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Feed by MT Anderson
Analyse how the presentation of conflict helped develop your understanding of an
important issue.
In the novel “Feed” by MT Anderson conflicts have presented themselves. These
conflicts were important because they gave me an in depth understanding of their
society, where everyone is controlled by and dependant on a chip called Feed. It also
helped me understand how modern technology is doing more harm than good.
this is good you’ve stated how it helped you understand the issue but you
really need to state what the conflict actually is and how it was presented,
that’s really important
Violet, a main character in the book experiences inner conflict. She is torn between
the acceptance in her society and her own individuality and identity- cool but do you
mean that she is torn between the conforming ways of her society and wanting to be
an individual?Just like every teenager Violet wants to be accepted for who she is.
Despite her desire and attempts to be “normal” Violet could not help but be different.
Violet stuck out like a sore thumb. She did not keep up with fashion trends and was
not sucked into the vicious cycle of consumerism. Violet has also developed the
ability to read and write due to her different up bringing and receiving the Feed at a
late age. Violet is secretly proud of her intelligence and her ability to think on her own.
Therefore she resisted the Feed at times, even if it meant to be rejected by her own
peers. This is cool, you explain the inner conflict that Violet has but you really need
quotes to back up your argument!!!!
This conflict has helped me understand the society of Feed and how modern
technology is destructing the community “The Feed is tied into everything, your body
control, our emotions, your memory, everything”. However in order to be accepted
and survive in their world people have no choice but to get a chip.I think you should
tie this in to your other paragraph perhaps?
Another conflict that presented itself is between Violet and the Feed. The Feed targets
people for consumerism. Violet is one of the very few that has developed the ability to
think for herself and become an individual. The purpose of Feed is clear to Violet
therefore she tries to rebel against it. In the chapter “Lost the Chemise” Violet states
“I am not going to let them catalogue me”. She created a fake profile on herself and
misleads the Feed. Violets battle against the Feed lead her to her eventual death. As
Violet’s own Feed began to malfunction, the big companies refused to help her
because she was not a big asset to consumerism.
This particular conflict helped me understand the power of the Feed and it may
already be too late to fight against it. The Feed controls too much including the lives
of people. This conflict also made me realize our society is already heading down
towards the path of the Feed. Even though it is not to the extreme of Feed we are still
targeted for marketing and very much dependant on technology. We use our brains so
much less with all the modern technology that surrounds us such as computers, cell
phones, calculators and television. Soon we will be the people in Feed, loosing our
personalities and becoming clones of each other. In the end we will become merely
“food” for the Feed. With Violet’s conflicts and actions, she wanted to warn others in
the book and the readers the dangers of modern technology and how much damage it
can cause without anyone realizing.
This is cool, you understand your novel, but the question said analyse how the
presentation of conflict helped develop your understanding of an important issue.
Like, uhm how the conflicted was presented to you say through use of contrast of
mood/tone or dialogue etc.
Also I’ve been told that you need at least two quotes to pass…unless my teacher was
getting hard on us or something but she always gets us to use s.e.x
Ive never read the novel but just for example:
Statement Violet feels torn between a conforming society and her own want to be an
individual, we are shown her anger through (use of presentation here)-state more if u
Example (quote) “I just feel that I could never fit in with my hometown” lol, just a
Explanation.This shows me that Violet is dealing with an extreme conflict within
herself. The use of (presentation here) is effective in helping me understand
(important issue) because….
I hope I helped!!!