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Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
For Instant Microbial monitoring
Delivering simplicity and affordability through
The SystemSure Plus ATP meter is easy to use
and extremely sensitive and affordable. Used
by food processors, hospitals, restaurants,
supermarkets and many other industries where
rapid detection of contamination is critical.
The System Sure Plus allows companies to
quickly determine the cleaning efficiency and
microbial status of surfaces and water.
How does the SystemSURE Plus Work?
In conjunction with the Ultrasnap™ swabs used
for surfaces and Aquasnap™ Total swabs used
for water testing, the ATP meter measures
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal
energy molecule found in animal, plant,
bacterial, yeast and mould cells.
Residues, particularly food or organic residue,
contain large amounts of ATP. Microbial
contamination contains ATP, but in smaller
amounts. After cleaning, all sources of ATP
should be significantly reduced. When ATP is
brought into contact with the unique, liquid
stable luciferase/luciterin reagent in the
Ultrasnap or Aquasnap testing device, light is
emitted in direct proportion to the amount of
ATP present. SystemSURE Plus measures the
amount of light generated and provides
information on the level of contamination in
just seconds.
The higher the reading the more
contamination is present. Assessing the
cleanliness of a surface immediately after
cleaning ensures contamination has been
ATP testing is universally accepted as providing
a rapid and accurate measurement of the
hygienic status of surfaces and water.
For water applications Total ATP should be
monitored. Free ATP is used to determine
organic loading if required.
Order options:
SSP/1 - ATP meter with carry case & software.
AQ100 - Aquasnap Total pens for water
applications measuring microbial & organic ATP.
AQ200 - Aquasnap Free pens for water
applications measuring organic ATP generated
from pollen, leaves and bugs.
US202 - Ultrasnap swabs for surfaces
Please call us for more information.
DTK Water, 4/4a Titley Bawk Avenue, Earls Barton Northampton NN6 0LA, UK
T: +44 (0)1604 686995 - [email protected] - F: +44 (0)1604 686997