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Unit 6 Study Guide:
Main Causes
Alliance System & the Balance of
Aggressive Nationalism
Militarism & the Arms Race
The “Flashpoint” (event that starts the war)
Assassination of Archduke
The Result
Almost all the nations in Europe &
their colonies around the war are
sucked into war
Central Powers vs. Allied Powers
The Battlefronts
Western Front & Eastern Front
Modern Weapons & Trench Warfare
War of Attrition leads to a stalemate
Long Battle high body count
T.E. Lawrence & the role of the Colonies
Schlieffen Plan
Tried to prevent a 2 front war
Battle of the Somme
Ultimate Trench Battle
Battle of Tannenberg
Eastern Front fighting
Battle of Gallipoli
Reasons for and Results
Battle of Jutland
Only Naval Battle
World War I
The power & use of Propaganda
Total War
Its impact on the lives of the people
at home: Socially & Economically
The Armenian Genocide
The forgotten holocaust
The Cost of War
Human & Economic
Fall of Russia
Problems facing Russia
The Russian Revolution
Last German Offensive
US entry in the War
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Note
Effect on the War
The Armistice
The Goals of Peace
US, France, & England
Treaty of Versailles: Problems
War Guilt Clause, Reparations,
Military Limitations, & Territory
Boundary Changes
Europe & the Middle East
Other Problems with Treaties
Impact of the Spanish Flu
Women’s Suffrage achieved