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Weather or Not? Lesson Activity Template
5-Part Plan Title: Weather or Not?
Engineering Grand Challenge Covered: Advance Personalized Learning, Restore and
Improve Urban Infrastructure
Fellow Contributor(s) / Group Number: Rebekah Johnston, Adam Roth, Max Jin,
Kevin Nikolaus
Grade Level(s): 4-6
Subject Area(s): Earth Science, Mathematics (Fractions)
Associated Unit or Lesson: None
Time Required: One full class period (Plus two weeks of journaling)
Group Size: 4-5 per group
Expendable Cost per Group: $15.00
Summary: Students will keep a weather journal for a week and then draw note cards to make
one card for each day’s weather pattern. Different combinations of these cards can be made to
correspond to weather patterns in varying climates. (In case of a period of similar weather have
kids make additional cards that represent weather that didn’t happen that week). Students can
use this data to create graphs and notice fractions used in recording the data. Students will also
engage in a brief discussion on how engineers work to adapt infrastructure designs to tropical,
cold-weather, and arid climates.
7. Engineering Connection: Weather patterns in regions effect how people build urban
infrastructure. Engineers have to take climate into account whenever designing, creating or
building anything.
8. Key Search words: Earth Science, Mathematics (Fractions), Civil Engineering
9. Educational Standards: See attached standards grid for a complete mapping to all pertinent
STEM standards.
a. Common Core Math Standards: 4.NF.ALL, 5.NF.ALL, 6.RP.1, 6.RP.2
b. NC Essential Science Standards: 5.E.1.1, 5.E.1.2, 5.E.1.3
c. NC Engineering Connection Standards: 1.5, 1.7, 3.1, 4.3
10. Pre-Requisite Knowledge: None
11. Learning Objectives (After this activity, students should be able to):
 Better understand fractions
 Comprehend how different climates function
 Understand how engineers work to overcome the challenges of different climates
12. Materials List:
 Small Notebook
 Set of Notecards
 #2 Pencils
 Colored Pencil Pack
13. Introduction / Motivation: Have you ever left your house without a jacket on what turned out to
be a freezing cold day? Or, have you ever been caught in the rain without an umbrella because
you thought it was going to be a nice, sunny day? All of us have probably had days when we
were dressed inappropriately for the weather. Understanding weather is also essential to
engineers. Civil engineers utilize weather data when designing houses and other structures, to
ensure that those designs are appropriate for the climate of their locations. Environmental
engineers analyze weather measurements to determine the placement and effectiveness of
Filename: Weather or Not 5-Part Plan Lesson Activity Template.docx
renewable energy technologies, such as wind farms and solar arrays. Engineers also serve an
important role in designing products that enable people to more comfortably adjust to the
weather, such as waterproof jackets, heated driveways and sunscreen, among many other
weather-resistant goods.
During the past 100 years, engineers and scientists have worked to design modern
forecasting equipment such as weather balloons, satellites, Doppler radars and more to help
predict the weather. Fortunately, modern equipment has made it much easier to predict
weather, climate and water-related hazards around the world, which account for nearly 90% of
all natural disasters. Modern weather forecasting technology provides vital information for
advance warnings of natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. Improved
technology has saved many lives and reduced damage to property and the environment.
14. Vocabulary / Definitions:
 Meteorologist: A person who uses scientific principles to explain, understand, observe or
forecast how the Earth’s atmosphere will affect the weather.
 Satellite: Any object that has been put into orbit by human endeavor.
 Weather Balloon: A durable helium filled balloon that carries instruments to obtain
information about weather conditions.
15. Procedure:
 Before the Activity: The instructor will discuss the importance of weather patterns and
knowledge of the forecast ahead of time.
 With the Students: Students will record the weather for each day at the beginning of class.
After two weeks, students will plot their finds to better visualize the weather patterns.
 Cleanup: Recycle notecards after the activity.
16. Attachments: None
17. Classroom Testing Information: None
18. Safety Issues: Not applicable
19. Troubleshooting Tips: Not applicable
20. Investigating Questions:
While recording the weather daily:
 How often does it rain?
 How often is it sunny?
 How do engineers design cities and various infrastructures to match their environment?
From analyzing their graphs:
 Do you think the graph will be the same next week?
 How will the graph look for a different season?
 Will more days or less days of measurement give a more accurate idea of the climate?
21. Contributors: Rebekah Johnston, Max Jin, Kevin Nikolaus, Adam Rot
22. Supporting Program: Duke Boeing Grand Challenge K12 Outreach Fellows Program
Filename: Weather or Not 5-Part Plan Lesson Activity Template.docx