the minimum landing size of short-necked clam or
Japanese clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) at 40 mm in the North East Atlantic. The
Commission received an opinion from the North Western Waters Regional Advisory
Council on the advisable reduction of the minimum landing size.
STECF is requested to review the NWW-RAC document, evaluate the findings and make
any appropriate comments and recommendations with respect, in particular, on the
influence the decreasing of the minimum landing size from 40 mm to 35 mm may have
on conservation status of short-necked clam .
Evaluation of closed areas
3.11.1. Closed areas for conservation of stocks as implemented so far in the
North East Atlantic and North Sea
The Commission is in the process of revising the technical measures used under the CFP.
As a part of this, an evaluation of the utility and effectiveness of existing closed areas is
required. A considerable body of material has been assembled through a number of
research projects and study groups. The evaluation therefore should adopt a two step
approach has therefore been adopted: firstly an overview of the existing MPA's within the
EU EEZ and of the existing material and evaluations should be assembled; secondly;
specific expert groups will be convened to evaluate specific sets of MPAs using existing
data and information compiled in stage 1, supplemented with calls for data as required.
Two expert subgroups were scheduled for 2007 (SGMOS-07-02, March; SGMOS-07-03
October) to deal with closed areas. The SGMOS-07-03 meeting (15-19 October)
evaluated a list of specific sets of MPAs.
ToRs of the SGMOS 07-03 Expert group were as follows:
Evaluate the efficiency of the following closed areas on conservation of marine
- Closure of an area for sandeel fisheries in ICES zone IV
- Closure of an area for Norway pout to protect other roundfish
- Closed area for the conservation of cod in ICES zone VIa, VIIf and g
- Closed area for the conservation of cod in Irish Sea
- Closed areas for the conservation of Hake
- Closed areas for the conservation of herring in west of Scotland
- Closed area for the protection of herring in ICES zone IIa
- Closed area for sprat to protect herring
- Closed area for the conservation of mackerel
- Rockall Haddock box in ICES zone VI
For each of them inventorize existing information on the effects and precise if the
closed areas have a positive impact on the conservation of marine organisms, have no
impact or if the impact in not known. If possible also identify adverse impacts of the
closed areas on conservation.
Propose, as appropriate, modifications of the closed areas in order to improve
their positive effect on the conservation of marine organisms.
When an assessment is not possible, identify the data requirements for an
evaluation of the closed areas in a short term.
Meeting web site:
STECF is requested to review the SGMOS-07-03 WG report, to evaluate the findings and
make any appropriate comments and recommendations .
3.11.2. Proposed closed areas south-western of Ireland for environment
STECF is requested to review the ICES AGWINS report 2007 of the ad-hoc group for
Western Irish Natura Sites, to evaluate the findings and make any appropriate comments
and recommendations.
Possible more specific requests may be addressed to STECF upon reception and
acceptance by the Commission of Member States requests on this matter.
Assessment of effort regime
STECF is requested to review the reports of the SGRST-07-02/04 (21-25 May, 24-28
September, 2007), evaluate the reports’ findings and make any appropriate comments and
recommendations. The Expert Groups who were requested to assess the effects of the
current fishing effort management schemes defined in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No
STECF is also requested to advise on the economic dimensions of using effort
management regimes. The complexities arising from the multidimensional aspects of
effort (e.g. days at sea, kW-days) should be analysed. Ideas for further work in 2008
should be explored.
ToRs of the Expert groups were as follows:
1. To provide historical series, as far back in time as possible, by each of the areas
defined in Annex II. The data should also be broken down by Member State ; by
regulated gear type ; and by associated special conditions ; and also by unregulated gear
type which catch cod, sole and plaice (Annex IIA), hake and Norway lobster (Annex IIB)
and sole (Annex IIC) for the following parameters:
a. Fishing effort, measured in kW.days and, if possible, in GT.days and number of vessels
b. Catches (landings and discards) of cod, sole and plaice (Annex IIA), hake and Norway
lobster (Annex IIB) and sole (Annex IIC), by weight and by numbers at age.
c. Non-cod , non-sole and non-plaice (Annex IIA), non-hake and non-Norway lobster
(Annex IIB) and non-sole (Annex IIC) catches (landings and discards) by species, by
weight and in numbers at age
d. Catch per unit effort (cpue) of cod, sole and plaice (Annex IIA), hake and Norway
lobster (Annex IIB) and sole (Annex IIC)
2. Based on the information elaborated under 1) above, to rank gear types and associated
special conditions on the basis of their contribution to cod, sole and plaice (Annex IIA),
hake and Norway lobster (Annex IIB) and sole (Annex IIC) catches both by weight and
3. If data are available, to provide information concerning:
The evolution of fishing strategies of the different fleets, indicating trends
favouring or avoiding the use of certain gear types and associated special conditions.
Where known, the strategies adopted by the fishing sector in order to increase
economic efficiency (transfer of days at sea, scrapping of vessels)
The development of the efficiency of fishing operation (for a stable nominal
fishing effort, evaluation of "technological creep") by type of gear;
4. To assess the fishing effort and catches (landings and discards) of cod, sole and plaice
(Annex IIA), hake and Norway lobster (Annex IIB) and sole (Annex IIC) and associated
species corresponding to vessels of length overall smaller than 10 metres in each fishery,
by gear (corresponding to regulated and unregulated gear as defined in Annex II
framework) and by Member State according to sampling plans implemented to estimate
these parameters;
5. To assess, for each major grouping of gear types, the overlap between existing fishing
effort management schemes: Annexes IIA, IIB and IIC to Regulation (EC) No 41/2007,
Western Waters (Regulations (EC) No 1954/2003, 1415/2004 and 2103/2004), Deep Sea
Species (Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002) and Plaice and Sole multiannual Plan
(Regulation (CE) No 676/2007).
6. To describe the spatial distribution of the fishing effort deployed in the context of
Annexes IIA, IIB and IIC to Regulation (EC) No 41/20007, according to data reported in
logbooks on the basis of ICES statistical rectangles, with the aim to determine to what
extent fishing effort has moved from long distance to coastal areas since the
implementation of the days-at-sea regime for the first time in 2003 (Annex XVII to
Regulation (EC) No 2341/2002)
Meeting web site:
Balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities
STECF is requested to review the Commission’s summary annual report on Member
States efforts during 2006 to achieve a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and
fishing opportunities, evaluate the findings and make any appropriate comments and
Documents already available to the STECF
Main factors affecting codend selectivity
In its 2007 June plenary meeting (11-15 June) STECF was requested to deliver its
opinion on the findings presented in the report of the SGMOS –07-01 meeting held in
Aberdeen from 11-15 June 2007, which had the following Terms of Reference:
Assess the influence on codend selectivity of mesh size, (mesh shape?), codend
circumference as measured in maximum number of meshes round and twine materiel for
different weights of catch.
The catch weights will be chosen in the range between 50 and 1000 kg, with
prefixed levels at 50 kg, 100 Kg, 200 Kg, 400 Kg, 600 kg, 800 Kg and 1000 Kg.
Additional intermediate weights could be used if considered pertinent.
The tested mesh sizes, mesh shape, codend circumference, and twine diameter will
be those currently in place in the European legislations; however, values greater and
smaller of these reference values should be explored too.
The indicator of codend selectivity will be either L50 for a given species or the
average mesh opening in an area of the codend to be defined just in front of the catches.
Experimental L50 estimates from scientific literature will be used for the validation of
Advice on which constructive elements, which results less relevant for the
selectivity of a certain type of trawl net, could be ignored while emphasizing those
constructive elements that need greater attention and need to be tackle in a legislation
aiming to effectively improve codend selectivity.
In its Report of its June, 2007 plenary meeting STECF was unable to provide an informed
opinion on the work of the Subgroup because the subgroup report was unavailable at the
time of the STECF plenary.
STECF is therefore requested to review the report of the (SGMOS-07-01 meeting of June
11-15, to evaluate its findings and make appropriate comments and recommendations.
Meeting web site:
Member States are expected to adopt management plans for fisheries conducted
by trawl nets (demersal and pelagic), boats seines, shore seines, surrounding nets
and dredges (for molluscs) within their territorial waters. So far, some draft plans
have been notified to the Commission for it to present its observation before the
plan is adopted by Member States.
The plans shall include conservation reference points such as targets against
which the recovery to or the maintenance of stocks within safe biological limits
for fisheries exploiting stocks at/or within safe biological limits (e.g. population
size and/or long-term yields and/or fishing mortality rate and/or stability of
catches). The management plans shall be drawn up on the basis of the
precautionary approach to fisheries management and take account of limit
reference points recommended by relevant scientific bodies.
The plans shall ensure the sustainable exploitation of stocks and that impact of
fishing activities on marine eco-systems is kept at sustainable levels.
The Management plans may incorporate any measure included in the following
list to limit fishing mortality and the environmental impact of fishing activities:
limiting catches, fixing the number and type of fishing vessels authorised to fish,
limiting fishing effort, adopting technical measures (structure of fishing gears,
fishing practices, areas/period of fishing restriction, minimum size, reduction of
impact of fishing activities on marine ecosystems and non-target species),
establishing incentives to promote more selective fishing, conduct pilot projects
on alternative types of fishing management techniques.
STECF is requested to review the plans so far received, to evaluate their findings,
to make appropriate comments, also with respect to the elements/measures
included in the management plans and to advice whether each plan contains
elements that account for the state of the exploited resources, if concerned
fisheries are expected to exploit main target stocks in line with their production
potentials and if the plan is expected to maintain or to revert fisheries productivity
to higher levels.
STECF is requested to evaluate whether certain analysis of demersal trawl
surveys permit to evaluate the status of the stocks, the sustainability of the
exploitation and to measure progress towards higher fishing productivity ( MSY
or other proxy).
STECF is requested in particular:
- to advice whether either the temporal trends of abundance indexes or the
temporal trends of both the average size and size-range by stock, as obtained
through the demersal trawl surveys, can be considered adequate to provide
information on the status of the stocks and on its exploitation with respect to
production potentials (higher yields and catch rates) and the sustainability of the
stock (i.e. low risk of stock collapse and impaired reproductive capacity);
- to advice whether the length frequency distributions of landings by species and
area can be considered adequate to provide information on the status of the stock
and on its exploitation with respect to production potentials (higher yields and
catch rates) and the sustainability of the stock (i.e. low risk of stock collapse and
impaired reproductive capacity);
- to advice whether the precisions and accuracy levels of total mortality estimates
(Z) obtained through trawl surveys are adequate to provide inferences on the
exploitation status of the stocks with respect to production potentials (higher
yields and catch rates) and the sustainability of the stock (i.e. low risk of stock
collapse and impaired reproductive capacity).
What data treatment, statistical methods and models can be used and what
conditions/assumptions are needed in order to get a consistent estimate of Z as a
valid proxy of the fishing mortality?
- to advice whether the temporal trends of total mortality (Z) estimates by species
and GFCM-GSA, as obtained through the trawl survey data, can be considered
adequate to provide information on the status of the stock and on its exploitation
with respect to production potentials (higher yields and catch rates) and the
sustainability of the stock (i.e. low risk of stock collapse and impaired
reproductive capacity);
- to indicate what additional other types of scientific analysis could be done with
trawl surveys data to obtain the evaluation of the status of the stocks and of their
exploitation with respect to production potentials (higher yields and catch rates)
and the sustainability of the stock(i.e. low risk of stock collapse and impaired
reproductive capacity);
to indicate what models and software should be used to make use of trawl
surveys data to obtain the evaluation of the status of the stocks and of their
exploitation with respect to production potentials and the sustainability of the
to evaluate whether the SURBA analysis is adequate to be used with data
collected with MEDITS trawl survey data ? What data sets are needed to run
this model and what outcomes can be expected from it..
- to set up an operational workprogramme for 2008, beginning in the 1Q, with a
view to update the status of the main demersal stocks and evaluate the
exploitation levels with respect to production potentials and the sustainability of
the stock by using both trawl surveys and commercial data as collected through
the Community Data Collection regulation N° 1543/2000 as well as other
scientific information collected at national level.
5. Data Collection Framework
5.1. Evaluation of technical reports for 2006
STECF is requested to review the report of the SGRN-07-02 Expert group meeting of
July 2-6, 2007, evaluate the findings and make any appropriate comments and
ToRs of the WG were as follows:
Evaluate the 2006's National Technical Reports (TR) submitted by Member States
(MSs). The advice should consider at least the measures taken by each MS, the
appropriateness of the methods used and the results achieved as regards data collection
and data uses.
The aim is to deliver a critique scientific review of the situation by evaluating what MSs
had proposed in their National Programmes for 2006 and what they have finally
achieved. Evaluation of the achievements should consider the international obligations of
the EU in regards to the Regional Fisheries Organizations, the transmission and the uses
of the data and the quality aspects. In this view the SGRN should propose a method to
track the data flow from data providers to data users (e.g. attached template or other).
Evaluate the outcomes of the pilot studies submitted by the MSs. Quality aspects
(method, precision level estimates, etc.) should be considered in the evaluation.
Advise on the sampling design and method proposed by Italy to collect some
biological information in 2007. Specific attention to the sampling intensities should be
5.2. Implementation of the fleet based and ecosystem approaches
5.2.1. Economic issues
Consider quality aspects in the collection of economic data:
responsibilities, calculation of precision level of indicators
Evaluate the consequences in the collection of economic
data introduced by the move toward a fleet based approach and in
particular if the economic data to be collected on the fleet level is
sufficient for bio economic modelling.
Biological data will be collected on a fleet fishery (metier) while
economic data will be collected only on the level of the fleet (Ref.
doc #1 and 2). Impact assessments may require that economic data
is allocated to metiers:
a. How should this allocation be done?
b. Can we assume that the cost structure is the same for
different metiers within the fleet segments?
c If not, would a survey describing the cost structure for
different metiers within the segment be sufficient to
allocate the economic information (revenue, costs,
employment) to the right metier? In this case, how often
should this survey be carried out?
SGECA meetings for 2008 in regard to the DCR: proposed
ToR's and Chairs for the following Workshops:
Workshop on the calculation of the capital costs and
other costs in the fishing sector
Workshop on the harmonisation of product size
categories and size segmentation for the enterprises in the
aquaculture sector; and on segmentation of production by
species, and for the type and size of enterprises in the
processing industry
Workshop on Balance between fishing capacity and
resources (part II) : Follow-up to SCEGA-SGRST-07-02
5.2.2. Environmental issues
Review and comment report of the Ad-hoc experts meeting on the
Ecosystem approach (Ref. doc. # 3)
5.3. Data Collection Regulation: economic issues
STECF is requested to review the Commission Non-Paper on the list of economic
indicators for fishing sector, aquaculture and processing industry to be collected under
the new Data Collection Regulation, evaluate the findings and make any appropriate
comments and recommendations. (Ref. doc. # 4).
Commission Staff Working Paper: Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting of the
independents experts on the Fleet-Fishery based sampling, Nantes, France, 12-16
June 2006, 98 p
Commission Staff Working Paper SEC (2006, xxx): Report of the STECF Subgroup on Research Needs; Report of the STECF-SGRN-06-03: Revision of the
Biological Data Requirements under the Data Collection Regulation. Brussels 27
November-1st December 2006, 48 p + annexes.
Commission Staff Working Paper: Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting of independent
experts on Indicators and associated data requirements to measure the impacts of
fisheries on the marine ecosystem. Brussels, 25-27 June 2007, 32p.
6. Annual Economic Report
STECF is requested to review the DG FISH report "Annual Economic Report
(2007)" to evaluate its findings and make appropriate comments and
7. Brainstorming and forward planning for economic issues
7.1. Where can STECF economists assist? => SGECA and SGRN meetings………
7.2. Advise on potential topics for the 2008 Work Programme
7.2.1. Economic data collection and analysis
Using economic data for 2006, prepare the basis for a new AER
7.2.2. Benefits of better enforcement policies (Impact Assessment)
Based on the forthcoming review of the CFP control
regulation proposal to be tabled in October 2008, an Impact
Assessment report needs to be completed during the the first half
of 2008. An analysis of the benefits of better enforcement and
compliance shall feed into this Impact Assessment report.
7.3. Organisation and coverage of meetings for 2008
Meeting web site:
Figure: data blue ling closures in Via and Vb1 based on VMS data provided by Member