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Biology 11
Mr. C. Lesiuk
Ph. 250-870 – 5000 Ext. 4992
Website :
Course Description :
Biology 11 is a course that has been designed for students to investigate a great variety of
organisms. The three main themes for Biology 11 are :
- Unity and Diversity
- Ecological Relationships
- Evolution/Adaptation
Course Outcomes
The learning outcomes are divided into 6 curriculum organizers :
1. Adaptation and Evolution : Students will gain knowledge about the following:
Origins of life, DNA and its role in evolution, Natural Selection, Population Changes
and Speciation.
2. Microbiology : Students will study viruses, bacteria and protists. During these
studies student will become familiar with the various structures of each group, the
effects these micro-organisms have on humans and their ecological roles.
3. Plant Biology : Students will examine the function and structure as well as the life
cycle of various members of the Kingdom Plantae. The focus will be on their life
cycles and their significant importance in the biosphere.
4. Animal Biology : Students will gain knowledge of 9 major phyla of the Kingdom
Animalia. The focus will be on structure and function as well as their ecological
5. Ecology : Students will become familiar with the ecological role that the members
from all Kingdoms of life play in our world.
Note: Please be aware that these are very large and diverse topics that can only be briefly
introduced in a course of this nature and length.
Course Syllabus :
Along with this course outline you can access the BC Ministry of Education Learning
Outcomes for this course on my website. This course covers a very large amount of
material and you will be expected to keep up with reading and homework assignments.
Regular review is highly recommended, as the pace of learning in this course is rapid
Evaluation :
The following is a break down of how your school mark will be determined. Jupiter Grades will
be used for communicating marks
Term Marks
Tests and Quizzes
Labs and Assignments
Final Mark
Term 1
Term 2
Final Exam
Course Expectations:
1. Homework (to be checked)
- All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class the next day (due date)
- Homework will only be checked for completion to help determine your term's work
ethic mark. Each time homework is checked you will be assessed either G (Good), S
(Satisfactory) or N (Needs Improvement)
- The real value in completing your own homework in a meaningful way is to help prepare
you for the challenging tests and quizzes that make up 80% of your mark
2. Lab Work and Assignments
- This course is very demanding, and the pace of instruction is brisk. Some units will have
more "hands on activities" than other units. In class labs and assignments will be taken in
or checked at the end of class.
- If you did not attend class on a day when an assignment was taken in or checked you will
automatically receive a mark of ZERO on that assignment. If your absence was
legitimate, and once a parent/guardian has called into the office to excuse the absence,
the ZERO score will be replaced by an OMIT (ok) mark.
3. Tests and Quizzes
- These quizzes will be designed to evaluate how well you are learning the material we are
covering. Often instead of a homework check (G,S,or N) on a homework assignment,
you will write a small quiz based on the assignment. If you come late to class, you will
need to get the late excused at the office in order to get rid of the ZERO mark on that
- Rather than selecting to re-write a given test, all of our tests will be a re-write of our
quizzes and practices quizzes. So be properly prepared for every test and exam.
- If you miss a quiz or test for any reason, it will be entirely your responsibility to be ready
to write a revised test when scheduled with me. Despite writing the test/exam, you will
be issued a mark of zero until your absence checks out as being legitimately excused. IF
Attendance and Lates:
Biology 11 is a difficult course that covers a great deal of information in detail; your attendance is
necessary for success. If you skip a class or neglect an assignment your marks will reflect your
lack of effort.
I encourage you to be proactive if you are absent . . . find out what was covered from either me or
other students in class, have your parent/guardian leave a message on my voice mail requesting a
homework package. Pretending or assuming nothing happened while you were away will
ultimately hurt your mark.
If you are having difficulty with portions of the course, I would suggest more regular review for
starts. If you continue to struggle, I would recommend seeking the aid of a private tutor. This
course is a manageable course for students that are prepared to work at it. For a few others that
do not have the necessary commitment for this course, I would strongly recommend that you
drop Biology 11, and pick up a more suitable course that will better match your effort.
Good luck and enjoy the class!