Download California Regions: Travel Brochure Due

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California Regions: Travel
Due: September 2, 2016
Kathy Binks Elementary- 4th Grade
Dear Parents,
The following is information regarding the optional California Regions
Travel Brochure project that is due on September 2nd for extra credit.
Students are to pretend that they are travel agents and are trying to get
tourists to visit the region they represent. Students are encouraged to be
creative and use their own talents to complete the assignment.
California Regions Brochure
Create a brochure about one of California’s four regions: Mountains, Desert, Central Valley, Coast
Design and create a travel brochure encouraging people to visit your California region! Your brochure
should be visually appealing and informative. Include key information, but be creative.
1. Select and research your region (use a variety of sources). Select 4 of the following topics and include
them in your brochure.
Geography (water and landforms)
Climate (temperature and rainfall)
Natural resources: (for example: minerals, oil, trees)
Crops and/or animal farming
State or National parks
State landmarks
Industries (businesses)
Tourist attractions
Native plants and animals
Counties and important cities
The answers to the five selected topics from above should be written as captions under the photographs
in the brochure.
2. Plan your brochure by creating a storyboard on a paper template first. Decide where to put the
subheadings, topic paragraphs and pictures for each section. The storyboard needs teacher approval
before any brochure work can begin on the computer.
Add a slogan advertising your region:
Example: Come see the spectacular views in California’s Mountain Region!
Include 5 – 8 pictures/illustrations with captions representing the 5-8 topics you chose from
the list above in Step #!
Be sure to use at least five (5) of the following vocabulary words in your brochure: wetlands,
aqueducts, climate, yucca, Joshua trees, canals, current, capital, elevations, irrigation,
extends, peaks, fertile, coast, economy, resource, unique, sediment, North America,
humid, livestock, manufacturing, fossils, mineral, glaciers, precipitation, preserve, region,
sagebrush, tourism, pesticides, plateau, natural resources, crops, tourist attractions,
national parks, state landmarks, desert
Research information to add captions to your pictures. Captions should be 1-2 complete
descriptive sentences for each picture. Pictures can be cut out from magazines, newspapers, or
printed from the Internet. Personal family pictures that connect to the region that the student
chose can also be included.
Students may create the brochure on the computer, or they may create the brochure by hand
using the paper provided by me. However, brochures may not exceed 8.5”x 11”.
3. Write a 3- paragraph summary of the region you chose:
 3 paragraphs
 Must plan on a Nonfiction Summary Planning sheet
 Must include a rough draft
 Must revise and edit rough draft
 Must include a final draft
 Summary must be turned in in a project folder
4. Go the extra mile and include technology in your project! (optional)
 Pictures
 PPT slideshow
 Video
 Commercial
 movie
4. Be prepared to present your brochure to the class. Plan your class presentation so that it
persuades students to visit your region!
Your travel brochure can be as creative as you like. You want to make the brochure is appealing to the
reader (colorful and interesting). Most travel brochures are folded into 3 sections and on a 8 ½ x 11 piece
of paper. Brochures that have been downloaded and/or reproduced from previously published travel
brochures will not be acceptable.
Contact Mr. Picon if you need help
[email protected]
Good luck,
Mr. Picon
Cut and return bottom portion to Mr. Picon by 8/22/16
I have read and I understand the teacher’s expectations for this project. My
son/daughter will turn in their project to___________________by Friday, September
2, 2016. I will make sure that I support my child’s success on this project to the
best of my ability.
Student Name:_____________________________________________