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Honors Geometry
Chapter 7: Proof and Quadrilateral
Flowchart and two column proof
Task 4: Examples using the properties of a kite.
Proof 1: Kites have a pair of congruent angles
This is often
the format of
proofs. What
you start with
is given and
where you are
trying to get
to is the prove
Given: □ABCD is a kite
Prove: □ABCD has a pair of congruent angles
Flow chart style
Two-column proof style
Proof 2: Kites have a diagonal that bisects a pair of angles.
Given: □ABCD is a kite
Prove: ̅̅̅̅ bisects
a. Plan the proof…how might we have congruent triangles that let us say that
angles are equal?
b. Class outline of reasoning
c. Write up the proof as both a flow chart and as a two-column proof.
Proof 3: Diagonals in a kite are perpendicular
Given: □ABCD is a kite
̅̅̅̅̅ are perpendicular.
Prove: ̅̅̅̅
General plan:
Write your proof as either a flow chart or two-column proof (why did you pick the
format you did?)
Proof 4: A kite has a diagonal that bisects the other diagonal
Given: □ABCD is a kite
Prove: One diagonal bisects the other diagonal
Write your proof below as either a flow chart or a two column proof.