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Name: ______________________________________ Period: _______ Due: Thursday 1/26
Complete Olivia’s story using the vocabulary words from today’s class notes.
One day Olivia ate a burger. She chewed the burger in her mouth. In her mouth her
teeth broke down the burger using _________________ digestion. The saliva broke the
burger down using chemical digestion. Then when she swallowed it, the food particles
traveled down the ___________________ into the stomach. Stomach muscle and
stomach acid broke down the food. Then the burger entered the _______________
intestine. Here was where most of the ____________________ digestion occurs. This
intestine is _________ feet long. Most of the _____________________ are absorbed in
the small intestine also. From the small intestine the food moves to the _____________
intestine. This is where __________________ is absorbed. This is also where remaining
food is prepared to exit the body. Once the little bit of undigested food was left, it
moved on to the ___________________. This is a small tube that stores solid waste
until it is ready to be eliminated from the body out of the ______________.
Answer the following questions
1. In what organ of the digestive system are the majority of our nutrients absorbed?
2. What intestine is the longest in feet?
3. In what organ of the digestive system is the majority of our water absorbed?
4. What is the rectum?
5. Which organ performs the majority of the chemical digestion?
Brain Buster: Put your thinking cap on to bust this question!
Why are most of the nutrients absorbed in the small intestines?