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I. Ivanov1, P. Petrov2
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS, Sevastopol, Russian
Federation, e-mail of presenting author
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
An abstract is a concise summary of the manuscript, which should not exceed 4 – 6 lines.
Key words: maximum 7 key words comma separated
Paper should be written in English or Russian. The text should be divided on chapters:
Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
Papers (maximum 4 pages, including illustrations, tables, and references) should be typed
in the Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, size 12, single-space, paragraph with indents (1,25
cm). Links should be inserted in square brackets as a number according to list of References.
The scientists (conference participants) are (strongly recommended) obliged to use this
Example to prepare the manuscript.
The table 1 Chlorophyll a concentrations and phytoplankton abundance in the Black Sea
indifferent years
Chlorophyll a concentration Phytoplankton
(mg m-3)
(cells l-1)
This work was supported by RF scientific fund.
1. Lewis. M.R., Warnock R.E. Platt T. Absorption and photosynthetic action spectra for
natural phytoplanktonic population: implication for production in the open ocean. //
Limnology and Oceanography. 1985. 30 (4): P. 794–806.
2. Marra J., Trees C.C., Bidigare R.R., Barber R.T. Pigment absorption and quantum yields
in the Arabian Sea. // Deep Sea Research, Part II. 2000. 47 (7-8): P. 1279–1299.
3. Morel A., Prieur L. Analysis of variations in ocean color. // Limnology and
Oceanography. 1977. 22 (4): P. 709–722.
4. Falkowski P.G Primary productivity in the sea. - New York, London: Plenum Press,
1980. 506 p.