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Imperialism STUDY GUIDE
Why did Queen Liliuokalani want a new constitution?
What ultimately caused the Boxer Rebellion in China?
The growth of imperialism from the late 1870s to 1914 was sparked by the desire for ______________.
Japan’s foreign policy up to the mid-1800s could best be described as:
Why was the purchase of Alaska called "Seward's Folly"?
To say that foreign countries seized spheres of influence in China means that they gained control of ________
The Bayonet Constitution granted more power to _____________________________________?
The Open Door Policy stated that all nations should have equal what….?
What is Imperialism?
We know the conflict between Cuba and Spain was exaggerated using Yellow Journalism.
yellow journalism?
Why did they use
In the Teller Amendment, it stated that the United States would not do what to Cuba?
Fact for you:
The Anti-Imperialist League opposed the creation of an empire.
The people who resisted American Imperialism felt it wasn’t fair for us to Imperialize because America stands for
_____________________, not captivity.
What four territories did we get under The Treaty of Paris?
Who was blamed for the explosion of the USS Maine? ___________________ Was it true? _________________
The Rough Riders were volunteer ________________________________
The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the _______________ ________________ that warned the U.S.
would ______________________________ in Latin America if necessary.
What U.S. president was famous for his usage of dollar diplomacy? ________________________________
Why did President Woodrow Wilson sent General John J. Pershing to Mexico?
The United States gained construction rights for the Panama Canal by encouraging Panama to
The book which helped convince U.S. Presidents we needed a bigger and stronger navy was ____________
The word “annexation” means combining new ______________________ into ______________________.
Which country first tried to build the Panama Canal? ________________________________
Fact for You: * The reasons the U.S. wanted to take on the Panama Canal include better sea access
for our navy and to take on the role of global leadership
What kind of foreign policy did George Washington want the U.S. to follow?
What is a strip of land that connects to larger bodies of land and is surrounded by water on two sides?
Know where Latin America is.