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18 November 2016
Press Release
The German chemical industry makes sustainability measurable
Sustainability is measurable: With 40 indicators, as developed by the sustainability
initiative Chemie3 of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry in Germany, the progress
of a sustainable development can be measured for the first time in the sector.
Chemie3 is a joint initiative of the German chemical industry association VCI, the
Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE) and the German Federation
of Chemical Employers’ Associations (BAVC).
The indicators cover economic, environmental and social criteria, ranging from the
competitiveness of the chemical industry on global markets to greenhouse gas
emissions and the percentage of young people who are offered permanent
employment after an apprenticeship. The alliance partners have agreed on
17 indicators which are solely dedicated to social progress. This gives a pioneering
role to chemistry in German industry as a whole – like three years ago when the
“Sustainability Guidelines for the Chemical Industry in Germany” were introduced.
The understanding that sustainability consists of several dimensions is important to
Chemie3. The initiative advocates an approach where the decisions and actions of the
sector are assessed not exclusively under environmental aspects; consideration
should also be given to the question whether they lead to more competitiveness, good
working conditions and positive contributions to society.
At the presentation of the indicators in Berlin, VCI President Kurt Bock underlines:
“On our way towards a sustainable development, we want to make the progress of our
industry transparent. With this, we live up to our own claim and to a justified demand
from the stakeholders to Chemie3. We also want to use the 40 indicators as drivers.
They will show us where the industry is doing well and where improvements are called
IG BCE Chairman Michael Vassiliadis states: “With 17 indicators we give emphasis on
the social dimension in the sustainability debate. We are aware that economic, social
and environmental progress cannot be achieved in conflict with each other but only
together. Those who still fail to understand this should look at the situation in America.
We are doing Chemie3, because we do not want a Trump effect.” According to
Vassiliadis, collective agreements and co-determination are essential prerequisites:
“The fact that industry, employers and the union make such a clear commitment is an
important signal that goes beyond our sector.”
On the example of the ongoing pension discussion, BAVC Vice-President Kai
Beckmann highlights that sustainability is by no means an abstract term. The German
federal government is currently working to strengthen corporate pension plans as the
second pillar of retirement funding. Beckmann: “Since 1998 the chemical industry has
its own collective agreement specifically for this purpose. Our indicator for collective
retirement provisions shows that already today over 80 percent of chemical industry
employees are making arrangements under a collective agreement – compared with
only 60 percent in the overall economy. We are good, and we want to become even
better. Our new indicators will tell us if we succeed or not.”
With the launch of Chemie3 in May 2013 the VCI, IG BCE and BAVC jointly set the
goal to anchor sustainability as the guiding principle in the German chemical industry
and to strengthen their contributions to a sustainable development. The three alliance
partners see sustainable business as a guarantor of a successful future for the sector.
The 12 “Sustainability Guidelines for the Chemical Industry in Germany” give
orientation to enterprises about where the developments in the industry are headed,
and they address particularly important topics for a sustainable development.
Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) – The German Chemical Industry Association represents
the politico-economic interests of more than 1.650 German chemical companies and German
subsidiaries of foreign businesses. For this purpose, the VCI is in contact with politicians, public
authorities, other industries, the scientific community, and the media. The VCI stands for over
90 percent of the chemical industry in Germany. In 2015 the German chemical industry realised
sales of around 189 billion euros and employed more than 446,000 people.
IG BCE Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie – The Mining, Chemical and Energy
Industrial Union has a total of 660,000 members. It represents workers from the sectors of mining,
chemicals, gas, glass, rubber, ceramics, plastics, leather, mineral oil, paper and pulp, environmental
matters/recycling, coal, and the water industry. As an independent organisation with no affiliation to
any political party or other social institution, IG BCE seeks critical but constructive exchanges with
employers, politicians and the government.
Bundesarbeitgeberverband Chemie (BAVC) – The German Federation of Chemical Employers‘
Associations is the umbrella organisation in charge of collective bargaining and social policies within
the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and large parts of the plastics processing and rubber
industries. It represents the interests of its 10 regional member associations with 1,900 companies
and 550,000 employees in dealings with trade unions, government and the general public.
Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. (VCI):
Manfred Ritz
Mainzer Landstraße 55
60329 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 (69) 2556-1550
Mobile: +49 (175) 728 7010
IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE):
Sarah Heidel
Königsworther Platz 6
30167 Hannover
Phone: +49 (511) 76 31-278
Mobile: +49 (151) 61369280
Bundesarbeitgeberverband Chemie e.V. (BAVC):
Sebastian Kautzky
Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 24
65189 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (611) 77881-61
Mobile: +49 (178) 77881-61
E-Mail: [email protected]