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Curriculum Vitae
Mobile: +373-79240000
49 Tighina str., 3th floor
Chisinau, Moldova MD-2001
[email protected]
[email protected]
Over 15 years business and consultancy experience in Moldova and other countries
(Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia)
Experience in Project Management, Business Development, Competitiveness
Enhancement, Company Restructuring
6 years experience as a Consultant in World Bank, TACIS and USAID Project
I have experience in the areas of Competitiveness Development& Enhancement; Market
Development and Promotion; Business Planning; Operational/Industrial Management;
Managerial and Cost Accounting & Control Systems; Financial Forecasting & Evaluation;
Project Planning& Implementation, Monitoring &Evaluation.
I have worked on numerous donor-funded projects, including World Bank, USAID, and TACIS.
Currently, I work for “Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development” USAID
Project. I manage the Business Environment Improvement activities regarding CEED target
sectors: IT, Wine and Textile/Apparel. In the same time I am in charge of monitoring and
evaluation of the project activities.
Most recently, I have served as the Business Skills Advisor and subsequently the Manager of
Business Development Department on the USAID-funded BIZPRO/Moldova project. On the
BIZPRO project, I have been responsible for managing the Business Skills Market Development
and Competitiveness components and overseeing the implementation, monitoring and evaluation
of activities by 5 full-time and several short-term staff. I have worked to identify Moldovan
clusters with competitiveness potential on regional and national levels. I have assisted Moldovan
firms to build their capacity in management skills, entrepreneurship, market and buyer analysis
and marketing plan strategy development.
Previously, I served as project coordinator on 2 World Bank and 3 EU-funded enterprise
development projects in Moldova and other countries of the Former Soviet Union. I have been
involved in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in order for them to contend in a market
economy. I have PhD in economy and also possess excellent mentoring and training skills,
having lectured in the private sector and in academia; some of my former students now hold
senior executive and legislative positions in Moldova.
11/2005 to present
Competitiveness Advisor, Monitoring &Evaluation Coordinator,
USAID Project Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise
Development Project
Managing the Business Environment Improvement activities regarding three target sectors: IT,
Wine and Textile/Apparel. Assisting private and public sector in regulatory reform process.
Coordinating Monitoring and Evaluation process of the Business development activities
oriented to the promotion of the Moldovan products on the external markets, product
improvement and competitiveness enhancement.
09/2004 – 11/2005
Manager of Business Development Department, USAID Project
Economic Growth through SME Development Project,
Managing the Business Skills/ Market Development and Competitiveness components of
BIZPRO activities, including overseeing the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
activities by 3 full-time staff and numerous short-term consultants. Assisting the identification
of the value chains/clusters in regions and at the national level (wine, apparel, leather, shoes and
IT industries) with good potential to compete in international markets.
Managing 3 consultants in 3 months project for elaboration of the research “Assessing the
Competitiveness in Moldova’s Economy” (May-July, 2004).
Leading BIZPRO regional program for the Economic Growth Areas Assessment in 10 regions
of Moldova.
Analyzing the business environment and skills constraints among enterprises concerning the
market development and exports and working with other BIZPRO staff to address. Assisting
Moldovan firms to increase their capacity in management skills, entrepreneurship, identifying
markets and buyers, market analysis, and marketing plan strategy development; much of the
training was done through 27 Moldovan Business Support Providers by working with them to
increase their understanding of the training topics and then jointly developing and delivering the
trainings to Moldovan companies. Supporting Strategic Business Partners and their
clients/companies in product promotion and developing new markets.
08/2001 – 09/2004
Business Skills Advisor, USAID Project Economic Growth
through SME Development Project, BIZPRO/Moldova
Managed (implementation, monitoring and evaluation) Business Skills Development
Programs for Business Services Providers and SMEs, including programs in new business
development, Business Incubation, Conducting SMEs Training; much of the training was done
through Training of Trainers delivered to BSPs that then delivered training to companies.
Conducted business skills component activities to ensure maximum effectiveness of the
component. Assisted BSPs in developing and improving their programs to meet quality and
quantity performance indicators. Assisted BSPs to maximize effectiveness of various activities
undertaken within the business skills development component.
Project Coordinator, ARIA (Agency for Restructuring and
Enterprises Assistance), Private Sector Development (World Bank
Project), Chisinau, Moldova
Managed 20 teams implementing consultancy/ training projects for ARIA in different sectors,
mostly in food processing industry (wineries, canneries, dairies, poultries), textile, electronics,
metal processing. The activities included evaluation of the proposals for the projects submitted
by the companies; conducting the terms of reference elaboration for new projects; conducting
new product development and evaluation; controlling, monitoring and evaluation project
implementation; coordination of the consulting teams evaluation; coordination of the
development and delivery of the training programs; training project managers and team leaders;
organized and coordinated the planning activities of the ARIA Business Units.
Performed sector research including, wine and textile & apparel industries.
Cost Management Expert in Food Industry (“Orhei-Vit” JSC
(cannery), “Fabrica de sticla din Chisinau” JSC (glass production)
and “Piele” JSC (Leather processing), Moldova
Restructured the firms to create Cost and Profit Centers. Developed a Cost Management Program
with full methodology of the cost collection and calculation, indirect cost allotment. Trained
company managers and specialists in the new program including developing case studies to
illustrate methodology.
Team Leader for Restructuring of the Companies JSC “Piele”
(Leather industry), JSC “Fabrica de sticla din Chisinau” (Glass
industry), JSC “Lapte” (Dairy industry), Private Sector Development
(World Bank Project), Moldova
Company Restructuring Projects: Elaboration of Diagnostic and SWOT Analyses, Development
and Implementation of Restructuring Plan at Enterprise level. Negotiations with Company’s
Owners, Managers, Creditors, Strategic investors and State authorities on the restructuring of the
Company; Debts isolation Agreement with creditors; Privatization of the Company through
direct sale to a Strategic investor; SWOP operations with Bank, Creditors; Development of the
Business plan; Training on Restructuring, Management, Marketing, Human Resources
Management and Quality Management, Market&Export promotion and development. As a result
of restructurings, the 3 companies are still operating and considered leaders in their industries.
Executive Director, CIAE (Center of Training and Economic
Assistance), TACIS Program, Chisinau, Moldova
Managed a staff of 5 employees to establish a center to train managers of state-owned
enterprises that were being restructured. The goal was to shift their orientation from operating in
a communist, centrally-planned economy to working in a market economy. Oversaw the
development of the training curriculum, renovation of facilities, and delivery of courses with
faculty provided by the Academy of Economic Studies. Designed special programs targeted at
identifying women managers qualified for the program. Also provided consulting to trained
companies on the restructuring of their enterprises.
Professor of Managerial Accounting, Master of Business
Administration Program (MBA), Newport University, Brussels,
Belgium& Agency for Restructuring and Enterprises Assistance,
Chisinau, Moldova
Teaching courses in Managerial Accounting. Mentoring the final MBA Assignment
Professor of Management & Business Planning, Faculty of
Technology, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau
Teaching courses in Operation and Industrial Management, and Business Management and
Planning at the leading Moldovan University.
More than 40 publications (books, manuals and articles) on Business Development. Finance
and Accounting, Industrial Management.
World Bank Short Term Consultant, Armenian Restructuring
Tested the demand for company restructuring services in Armenia; preparing the ground for a
large-scale company restructuring project and create its implementing entity, the Armenian
Restructuring Agency. Designed and implemented company restructuring in three carefully
selected companies using different restructuring models. Performed a due diligence report that
covered analysis and assessment of the companies, contractual obligations, accounting,
traditional and prospective product lines and their market potential, as well as final product
definition, identification of the necessary modernization and/or remodeling needs, companies
inventory and valuation. Performed on-the-job and academic training of Armenian local
consultants and company managers.
World Bank Short Term Consultant, Enterprise Restructuring and
Technological Parks Development Project, Armenia
Analysis of the enterprises sector and identification of stakeholder commitment to the pilot
Industrial Park Organization Project, including pre-selection of candidate enterprises to be
involved in the pilot project; elaboration of the Terms of Reference for the pilot project of
liquidation/reorganization of 1-2 big loss making enterprises; performing a quick audit of the
legislation on bankruptcy & reorganization procedures in force and identification of the
implementation mechanism (creation and development of new structures such as industrial
parks, clusters, technological or industrial districts).
Project Coordinator, Ukrainian Center for Enterprise Restructuring
(UCER) - World Bank “Low Cost Restructuring Project” for
Ukraine implemented by British-French company “Taylor Nelson
SOFRES Consulting”
Restructuring of a high tech producing company: Diagnostic analysis of enterprise; development
and implementation of restructuring plan at enterprise level with a focus on establishment of
marketing & sales function, increase in sales, creation of customer oriented corporate culture,
product range optimization and launching of new products, design and development of a national
distribution network in Ukraine, export promotion activities, production concentration, cost
reduction, waste & defect reduction, sale of unused fixed assets. Led negotiations with owners,
state and local authorities and managers in the acceptance and implementation of
recommendations. Performed on-the-job & class training of local consultants and company
Short Term Consultant, International Assignment for World Bank
Project, Cost Management Expert, Enterprise Restructuring Project,
Technical assistance in cost management implementation in Industrial Enterprises. Design of
new corporate structure that created Cost and Profit Centers. Developed a Cost Management
Manual and trained local Georgian consultants in its implementation.
Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Economics, Chisinau, Moldova
Engineering Economist Degree (diploma of higher education of engineer economist in food
industry with distinction), Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Economics, Chisinau, Moldova
Enterprise Growth and Competitiveness, Dr. James Winkler, Regional Workshop organized by
DAI in Odessa, Ukraine (2004)
Project Management, SETUM International, Canada, Chisinau, Moldova (2003)
Training for Trainers, Sussane Jalbert, USA, BIZPRO /Moldova
Best Practices: Business Incubator Development program, June Lavelle, USA, BIZPRO/
Moldova (2002)
TOC, John Froud, Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute, Chisinau, Moldova (2002)
Building Financial Competence, James Eillert, Lausane Business School, Chisinau, Moldova
Managerial Accounting and Controlling, Randy Kudar, Associate Professor, the University of
Western Ontario, Canada (1999)
Business Planning, Management by objectives, Finance Management. TACIS Program, Moldova
Modern strategic Finance and Management, Gate House, London
Enterprise restructuring in countries in transition and business valuation. C.E.E.P.N. Academy
(The Academy of the Central & Eastern European Privatization Network), Slovenia (1997)
Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting (COMFAR) software. CIAE (Center of
Training and Economic Assistance), Moldova (1996)
General Management, Performance Management, Efficient Management and Management of
Change. Center for Implementation of Performance Management (CIMP), Bucharest (1995)
Restructuring, Finance Management and Human Resources, Marketing. Fortbildungs Academy
der Wirtschaft (FAW), Germany (1994)
Romanian (Mother tongue), Russian (Fluent), English (proficient), German (working
MS Office Applications
Lotus Notes
IE 6.0
MS Project Management
COMFAR (Investment projects evaluation)
Exact (Financial Accounting)
Date of Birth:
Family status:
January 02, 1954
Married, two children
#19 Topirceanu str.
Chisinau, Moldova, MD 2036
[email protected]