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Dante Gonzales
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 Koi fish that are kept as pets are fed peas, lettuce,
watermelons, and other fruits and vegetables that
 Koi fish are omnivorous fish, so they can also eat
smaller fish.
 Because koi fish are very colorful, many animals prey
on them such as herons, kingfishers, raccoons, cats,
foxes, and badgers.
Where koi fish live
 Because Koi fish are now kept as pets, they live in
colder waters and well vegetated ponds.
 Some Koi fish have been release in Antarctica, and are
considered pests.
How my fish reproduces.
 The female koi fish lays around one thousand eggs,
and of those eggs most are fertilized by the male koi
 The infant koi fish are called frys’.
Do people eat my fish
 No, they do not.
Why my fish is interesting.
 My fish is interesting, because it is breed to be very
 Colors range from the common red and with fish, to
fish with blues, purples, golds, and oranges.
 The average life expectancy of my fish is 20-30 years
old, but the oldest fish recorded was 226 years old