Download Southern and Eastern Asia Unit Test Why did the Great Leap

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Southern and Eastern Asia Unit Test
Why did the Great Leap Forward fail?
The Purpose of the Great Leap Forward was to:
What was the purpose of the Cultural Revolution in China?
Describe the religion of Daoism?
In 1911-12 revolutionaries took control of the government from the Qing Dynasty.
Describe China and the events that took place in China under the Nationalist Party.
6. During World War II what nation did the Communist help the Nationalist government
drive out of China?
7. Describe the events that took place in China following their civil war (1946-1949)?
8. Monks and travelers from India brought which religion to China and East Asia?
9. Describe the economy of China including its type.
10. Trade with other countries helps a country’s economy. Why is it harder for Mongolia to
export goods than it is for China and Taiwan?
11. Rural parents in China’s market economy often can’t afford to pay for school. This
results in what problem?
Their children often remain illiterate.
12. What effect did workers’ low wages in China and Taiwan have on export sales?
China and Taiwan were able to sell the goods on the world market cheaply.
13. In a command economy, poor planning is likely to lead to what?
Product shortages and waste
14. What was the reason for the Tiananmen Square protests in China?
15. What was the result of the Tiananmen Square protests in China?
16. Explain why crops grow so well on the North China Plain.
17. Who was the greatest leader of India’s independence movement?
18. The nations of India and Pakistan have been disputing over the land of what?
19. What is the large minority group in India?
20. In the 1970s Afghanistan was invaded by which nation?
21. After rebel groups drove that nation out of Afghanistan who took control of the
government in Afghanistan?
22. Describe all of the methods Mohandas Gandhi use in his fight for independence in
23. Give the sources of pollution of the Ganges River?
24. What dominates the climate of South Asia and brings the majority of the wet weather to
the region?
25. In India the Dalits, once called untouchables, have traditionally faced discrimination.
Explain why.
26. Japan and the Koreas are all mid-latitude countries which means what?
They have seasons
27. Poor banking practices in Japan led to what?
A recession
28. The border between South Korea and North Korea is referred to as what?
A demilitarized zone (DMZ)
29. The rise of Japan as a military power in the early 1900s can be traced back to what?
30. Why did the United States get involved in the Korean War?
31. After WWII, the following occurred:
The United States occupied Japan
Japan created a constitutional monarchy
The Japanese supplied supplies and labor for U.S. and U.N troops during the
Korean War.
32. Why has North Korea struggled economically?
33. Most of the people in Japan practice a combination of which two religions?
34. What are the only two nations with economies more productive than that of Japan?
35. In Japan what is the purpose of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)?
36. One of the major problems North Korea presents for other nations is its what?
37. Japan, South Korea, and North Korea are _____ countries. (Landform)
***Be able to locate the places on your map of Southern and Eastern Asia***