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Ch 14/1
Rapid industrialization changes Russian economy.
Number of factories doubled.
Seeking foreign investors and rasing taxes in an effort to build up Russian
Built Trans-Siberian Railway
Rapid industrialization also caused problems
grueling work conditions
low wages
child labor
poor morale
caused several revolutionary movements to arise and to compete for power.
Marxists (Those following views of Karl Marx), established successful
following in Russia. Based on concept that proletariat (working class) would
rule the country
3. Marxists split into to groups – Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
-Mensheviks wanted popular support for the revolution (p. 434)
-Bosheviks - more radical, and supported a smaller of committed revolutionaries
willing to sacrifice everything for change. **Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) – leader of
Bolsheviks. Fled to western Europe to avoid being arrested until safe to return. Led
revolution from there.
4. *Bloody Sunday - Started off as over 200,000 workers petitioning for better
working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected legislature.
- Soldiers were ordered to fire on the crowd, injuring thousands and killing
hundreds. (how Bloody Sunday got its name.) Several hundred killed and over
1000 wounded.
- Caused a waive of strikes and violence. Forced Nicholas to approve the creation
of Russia’s 1st parliament (the Duma.) Dissolved in 10 weeks because czar
was hesitant to share his power.
**March Revolution - March 1917- Shortages of bread and fuel caused 5 days
of wide spread rioting.
Soldiers that were initially sent in to stop the rioters eventually sided with them.
Forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his throne. He and his family were executed
a year later.
The Duma established a provisional (temporary) government led by Alexander
Kerensky. His decision to continue fighting WW I made conditions in Russia
even worse. Peasants and city workers were becoming angrier and more radical.
Led to formation of soviets (local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and
Germany ( Russian adversary) secretly helped arrange Lenin’s return because
they believed this would cause even more trouble and hurt Russia’s war effort
against Germany (April 1917).
6. ***Bolshevik Revolution Shortly after Lenin’s return provisional government falls
(factory workers storm Winter Palace) and takes over provisional government.
-Lenin orders all farmland be distributed among the peasants.
- Gave control of factories to the workers.
-Bolshevik govt and Germany signed truce to stop fighting and begin peace talks.
-Led to Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918 – terms included Russia surrendering 1/3 of its
territory to Germany and it’s allies. Large number or Russian people angered by this
treaty .
7. Civil War in Russia - Red Army (Bolsheviks) against White Army. White
Army made up of several different groups who barely cooporated with each other,
and had only one thing in common.. defeating the Bolsheviks Over 14 million
Russians died during this 3 year struggle. Loss of life from fighting, and world
wide flu epidemic helped Red Army crush all opposition.
**(Compare & contrast between Bolshevik, French and American
Revolutions..VERY IMPORTANT!!!) p. 438.
Lenin’s idea of restoring order focused on reviving economy and restructuring the
- Devised NEP (New Economic Policy) – allowed peasants to sell their surplus
crops instead of turning them over to the govt.
- Govt kept control of major industries, banks, and means of communication. Also
allowed some small factories, businesses and farms operate under private
ownership, and also encouraged foreign investment. These new policies and post
civil war peace helped Russia slowly recover. By 1928 farms and factories were
producing as much as they had before WW 1.
- **Bolsheviks saw nationalism as a threat to unity and party loyalty, so Lenin
organized the govt into several self governing republics under the central govt,
and renamed country the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Also
renamed the party the Communist Party. His perception of communism was
a classless society that would exist after workers had seized power. In reality, he
had created dictatorship of the Communist Party, not a dictatorship of the
proletariat as Marx had promoted (perceptions and change!!)
Ch 14/2
After Lenin suffered a stroke, Stalin (“man of steel”) took over Communist Party.
Employs totalitarianism concept (total centralized control over every aspect of
public and private life!)
- Tactics used included police terror, indoctrination (basically brain washing),
propaganda and censorship, religious or ethnic persecution.( p.442-443)
- Stalin also employed command economy concept. (p. 443) Set in motion several
5 Year plans to overhaul the economy. (p. 443), as well as an agricultural
revolution by way of establishing collective farms. (p. 444)
- **Women’s Rights (!?) p. 444-445.
- By mid 1930’s Stalin achieves total control (p. 445)